private personal space invader ― lightpaw


king rat
Nov 6, 2022
He hadn't intended on straying so far away from the camp, truly. One split hunting patrol and an accidental turn later, the marsh surrounding him became less damp and more woodsy, the boggy earth beneath his paws drying into real soil. He supposed he could attempt to catch something different than a lucky frog, for once. Betonyfrost probably didn't mind his absence, either. And so he trekked on, partially following the same route Halfshade marched their patrol down on once before. Maybe it was desperation that guided him towards the thunderpath. He knew there were squirrels across the border. Maybe one decided to dwell on the pine side rather than the standard oak... he hoped so. The thinness of his scrawny body and visible ribs beneath his freckled fur sure hoped so too.

Brookpaw cautiously stepped out of the shaded treeline, both ears and nose on full alert for any rustling leaves or scent of rodents. The thunderpath was only a few tail lengths beside him. He vaguely recalled Smogmaw's warning, of the monsters that charged down its path and killed everything in their path, including leaders. The apprentice exhaled a shaky sigh, though he couldn't see or hear anything oncoming. He didn't plan on crossing it, though, instead sticking to the Shadowclan side of the woods. At least the snow wasn't as densely packed along the thunderpath, exposing wilted grey grass and the occasional rock or two as he stalked along the border, brown fur failing to camouflage him as well as it might any other season.
WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
To put it plainly, Lightpaw was in a sour mood. While he had been instructed to stay in camp for a few days while his wounds healed following the ill-fated skirmish between ThunderClan and SkyClan, it wasn't enough to stop him. He didn't want to sit and think anymore. Asking Nightbird to go hunting was sure to not go in his favor, so he elected to leave on his own. It wasn't as if he was out looking for trouble.

"Come out, come out, wherever you are..." the golden apprentice muttered, half-lidded glare flickering across the frosted foliage. He had yet to smell anything, other than the cold air stinging his nose. Typical. Although he wanted to grumble and growl to release at least some of his pent up frustrations, he kept his mouth shut. He supposed it wouldn't do very well for his hunting chances.

Lightpaw hadn't quite kept track of where he had been going, and before long, the stink of the Thunderpath brought him to raise his eyes from his plodding paws. Come to think of it, he'd never quite been able to investigate it properly before, had he? He'd always been warned off whenever he tried. It would be his first time approaching it by himself.

The ThunderClanner emerged from the trees, carefully scanning and listening to ensure no monsters were rumbling through before he crept closer to the edge. As far as he knew, they never strayed from the Thunderpath for... some reason. He would be fine as long as he kept watch.

Right up to the edge he went, a pale white paw tentatively reaching out to touch it. Like everything else, it was cold, and rough to the touch. It sure did stink. With a frown, he retracted his paw. Movement caught his eye, and he lifted his head sharply.

There stood a dark-furred cat, presumably a ShadowClanner, and an apprentice like him. Lightpaw narrowed his eyes. Had he seen him before? Still crouched by the edge of the Thunderpath, he gruffly called out. "Where's the rest of your patrol?"

[penned by its_oliverr - ]