pafp PET SEMATARY - questions

Ever since it had been made known that Ashenfall and Flintwish were having kits, Gigglepaw had been a bundle of nerves and excitement waiting for them - and she was sure she would continue to be just as emotional when they finally came - but in the meantime, she'd taken to trying to get her older cousin's attention in numerous ways. There was something that had sparked in her at the thought of having more kin in the Clan to interact with, and kits this time, could you believe it? so she'd wanted to spend some time with Flintwish to try and get a feel for what he felt about his upcoming children.

"So, that's why I think that's a good name," she was finishing up a rambling explanation of a name that she'd grown attached to, that she had submitted to Flintwish for their consideration. "You don't hav'ta use it, of course, because Ashenfall might not like it, y'know? But that's okay! I'm sure the two of you will pick out the best-est names ever!" She chirped, beaming at her cousin. Her ever-burning smile suddenly wavered for a moment, and she glanced down at the ground momentarily, shyly.

"I'll get to hang out with them, right? Yours and Ashenfall's kits?"
  • ! please wait for @FLINTWISH
  • 80344329_6S8RlcnnRCmX1ej.png
  • GIGGLEPAW apprentice of shadowclan, eight moons
    blinks incessantly & uncontrollably.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted.
    penned by Archivist.archivist on discord.