pafp pictures of friends on the wall .. hangin out

can we leave it behind? There's something about the days heat that just drains the energy out of him. It looked to be the same with some of the other cats milling about camp, some lazing in the patches of sun and others more sensitive to the hear finding cover in the shade. Sabletuft had been one in particular taking cover beneath the pine trees that towered over camp.

"Would it be wrong of me to say I already can't wait for leaf-fall?" He grumbled to his sister beside him. His dense coat made enduring the colder temperatures a breeze. He wasn't too sure if Ratwater felt the same, but Sabletuft chalked it up to him being born at the mouth of autumn for why he loved it so much. He had been reared right at the descent of warm days and plentiful prey. Could be explanation to why he carried a cold shoulder with him, too.

His legs stretch out in front of him and with a pleasant sigh, the old tom would rest his chin against the cool ground. — tags

-- pls wait for @>Ratwater to post first! ​
Even with a pelt shrouded in mostly the hues of pleasant clouds, the density of it still kept the molly much warmer than she would like. She took up beneath the same shade coverage as her brother, her feathery tail flesh against the more forgiving cool dirt. A snort would be her first response to her sibling's grumble. "If that's wrong then I'm a frog." Her amber eyes would bound towards the looming pine tree, "I can feel the warm air." Ratwater would wrinkle her nose in distaste before returning her head back down to the present and giving a few quick licks to her chest fur that was already puffed with irritation at the feeling of the humidity that clung around the marshlands.

Ivory talons would slip from their sheaths as she began absentmindedly plucking up any strays of life that tried to arise from the dirt beneath her paws. "Do you think the other territories are just as warm?" She'd cavil under her breath.— tags

ShadowClan's lingering stench seemed to permeate even more when the sun warmed the cool earth that surrounded their homeland. She swore on StarClan that she could pick up on the Carrionplace from the campgrounds, a fact that left her stomach writhing. So much good food going to waste and baking because she wasn't on patrol until later in the day. Looking like a ruddy branch within the camp, the cinnamon tabby's eyes slowly blinked open as a conversation between the two siblings began to pick up. She tilted her head and rest her chin against the earth, staring up at the pair as they complained about the day. Closer and closer the white-pawed she-cat shuffled until she'd found a space in the two's circle, smiling innocuously. "Oh, they're much hotter than ours." The Lead Warrior, whose statements were often erroneous but too sincerely spoken to be a threat, spoke with greater confidence than usual. She, of course, couldn't remember what the other clan's territories looked like, but she'd learned enough from stereotypes to imagine that they were boiling like frogs in a forest fire. Heck, she wondered if ThunderClan even had a forest by now, or if all the leaves had been burnt up already.

"If you're feeling too warm, you can always roll about in the mud." She suggested, though imagining a cat as pale as Ratwater might protest it. "My mama said that's a surefire way to cool down... I haven't tried it though, I'm normally just covered in mud anyways." Sure enough, along her flank, dried, dark clumps stuck the bristled edges of Ferndance's fur together, alongside leaf litter and pine needles weaved into it by the passage of time.

I don't care how hot I get...I would never roll in mud...Yarrowkit's mind recoiled at the very idea of being as filthy as Ferndance was, and the large tabby kitten was unable to stop himself from scrunching up his nose as he trotted over to join the group of commiserating warriors. He was a child of late leaf-bare, which meant that while his earliest memories were nipped with cold, the warm, moist air of the newleaf season was much more familiar to him than anything else. "What's leaf-fall like?" inquired the blue-eyed boy with a curious tilt of his head. Sabletuft and Ratwater seemed to be yearning for it, and he couldn't help but wonder what made it such a desirable season. While waiting for a response, Yarrowkit edged closer to the lead warrior, simultaneously repulsed and drawn in by her snarled, dirty coat, and attempted to begin rasping his tongue along her back. Poor Ferndance isn't able to groom herself. he thought. I'll help, like the apprentices help the elders! it was the kind thing to do, after all.
To the question, Sharppaw would say yes. While he felt groggy and unused to the humidness that now clung to his pelt at any given moment, the colder seasons drudged up memories he would rather forget. leaf - fall leads into leaf - bare, and then... hunger, slaughter, betrayal when the latter became too much to bear. He remembers less and less of the warm seasons he was born into, so its easier to think things were... better.

Weren't they objectively so? At least being too afraid of Carrionplace would not bind you to death right now. It's a problem for future them (future her) She can continue to bring home meager lunch, and it wouldn't mean the kits and queens grow hungry. Ratwater remarks that she can feel the warm air. Sharppaw wonders what else it would possibly do.

Ferndance speaks like she knows the answer to this question, but how would she? Sharppaw doesn't think she does. Sharppaw would think its a different... kind of hot. Less murk - filled, more... something. He does not know what. Though for once, her advice is not... ridiculous - sounding. She could almost sound like a lead warrior. Almost

A pause. Sharppaw sees the dirt between his toes.

What's leaf-fall like? The answer that first comes to mind is... dramatic. She should be straightforward. " Um... colder, " She shuffles her paws. " It's nice until the prey leaves. " He hopes that he can get it together by then. " ThunderClan starts looking strange. " Leafless. He can't imagine how jarring that must be. He'd hate to live there.