pafp picture that with a kodak [ open - sparring]



For the first time in a long while, Johnny felt tense, wound up tight like a coil waiting to burst. Between the border incident with Thunderclan, the new sickness spreading through camp, and the few new personal issues he'd found popping up lately, the bobtail had a lot on his mind. Overshadowing it all was a newfound frustration toward the topic of Daylight warriors.

He didn't disagree with the fact that this life wasn't for every cat that came sniffing at their borders, and he wasn't against the newfound tests that had been put in place to assure that they could not only handle themselves, but be trusted with the reputation of Skyclan as a whole. But the incident with Yukio had caused a divide in the group. He'd always been aware of the feelings some of his clanmates held toward the kittypets who joined their ranks, but he'd never actually experienced any animosity or bias from his own cats on the matter, far more used to seeing it come from cats who stood on opposite sides of the border.

Lately though, it seemed impossible to escape even in his own camp.

Cold looks thrown toward those with kittypet blood, backhanded comments on their performance and dedication. It made his blood burn with injustice, and in need of a way to let off some steam, the stocky bobtail had made his way to the sandy ravine where a number of cats had gathered for the day to do their training. With him was his apprentice, Glimmerpaw, who he gestured to take a seat.

"Today I'm gonna give you an introduction to sparring." he explained, gazing around the group of cats who'd arrived for a potential opponent, the lesson little more than an excuse to burn off energy. "Skyclan cats always spar with their claws sheathed and they never deal serious damage to each other, but it's an important part of developing your battle skills. After I've shown you how it's done, we'll go over the fight together and practice a few moves, aye?"

And, as if Starclan had arranged it themselves, Silversmoke came padding into the ravine.

Like a dog spotting a squirrel on the edge of the yard, something eager stirred to life within him, a selfish desire to show just how much of a *real* warrior he was. Where he had once regarded the other lead with caution and respect, Johnny could now only find annoyance and need to prove them wrong surface in it's place.

"Oi, Silversmoke!" he called, "Come help me with this sparring lesson, would ya? I want to show Glimmerpaw how it's done so we can go over it afterwards, aye?"

He kept it casual, let the words flow as naturally as they would for any cat, but there was a gleam in those molten bright optics as they locked onto the larger tom, a challenge he didn't bother to keep hidden.

OOC- PAFP, please wait for @SILVERSMOKE to reply first, then it's open to everyone! Obligatory tag for @Glimmerpaw


"The Sandy Ravine is where we do all of our battle training. Meant to, at least." Rules of law were often vastly different to rules of combat, something that Silversmoke had tried to teach Chrysaliswing for the brief tenure he had as the chimera's mentor. A singular, green eye loomed over his new apprentice as he spoke, his posture like that of a wilting daisy as he tried to get Bobbie's son to pay close attention to his words. Small gusts of wind could knock the black smoke over at that age, he thought, which made it all the more important to enforce the rules of combat: there were no rules. "When I know you will not flop over at the first sight of combat, then I will see about teaching you how to use the trees, and what colliding with harder earth feels like." It sounded mundane, he tried not to curse how lame he'd made fighting seem, but such things were important all the same. Pushing into the sandy ravine first, the spotted tabby didn't bother to take note of his surroundings, knowing he was there to train his apprentice rather than mingle with whatever creatures needed more training.

(Silversmoke. Silversmoke needed more training, though he was loathed to do such a thing in front of others).

A familiar voice cracked through the air like lightning, with his fur rising to meet the shock, the Lead Warrior sharply turned his head towards Johnnyflame. Eyes narrowed in an instant, was now really the time that the chimera wanted to address his feelings? He didn't think he could soften his words in front of a crowd any longer, loud and proud, the Lead Warrior would say again that serving evil whilst serving one's home was not the gesture of loyalty the Lead Warrior thought it was. But, no such exclamation got the chance to emerge from his rippling throat, instead, the tailless tom asked for a spar. He angled his cranium fully towards Johnny, catching a glimpse of the tortoiseshell to the right of him. A smirk appeared on his maw, defiant and provocative, his thoughts an open book - there was a certain irony to a kittypet answering a slight a rogue made with combat, for a second, he wondered if Slate had somehow inhabited the council member's body. StarClan, how had he ended up with his claws at a clanmate's throat again?

'I haven't, yet,' he reminded himself, and swished his tail towards Glimmerpaw. "Go sit with her, bounce knowledge off of each other as you watch," the spotted tabby murmured quietly to Crowpaw, gesturing with his head one final time before he took a step forwards. The good humour left his face as fast as it arrived, the other would be met with a stone of an expression, save for the fire burning in his eyes at the promise of combat. He shifted his body, facing the Lead Warrior sideways. "Show her how it's done then, Snakehunter."

[ apprentice tag; @CROWPAW! ]

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It was hard to ignore any call to action when it came to Edenpaw. They were determined, in their young mind, to represent SkyClan as its best Daylight warrior some day and that meant getting up there beside Johnnyflame! So perhaps it came as no surprise that they had wandered off in order to better follow him around like a shadow- mimicry was a form of flattery and there was no one around at present who could be a better flatterer than the smallish bi-color feline. Holding their chin high with a pride that should not belong to them (they had not earned such confidence outside of their belief that they deserved to be here), they watched with prying green eyes as Silversmoke prowled through with his own apprentice in tow.

Oh yeah... mentors. Looking around as if it might manifest their own mentor to appear, Edenpaw sincerely hoped they would not be in trouble for running off to watch a spar! They wanted to learn to fight too and well... making friends was easier when mentors worked in groups anyways. Looking at the other who had gathered to develop their skills too, the stripe-split cat gave a wide smile of encouragement to Johnnyflame.

"Woohoo! Johnnyflame, yay!!" He did not look like he needed the encouragement but... when had that ever stopped them from speaking just to hear their own voice heard? Leaning over to the apprentice closest to them, they offered a hushed musing, "He looks really determined I bet he's gonna win!"
The knowledge that the Sandy Ravine was where all of battle training was held was met with a nod, although it is followed by a curious tilt of his head when his mentor tells him hints that the Sandy Ravine is used for something else. Hazel eyes meet green, unblinking. Crowpaw has no knowledge of Chrysaliswing and Silversmoke's relationship. Perhaps it is better that he is clueless to such things, as it would come to light that Chrysaliswing was rather rebellious towards his mentor. It would do him and even Silversmoke better if he didn't get any ideas of rebelling. In any case, he is content. His mentor is not belittling him. His mentor is simply telling him that this place is where mock battles take place. Which means he will be learning how to fight today? Do I have to? His wishes do not leave his maw, simply waiting for Silversmoke to give him an order or continue teaching him about other Skyclan facts.

Crowpaw immediately glares at Silversmoke's words, not at all leaping with joy at being told he is weak. His mentor should train more than his claws it seems. Then again, he is not much better. Cherrypaw had to teach him that staring into ones eyes for a long time was rude. He makes it a point to stare at his mentor, as if to tell them he is not pleased at his words. However, he knows better than to try and fight his mentor. As much as he would like to tackle his mentor, he is well aware that he is no longer a kit. This means Silversmoke can bat him and it would be his own fault. No longer does he have the safety of his mother or siblings. In any case he huffs, "Okay." It is not as willing as Silversmoke may have wanted, but his apprentice is not arguing with him. Crowpaw is not making a fuss and understands that he is going to be taught something today. He trusts his mentor will teach him and so he follows the spotted tabby into the sandy ravine.

Hazel eyes trail towards the crowd that is gathered around Johnnyflame. It seems like he and Silversmoke were the last to arrive. He tilts his head to his mentor once Johnnyflame addresses him. The two of them were supposed to train today, so he is unsure of what the plan is now. It would also be dishonest to say he wasn't curious of Silversmoke's reaction. From what he can tell there is some strange air between the two lead warriors. Eventually he is given an order with a swish of a tail to join Gilmmerpaw and watch. Wordlessly he bounds his way next to Glimmerpaw and takes a seat as instructed to do so.

Edenpaw had arrived and sat next to him, which he doesn't acknowledge. He can't do so, Silversmoke had told him to watch. His mentor who is as cold as ice seems to have a fire lit up inside him, so much so that it feels wrong. His mentor is supposed to be cold, not burning with passion. Edenpaw's cheering for Johnnyflame falls on deaf ears. His hazel eyes twinkle with awe as he watches Silversmoke prepare for battle. The tone of his mentors words towards Johnnyflame causes him to shiver. Cool. Silversmoke is so cool! The battle has not even started and he is fired up by his mentors words to do this battle training once this is said and done.

Unfortunately, it seems he is unaware that Edenpaw is cheering for Johnnyflame. Poor Crowpaw assumes she means Silversmoke and he can't help but nod his head and agree, "It'll be easy. He's too cool to lose!" Crowpaw is not much of a cheering person and he doesn't think Silversmoke is one who is used to it either, however he wants to support his mentor no matter how strange it is for the usually quiet Crowpaw to do such a thing. He looks down at his paws before looking up at his mentor and giving his own words of encouragement, "W-wooo! Silversmoke! Beat J-johnnyflame!" If Silversmoke were to glance at Crowpaw in that moment they would see his apprentice all fluffed up in excitement and trembling slightly from embarassement. After all, Crowpaw mostly kept to himself. For his apprentice to be cheering that was strange.