perfect porcelin [twitch]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Quill was more than happy to be home. He felt like he hadn't touched grass in years and the moment he and Twitch had a second to slip away he'd done just that, ushering the other out of camp and into the pine forest beyond.

He had no misconceptions about Twitchbolts mood right now. The other as miserable after what had hapened to Daisyflight, one more falling domino that threatened to send the rest toppling. Quill had done as he'd said and groomed the others fur while they ate the squirrel that Deersong brought them, even allowing Twitch to return the favor. It was an odd feeling to let another cat groom him, but Quill would be a liar if he said he hadn't almost fallen asleep under the others touch, finally relaxing for the first time since they'd been captured.

But he didn't want Twitch to sit in camp all day thinking about the bad shit when there was plenty of good shit right in front of them to enjoy. So, with the warm spring sun beating down on them through the treetops of the pines, the tall chimera tabby had decided that they both needed to get some fresh air.

"I'm gonna have to catch another bluejay." he said as he glanced back at his back shoulders and neck. "They took my feathers when they put me in the cage. Feels weird without them now." he admitted as he turned to continue padding along.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


No protest had left him when Quillstrike had whisked him out of camp. It was a willing whisking, really. Barely a whisk-away, then, right? Were you whisked away if you wanted it?

As if he could think to refuse. Remembering the days when Quillstrike's odd inclinations toward him had scared Twitchbolt made him laugh, now; back then he'd barely understood that he was someone who could possibly maybe have some good qualities. That he didn't have to earn friendship, that he didn't have to work for the good things in his life. That sometimes just being there was enough- because that was how he felt about Quillstrike. The other could just sit there silent as a rock, and Twitchbolt would still prefer it to him not being there at all.

His mood was not exactly sunny, though- and he trusted his friend enough that he would know that. Quillstrike understood a close mentor-apprentice bond, the same way Twitchbolt did. To lose such a pillar of his life had felt like everything had been ruined beyond repair. Beyond the initial lightning-strike of shock and grief, the bicolour tom now saw that the world moved on- the world had to move on, even when it was missing such a giant piece. He did not have to feel good about it, though.

Their closeness the night before had not gone unappreciated. Twitchbolt dreaded to think of a world where Quillstrike might grow sick of him.

A small chirp of frayed agreement left him, his own eyes lingering upon the places where the feathers had been weaved along the monochromatic chimera's back. It did look odd without them, now. He'd gotten used to the sight. "Looks weird too. Th-they suited you," he hummed, blunt in word-content but with a warmth in his voice that would tell Quillstrike that there was no unkindness in his intentions. They'd gone well with his eyes. Don't say that out loud. His neck twitched. "Well- I'll tell you if I- if I spot another one... I'll be the nose, you can be the claws." A small smile upon his face, he thrived in the knowledge that his tracking skills had not lessened in their time away. What Daisyflight had taught him... it was still there, within him.
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"I guess." he replied with a shrug, agreeing even if he'd never considered if they suited him or not. Banana had just wanted to put them in so he'd let her, and then he'd gotten used to them. "They definitely added to the awesome factor, though. I'm like, -10 points less awesome without them." he fake-complained as he padded along. As-if. Nothing could take from his awesomeness, and he was well aware of it.

Twitchbolts offer of working together to find a replacement wasn't exactly a surprise if he was honest. He knew the other cat would have helped him in a heartbeat if he'd asked, and so them offering to help wasn't all that farfetched considering they did most of their stuff together anyways. And that was fine by Quill.

Still, he wasn't about to pass up on a perfectly good opportunity to tease his best friend.

"Okay, deal." he agreed, before sending the other a mischievous glance. "Wouldn't want your boyfriend to be underdressed in public, after all."

He hadn't forgotten Tallulahwings words and the short circuit they'd caused back at the shelter. It hadn't been the place or time to make light of it, but now that the disaster of that hellhole was behind them Quillstrike couldn't help but take the opening to mess with Twitch a little.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Despite the dips his mood had been taking lately, Quillstrike's expression about awesome points made him snort with a burst of croaky laughter. It was a... silly phrase, and he knew Quillstrike well enough to tell that the other wasn't joking. He was not the self-deprecating type; Twitchbolt had made sure several times to point out that his friend had quite the array of impressive talents, thus would hope by now that he would know he was awesome either way. To put it in his terms.

Settling his breath once again, he met Quillstrike's eyes as he glanced toward him, agreeing with the deal. But- but the chimera kept going, said- Wouldn't want your boyfriend to be underdressed in public, after all. His flame-flecked eye seized in a spasm of shock, and- well, it was some miracle he hadn't bitten the end of his tongue off. Bicoloured fur fluffed out in a mess of bramble-bristles, running along his spine as if he had just met eyes with a ravenous beast. Likely the reaction Quillstrike wanted out of him, just- a small moment of panic and then a swat of the paw, dismissing it as teasing.

Oh, in a perfect world perhaps. But Twitchbolt's mind started tumbling down the irretrievable ravine of panic, falling down and down and bumping into every possibility on the way. Did he- did he think that was what Twitchbolt thought? Did he- overhear Tallulahwing, misinterpret her, think- think that he imagined them that way? Wanted that? Could he see into his mind, see that- for a moment he'd though something that was abnormal, something- something fleeting, and- and-

"I don't- I'm not- we're- I-" Incomprehensible string of words, he felt his skin burn beneath his coat. No, it was- impossible. Friends, they were friends and they had been for moons. There was- there was nothing he wanted to do less than ruin what they had, and- he wouldn't, because it wasn't true anyway! "That's not what I think! You- you know that, don't you? I'm not, I don't - see you like that, Tallulahwing was just- being stupid, and seeing something- I dunno, because we're just friends!"

He couldn't risk anything, even if it was true. Which it wasn't. Couldn't risk... the tiniest slip up. Couldn't risk being cast away, because- if it had been easy for his own parents, surely it was even easier for anyone else.
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It was no secret that Quill enjoyed teasing and poking fun at Twitch. He was never cruel about anything, was never a bully or complete asshole about things, but there was no denying that the chimera very much enjoyed getting a rise out of his friend. And usually, Quill knew where to draw the line. His goal wasn't ever to really upset the other, he just liked to see their different reactions. Sometimes Twitchbolt would rant in a panic, other times he would blush and tell Quill to fuck off, and sometimes he'd immediately pick up on the joke and crack one back at him.

He'd gotten a glimpse of what to expect back at the shelter, but as mentioned before, it hadn't been the place nor the time and even a panicking Twitchbolt had seemed to realize that. Now though, there was time for both of them to absorb and react to what was being said, and Quill watched with mirthful eyes as his friends ears went red and his fur bristled out, practically able to see the alarm bells ringing in their head.

And had it been any other cat, Quill would have looked at them and seen right through it. Cats didn't panic over things like that if they weren't true- but Twitchbolt? Twitch panicked over everything. He'd fully expected the reaction he got, and yet, it didn't quite deliver the sense of satisfaction he'd been after.

He'd just been kidding when he'd said it, and yet somehow it still felt a lot like rejection.

"Relax dude, I was just kidding." he replied, tone a little flatter than he'd intended. Why did he suddenly feel annoyed by their reaction? "I'm not even into guys." he added passively- though he wasn't sure which one of them he was trying to remind as confusion crept along the edges of mind.

Quill wasn't really into anyone. Sure, he could look at a cat and tell objectively if they were attractive or not, but he'd never actually stopped to picture himself with anyone. Life hadn't afforded him that option yet, and he doubted it ever would. Quill was a good warrior, strong and smart and hard working, but that was all he was; a warrior. A set of claws and teeth for the clan. And he was fine with that because that's all he'd really wanted; to just find a quiet place to exist away from all the bullshit back home with his family. Maybe that's why he'd never envisioned having one of his own, let alone took the time to envision what kind of partner he'd most prefer. He knew that traditionally , though, most toms found a shecat to settle down with, and since Quill was just an average cat he'd probably be into whatever average cats liked.


"Is there anyone you do like?" he ventured after a moment, not wanting the mood between them to sour over a joke that didn't land the way he wanted it to. Maybe he could salvage the conversation by steering it elsewhere? "Maybe Butterflytuft? Or Pigeonsong?" He didn't know what kind of cats his friend actually would find attractive since they'd never actually talked about that kind of thing before, but they were getting older now. Even though Quill didn't expect to take a mate any time soon, he knew it was something that would eventually be expected of him even if he didn't think a shecat would be interested. Because that's what cats did; they grew up, found mates, and started families. Either way it was pretty clear Twitches 'type' wasn't anyone like Quillstripe, and the tom couldn't say he blamed him. He knew how ugly and weird his patchy coat was, knew how much of a short-tempered asshole he could be, and he didn't expect anyone to find that attractive any time soon.

Relationships just weren't a cycle he really expect to be a part of, if he was honest. He doubted anyone would ever see him as boyfriend material for real, so he never really spent much time considering that aspect of his life. Why would he, when his family had spent all their time telling him there was no point? He just wasn't 'mate' material.

That was okay though, because he as still 'Skyclan' material, and that was good enough for Quill.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


Oh. Oh, as if he could ever be more of an idiot- as if he could get worse. There he went- spiralling over nothing. Over a joke that didn't mean anything. And- and of course Quillstrike was joking. He always tried to rile him up in harmless ways, something Twitchbolt had grown fond of in their friendship. How could he have thought it was anything else? And- when he said that other part- wasn't into guys... why had he felt a flare of embarrassment once again? A sting of- was it rejection?

Over what?

"Oh- yeah, 'course. Sorry." His ears folded against his skull, and the patchwork tom felt even smaller than he already was. Dwarfed by the large chimera, and yet- never uncomfortable. Until now. And that was his fault, wasn't it? If he'd... not let himself panic like that, then nothing would feel weird right now.

His skin felt like magma. This had to be on the list of most mortifying things he had ever done- so when Quillstrike moved on, he was thankful for it. Though the question he asked was one that didn't exactly keep his mind off of what had just happened. The mood between them wouldn't stay sour, though... he'd let it return to the comfortable stasis that often blessed their time alone.

A frown made itself obvious upon his face, but it wasn't an expression of anger- just one of contemplation. It was a normal question to ask, wasn't it? Apprentices gossiped about their crushes all the time, and- well, everyone had been giving Baguette and Huckleberry looks for a while, as well as Ashenclaw and Orangeblossom. But- Twitchbolt realised until now he'd never really thought about it. Having a mate, kits... part of him didn't want to think about it. He didn't want to turn out like his parents, and they'd done all of that stuff.

"Not them. I- don't think there's anyone, really," He sounded almost sheepish admitting it. Was it babyish to not have a thought like that in your head? "I've never... never really thought about it before, to be honest," he admitted, the words tagged with a small, squeaky chuckle at the end. He didn't think he could see himself with a she-cat, even if he tried.

"Sorry, that's a.. boring answer."
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He was grateful when Twitch stopped talking about how much he didn't want him as a boyfriend, telling himself that the curdling feeling in his gut was just a reaction to not being wanted in general, and that it had nothing to do with the other warrior specifically. Quill was just fucked up like that- he always had been, liable to finding himself triggered over things that should mean nothing. That's all this was, and he wouldn't let it ruin their time together.

"Boring can be good, sometimes" he replied, not seeing anything wrong with it. "If it makes you feel better your not the only one- I don't really think about it either." he admitted with a shrug.

He'd never had a reason to, the idea of leading that kind of life seeming so far from his current reality that it hadn't even been worth thinking about.

"Talullahwing bringing that up makes me wonder if I should though. The clan probably expects me to find a mate soon and have kits or something- you know, the whole 'circle of life' thing. Might not be so bad, but I doubt any shecat would be interested. Not sure if I'd be good at the home 'family' thing anyway."


Quillstrike evidently did not wish to settle much on what had just happened, and Twitchbolt was glad for it, his great beginning to steady once again. The chimera moved swiftly, effortlessly to the same reassuring calmness he'd always known, and though there was a deep, deep twist in his chest he ignored it to just carry on their conversation. They were home; together again, in each other's sight. That was the most important thing, wasn't it?

Twitchbolt swallowed, his thoughtfulness still obvious upon his face. He was relieved at least that Quillstrike had never thought of it either; it made him feel less as if he was lagging behind, still navigating the complex and unpredictable feelings that had frequented his apprenticeship.

"I don't... I don't think there's any rush to do it," he remarked with a shrug. His own parents had been quite young, but equally... "A lot of cats in the Clan found mm-mates when they were older than us." But- that was not to say he shouldn't be thinking about it, at least. Dwelling on the possibility. And- as Quillstrike expressed, Twitchbolt equally doubted there were many cats pining after him. If they were- well, he wouldn't be able to believe them anyway.

"I- I don't think you'd be bad at it, though," he admitted. Was anyone really good at it right away? "You- you managed to put up with me all this time- I think any molly would be easier to deal with than that." Self-deprecation, of course, but- it was delivered in good humour. Twitchbolt was well aware of his overblown volatility.
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"I guess that's true." he agreed, considering the other toms words. It wasn't like he had settle down or anything like that. He knew that no cat would ever force him to do such. If he prefered it, Quill could be alone for his entire life and honestly? He kind of expected that to be the way things went. Family was something he wanted but didn't think was sustainable- not with him at least. He had too much of a history for any cat to trust him with the role of mate.

His friends next words brought a small smirk to his lips, because honestly, he didn't think he'd be horrible at it either. He may not be anything special or overly desirable, but being someones mate didn't seem all that difficult as long as you didn't harbor resentment for the cat you were coupled with. Be nice, bring them gifts, start a family- it wasn't all that hard, and Quill knew he'd do a good job at it if he put his mind to it. He just wasn't sure if he'd ever get the chance.

"Yeah. It's been such a pain having to hang out with someone that doesn't constantly piss me off. " Quill replied in his flat, sarcastic tone, rolling his mismatched eyes at his friend. "Your not as much work as you think, Twitch. If anyone says otherwise they're full of crap." he added with a decisive flick of his tail. "Besides," he added after a moment, "I like getting to look after you- when you need it."

Which, granted, wasn't all that often- but it still did happen. When Twitch needed reassuring that the weird thing he'd just found wasn't going to leap up and swallow him whole, it was Quill he looked to first. When he heard a weird noise on the night patrol that could be some skin-stealing monster, it was Quill they drifted closer to. And when they found themselves devastated and facing down tragedy after losing someone they loved, it was Quill that helped them glue the broken pieces back together.

And the chimera liked that. He liked the strange bond of trust and loyalty that lived between him and Twitch, and he guarded his position at the others side vehemently, as if to lose it would be the same as losing a unique privilege he wasn't ready to let go of.

"Your right about one thing, though- if I ever do find a mate, I definitely won't be bad at it." he stated after a moment, the subtle smirk returning to his lips.


Though it was a dithering gesture, he smiled a little at Quillstrike's sarcastic joke. As much as he had learned throughout his life that he deserved to stand up for himself- was more than just a tool to be used for errands or an ear- it was difficult to shake those deep-seeded feelings, festering in his soul like dry rot. There was something cleansing about hearing someone reassure him otherwise, though. Even when it came from Quillstrike, who had reassured him of these things thousands of times.

It was nice to finally have someone to lean on. Someone who would not leave him after a single mistake. I like getting to look after you- when you need it. And Twitchbolt did not respond in words, but his olivine eyes lifted to meet the sapphire and amber of his friend's, earth finding fire and ice; the gratefulness that glowed in his gaze like stars gave away more than words ever could. It was a silent thanks, for so many things- for being there, for saying that, for everything.

Catching the return of his friend's smirk, Twitchbolt nodded his head, satisfied with his own pep-talk. "That's the Quill I know," he hummed good naturedly, giving a final bob of his head before fixing his head forwards.

Wide eyes looked into the distance, ears suddenly swivelled to attention- distant, there was a flurry of wings and a scent sailing the weak breeze toward him. Twitchbolt's voice was merely a whisper when he murmured "Bird," flicking Quillstrike with his tail. "Bet it's a jay." What fortune that would be! It was not unlikely, though...
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OOC- since he's destined to catch it I rolled for performance on the kill instead, and he had to show off with a 9/10

Falling back into that easiness with Twitch, it was more soothing than any herb Dawnglare could have given him. Out there beneath the pine trees, Twitchbolt beside him without any barrier in sight- that was all the medicine he'd ever need.

"Bird. Bet it's a jay."

"Bet you it's not." he replied with a faint smirk, challenging them just to be an ass- just to be himself.

Of course, it was a jay, and Quill knew he was going to eat his words later for it.

The bird was on the ground trying to crack some kind of nut open, it's clever mind wrapped up in solving the problem of getting it's next meal. Quillstrike dropped into a crouch, body stilling and eyes locking on his target. Knowing that Twitchbolt was nearby and watching had him feeling cocky. Maybe it was the fact that the other had actually come through with finding a jay, making Quill want to perform equally well now that it was his turn to come through. Or maybe he just liked being able to show off in front of them. Either way, he felt compelled to put his skills to work in front of them.

He slunk forward on silent paws, muscles steady and eyes sharp. The jay was none the wiser as he slowly closed the distance between them, his dark shape simply another broken shadow cast across the forest floor.

The bird was a keen one, spotting him just as he burst into a sprint toward it, but the chimera didn't hesitate as it launched itself upward in a flurry of frantic wings. Instead he put on a burst of speed and sprung up into the air after it, front paws shooting out with claws extended to snag the avian. He pulled it toward his waiting fangs before twisting mid-air to make the landing, landing on all fours with the jay secured in his jaws. The bird continued it's panicked flapping for another moment before Quill pinned it to the forest floor beneath his paws and readjusted his bite, making short work of it.

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.


At Quillstrike's indignant comeback, Twitchbolt swatted the taller tom with his tail, a playful gesture so often given when the other was intentionally attempting to rile him up. Comfort had been easy to return to, it seemed. There had been no reason to worry over nothing, literally noting, when... they could just keep going. Things had always just been that much more simple around Quillstrike.

So simple, sometimes, that Twitchbolt could not understand the reasoning behind it. It had baffled him as an apprentice- why oh why he had decided that Twitchbolt was worth his time when there were so many better cats to talk to. He'd thought himself a waste of space then, there to do errands poorly. To tear up nests into confetti-shreds of hurl spinning squirrels at the leader's face...

Smugness permeated his expression when they snuck further to find that the bird was, in fact, a jay- his eyes flickered back up to Quillstrike for a moment, proud of himself. Twitchbolt stopped in his tracks as Quillstrike dropped into a hunting crouch, his eyes following the creeping chimera's form and technique. He had not doubted for a moment that he would be able to catch it; it was Quillstrike who had finally cemented in the bicolored tom's head the best method for catching birds, and he was clearly not unpracticed with blue-jays, specifically.

All those moons ago Quillstrike had told him that, to catch a bird, you had to remember that they had wings. Twitchbolt could not hide how pleased he was to see that the monochrome tom had not forgotten his own advice; for, in a frantic flurry of assure blur the jay reacted in a panic, clearly prepared to flee. The manoeuvre that ensured was an impressive one- like he was some ancient wrangler of beasts Quillstrike spun through the air, landing on his feet even after whirling about like that. A cracked purr caught in Twitchbolt's throat for a moment.

"Show-off," he called, but there was no bitterness in his gaze. Quillstrike had all the reason in the world to show off if he could manage that- and he was sure the other was proud of himself. His words were warm when he finally offered sincerity; "Great catch, dude."
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Quill had never been one to question what worked- and for whatever reason, him and Twitch just did. He couldn't tell you what it was about the other tom that had initially caught the chimeras interest- all he knew was that he liked being around them, and that was good enough for Quill. Better, than good enough, really. There wasn't another cat out there that had settled as deeply in his bones as the mahogany tomcat standing with him now, and there was no version of his future where Twitch wasn't still right there with him every day.

"Sorry." he replied, so very clearly not sorry that it could have been hysterical.

The monochrome warrior made his way back over to Twitch, dropping the jay between them with no shortage of cockiness as his catch was praised. "Thanks. Good job sniffing it out. I can't believe you found a jay on the first try." he replied, returning the praise without a second thought before looking down at the bird.

"It's not the one from my assessment, but at least we'll have an awesome story to tell about how your freakishly good nose tracked down a bluejay on the first try." Quill mused, not sounding all that disapointed to have to replace his old ones. The feathers themselves he wasn't all that sentimental about, more that he was pissed the humans had taken them in the first place. "You gonna help me put them in?"

skyclan - male - 14 months (Feb 17th) - bisexual - homoromantic - single - a very tall, dark chimera tomcat with mismatched eyes and several scars. has bluejay feathers woven like spikes along his spine and neck.