private petals in the wind // junco

The sun rises on another day since the invasion. Many are recovering from the fear whilst others have decided to live in it. DuskClan, as they call themselves, are brutish - outlandish enough, even, to attack a camp on the night of the full moon, where StarClan is at its strongest. Some fear that it will be a repeat, night and night again until all of their children are missing and their warriors are dead. Others hide their worries in their scruffs, meandering through patrols as if they aren't troubled, but dealing with the manifestations of their fears every time they close their eyes.

She wonders where Junco lies in that meter of measurement. She, now a prisoner of their camp purely because moons ago she ran. She, a former sentry of their deceased queen, a loner now in the horseplace, is metaphorically locked away in one of the cavernous openings by camp whilst she is recovering. An injury sustained while saving the medicine cat... Cottonpaw's heart aches.

"Junco?" she calls as she regrettably approaches from the she-cat's blind side. In her mouth she has a measly rabbit, hopefully to share, as well as a few petals of a marigold plant to help stave off infection. "It's me. Can I join you for the morning?"

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Junco's rest in WindClan's camp has been uneasy. She resides in a cramped old burrow, carefully guarded by the warriors she once denounced. Surrounded by cats that distrust her, some that may hate her for who she once was. Not that they really know better - it was only Cottonpaw that knew of her residence in Horseplace. Or, so she assumes.

The scratch over her eye, though uninfected yet, troubles her so. Junco is plagued with headaches and pains; lonely, scared and hungry otherwise. She hasn't decided yet if she regrets her actions. Perhaps if she came sooner, WindClan would have the advantage, if they didn't simply call her a liar and imprison her early. On the flip side, if she didn't come at all, she would still be safe in Horseplace.. but Cottonpaw might be dead. It seems, regardless of her regrets or lack thereof, that this is her fate.

The rogue rests with her blind eye facing outwards, so that the rising sun does not disturb her sleep. Cottonpaw's approach is soft and quiet, and she startles when the molly speaks. Even in her presence, it's hard to fully relax; she owes Junco, sure, but still follows the orders of her leader and his mate. All it would take to rid WindClan of her traitorous presence was her medicinal knowledge that Junco lacked.

The taste of rabbit scent garners her attention, but her paranoia is not yet staved. Junco shifts so that she is facing Cottonpaw now, and squints against the morning light. It's not really the first time that Cottonpaw has offered her company. Was it guilt, that Junco had been injured in her stead? Was it a debt that must be repaid? Or was she still the same apprentice as all those moons ago when she offered her unconditional friendship, despite their difference?

Cottonpaw awaits an answer, and Junco's brows relax from their tensioned furrow. "I suppose," she replies gruffly. Aloof as always, Cottonpaw was still the only presence in this camp that Junco wouldn't shoo away. Given this permission, the tabby crawls out from the burrow until she is merely half-way out, enough for Cottonpaw to sit next to her and apply the herbs she holds. "I still can't see," Junco reports, gesturing to her injured eye with a free paw. "I fear I might never."
  • juncokit juncopaw JUNCOCLAW "JUNCO" ━━ penned by ixora
    ━━ BARNCAT
    ━━ 13 MOONS,, ages every 21st
    ━━ CASSO xx BUDGE
    ━━ MATE to none | PARENT to none
    ━━ MENTOR to none | FORMERLY MENTORED by mockinggrin
    ━━ HEALTH ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ | junco is healthy.​
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