twolegplace perchance | momowhisker


May 3, 2023

Early morning rays dapple forest floor and concrete alike as an ebony paw crossed fully over into the territory of twoleg place. He was sure to leave early enough that perhaps Quillstrike would not notice his disappearance. Either way, he needed to be quick. Coming across any of his clanmates now would completely ruin what he sought to do. The hollow feeling in his belly spurred him on, convicting him that seeking Momo's council was the best decision. The harsh duration of winter and its yield of feeble prey left a lasting impression upon the dark tom. Even now he could remember the taste of fine kibble on his tongue when the pampered daylight warrior let him sneak into his home. Momo helped him once before. Perhaps he would do it again, albeit on a much grander scale.

Sucking in a breath long lean legs coil and spring, helping him to clamber upon someone's fence where he could get a better view. Turquoise eyes landed in the general direction of Momo's home with reckless fortitude and buzzing nervousness. Step one of the journey was complete, now he just needed to convince the tom to help him. Plaguepaw made a beeline straight for the perfectly manicured yard, his mind whirling as it recalled a place in the gate to slip into. Weaseling his way into the bushes he glared defiantly at the strange door that only opened for his clanmate. How would he get in now?

For a moment he contemplated waiting until Momo came out himself. But he had no real way of knowing if the tom had intentions of coming to skyclan today. Frustration bubbles beneath the surface the longer he waits around without an idea. He couldn't stay here too long or else Quillstrike would certainly notice. Begrudgingly, he was about to abandon his mission and save it for another day until the glint from a window caught his attention. With renewed vigor the apprentice hastily made his way over and peered inside, spotting the blue point. "Momowhisker! Momo!" He whisper yowled, tapping the glass with a polydactyl paw. If he managed to gain the tom's attention Plaguepaw would flick his forked tail to beckon him outside, wearing a pleading expression.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / twelve moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈

There was still some time before SkyClan was expecting the lynx point, who was using the dawn to rest atop a cat tree far too big for just one cat. Their eyes were squeezed shut against the rays of the new sun, his body curled into a tight ball that gently rose and fell with content breaths. There were no dreams, only wonders about the coming day - would he hunt birds today? Or, would the clan ask him to explore the borders that so often seemed volatile to his kind? The possibility that something completely new and different could happen too had crossed his mind, thankfully, he did not have to stir until his Twolegs did. That was the plan, alas, plans were rarely so smooth. A tap at the window caused an ear to flick, a second caused his eyes to flutter open. A shadow against the light reveals features that leave the oriental's jaws falling towards the floor. "Plague?" Momo was awake instantly, falling down the back of his cat tree and darting out of sight.

"Plague plague plague... oh Stars what is he doing here... Imgonnadiesomeonsgonnaseeme." He navigated the marble hallway toward the only entrance and exit to his den, heart desperate to leave his chest. He bumped into a cabinet that he passed, cursing the quiet thud it made. When the ceiling did not rumble with Twoleg pawsteps and the dreaded bird did not stir in its gilded cage, Momo could only pin the small reliefs on StarClan's intervention. He pressed forwards, tail low to the ground. The last time Plaguepaw had been here, it had been when his Twolegs were not around and the snobbier cats upon his street did not have their gaze upon his backyard. He felt like he was risking everything to talk to Plaguepaw now, but he couldn't resist a friend in need - Momowhisker just wished that the price of such a friendship wasn't saddled with the worry that his double life would be revealed. He slipped out of his cattdoor and around the side of the house where he found the apprentice waiting, grey ears pinned to his skull."Plague, what are you doing here?" He hissed in a whisper, tone saturated with urgency rather than unkindness. Worst-case scenarios flooded his head and left his gaze-near frantic as he tried to settle it on Plaguepaw. "You're not supposed to be here."


The first tap didn't seem to work. But the second certainly got the oriental tom up and moving. Plaguepaw watched as Momowhisker skittered down the back of his strange tree. Pressing his forehead against the glass he kept an eye on his clanmate as he made his way towards the door but then disappeared. With a scrunched muzzle he craned his neck, attempting to look around the wall shielding his vision until he heard an urgent, albeit soft hiss coming from down below. Despite the terrified expression Momowhisker wore, Plaguepaw was filled with relief. "I know, I know! But I need to talk to you, it's important." He muttered back in a low tone. Cautiously he dropped down from the windowsill, maintaining a low profile as she slunk into a concealed patch of bushes. He remembered how important it was for prying eyes to remain off of him.

There he sat partially hunched, speaking as the tom made his way over. "I want twolegs too. Where can I find some?" Came his abrupt reply with zero context to go off of. The patchy apprentice was known for his I'll timed jokes and irritable pranks, this everyone knew. But his gaze held a serious glint that searched the daylight warrior's eyes for any desire to help. "I couldn't ask you in camp, it might have gotten back to Quillstrike somehow. I don't want him to know, nobody can know amigo." Deep knitted brows soften a tad as he continues. "I just, I miss mine. And this warrior training stuff is hard. All I want is a little comfort ya know?" He rumbled with a shrug. Just like when Dawnglare gives a little honey to sweeten the tang of bitter herbs- perhaps a twoleg or two would make being a clan cat a little easier.

Besides, the daylight warriors went back and forth all the time. Surely it wouldn't be too hard to keep under wraps. "So, can you help me?" Plaguepaw whispered after taking one final survey around the yard. He hoped Momo would say yes, because if not he dreaded the thought of what the tom would do with the newfound information. Quillstrike would probably cuff his ears until his head rang.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / twelve moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈

The tom's paws tapped an erratic tune against the ground as he watched Plaguepaw hop down, desperately waiting for the split-tailed apprentice to discuss what was so important. His mind wandered quickly to a death in camp, another tragedy escaped by lynx point and chausie alone... the idea did little to still the heart that rapidly seeked an escape from its boney prison. It was only when the truth was revealed that his anxiety paused, if only because Plaguepaw's request was so outlandish that he couldn't help but mew a resound, "What?" Where in StarClan's name did that come from? Even as the other explained, there was a haze in the others head, mumbling between the other's sentences, "They don't grow on trees, you can't just go up to one and... well, maybe you can..." Flat ears twitched as madly as his whiplike tail, frowning not in disapproval, but in sympathy. He'd been in Plaguepaw's paws once, only, he'd never been confined to the apprentice's den, never had to worry about being fed last - he'd always been a kittypet first, no matter how much the vocal minority wished to punish him for it.

"I... I'll help. You know what you're getting into, don't you? Twolegs have their own rules, some of them might... change you." Wide eyes plead for understanding from the apprentice, even if he'd had Twolegs before, things might change with a different one. The cutter was an option, as was being confined to the nest, as were rules like 'no climbing' and 'no attacking the annoying bird'. It was a safe life, curling up by a fire as Leafbare ravaged the lands outside was as close to bliss as Momowhisker could find, but it wasn't achievable without sacrifice. He hurried from the window and out towards the edge of the property, gesturing Plaguepaw to follow - the last thing he needed during all of this was questions about why he hadn't scared the other off. He began to breathe easier the further away from home he got, sapphire eyes peering at different properties as he tried to ascertain who was looking at them. Someone was, if the arch of his bristling spine and a flighty gut instinct was anything to go by, but as long as it wasn't his parents he would live. "Do you... know where to start looking? What to do? What can I do to help you?"


The hushed "What?" that spilled from Momo's mouth was enough to make his ears flatten briefly, though he remained firmly planted in his decision. With or without the tom he would go through with his decision. The daylight warrior's participation would only make it easier. But finally, agreement to assist did come and he breathed a grateful sign. "Thank you." The tattered apprentice voiced in a rare show of genuine appreciation. He was about to ask another question when the gilt colored tom continued on, spouting off warnings and risks. The corners of his maw upturned to reveal sharp fangs in a roguish grin. "I'll take my chances, amigo." He stated with short sighted ambition spurring him on.

After all, they couldn't have been too bad. Every interaction he's ever had with twolegs were good. From his former ones to the white coats that fawned over him at the pound. Besides, if Momowhisker's life was anything to go by having your own twolegs were amazing. Turning abruptly he began to lope after the lynx point with a shrug of his shoulders. "No, not really. All I know is that twolegs always hang around twoleg place. They can't be too hard to find." Was there really a specific thing he needed to do? His nose scrunched up in thought, forked tail lashing high. "I was thinking maybe I'll just walk up to one...but it's been so long. How do you communicate with yours?" He asked. "And," With a throaty chuckle he reached out to bat lightly at Momo's collar. "maybe with any luck I'll get me some of that fancy stuff you wear." He could picture it now. Curled up on a comfortable lap with a full belly.
-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ skyclan apprentice / twelve moons old / he/him ┈┈┈┈

I'll take my chances, Plaguepaw said, and that was all Momowhisker could ask for. The tension in his shoulders began to fade and, with a nod, Momowhisker figured his quest had begun. "Ok. I'll do what I can," he promised. Life was tough out in the wild, being with a Twoleg seemed like a gilded cage, but if one could ignore the restrictions, then it could be a better life for some. Momowhisker liked how his den was spotless, but he liked the scents of the outdoors - he liked how he'd never felt hungry, but he liked helping others get their food too. Hiding aside, he had a decent balance, time would tell if Plaguepaw could say the same. Listening to the apprentice speak, the striped tail of the Daylight Warrior began to buzz in excitement. Out in the wild, there were many times where he felt like a ghost in his own skin, unable to control his movements to be as fluid as those around him. The Twolegplace was his area of expertise, and even despite the severity of Plague's request, Momowhisker couldn't help but smile in pride.

"Yeah but you don't just want any Twoleg, you want one that's gonna give you scritches and nice food and still let you be free if you want. Mine took me from my mother and father in the den opposite this one, when you've been with them long enough you just know how to talk to them. It's... natural. It's a little hard to tell if you're picking one at random, that's why you play a little bit hard to get. Don't look desperate, but don't bite them either," he mewed more than he'd ever mewed before, information flowing as freely as a mountain stream. A boop to his collar caused his batlike ears to grow hot, a blue paw rubbing against the glimmering accessory. He liked it, but sometimes, it was embarrassing to like such a tacky thing. Plaguepaw's collar was... unfancy in comparison, a remembrance of the time before rather than something of value to new Twolegs. The corners of his maw briefly twitched: 'You might have to get rid of that at some point, little guy...' It was too uncomfortable a thought to share.

But they could try their luck - Plaguepaw was willing to 'chance it', after all. Momowhisker craned his neck over Plaguepaw's head, assessing the back of it curiously, paws gently trying to coax the apprentice to look left and right and up and down as he assessed what he was working with. Only once he realised how quickly he was getting into it did he find his own space again."Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself, I'm excited for you, I really am! This could be a really good thing, no, this will be a good thing." A second promise, not as sincere as the first (the Shelter Twolegs terrified him to this day), but spoken with the authenticity of someone who wanted to do right by another. "Maybe we can make you a little fancier right now? A brighter collar might make them think you have an owner, but a flower behind your ear would make you stand out on the stonepaths. A Twoleg might want to pick it out of you and then you can arch your back into their touch. How do you feel about baths?" Freshening up the admittedly grimy-looking SkyClanner might do him some favours in the adoption department.