f2u codes pikai's f2u templates

May 16, 2023
I'll be updating this and actually organizing this, but for now these are tags templates I'm porting over from another site because I just remembered them. You can like the post if you're using them but you don't have to! You're also free to frankenstein this with other f2u codes, as long as the creator says it's okay to.
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This one is kind of annoying to use with all the transparent "--"s, but I put those in because I didn't like the default spacing. It's very open-ended as to what you put in here, but I can update it with more concrete guidelines if requested! The color here is cornflowerblue, find and replace it with whatever hex/rgb/html color you'd like!

general.--(--lorem ipsum dolor sit amet--)
--previous names name / nicknames / aliases
--age old / ages how
--gender / fem/masc/neut pronouns
--rank of the group / former allegiances

appearance.--(--lorem ipsum dolor sit amet--)
--short description / reference(s)
--our ancestors viewed the earth as rich and bountiful, which it is. many people in the past also saw nature as inexhaustibly sustainable, which we know is the case only if we care for it. it is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past that resulted from ignorance. today, however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to coming generations. warm-heartedness reinforces our self-confidence giving us not a blind confidence, but a sense of confidence based on reason. when you have that you can act transparently, with nothing to hide! likewise, if you are honest, the community will trust you. trust brings friendship, as a result of which you can always feel happy. whether you look to the right or the left, you will always be able to smile.
--( injuries )--everyday wear and tear
--( inventory )--you can change this into accessories, important notes, genetics/inheritance, etc.

persona.--(--lorem ipsum dolor sit amet--)
--less, visible, trait, more, visible, trait
--our ancestors viewed the earth as rich and bountiful, which it is. many people in the past also saw nature as inexhaustibly sustainable, which we know is the case only if we care for it. it is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past that resulted from ignorance. today, however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to coming generations. warm-heartedness reinforces our self-confidence giving us not a blind confidence, but a sense of confidence based on reason. when you have that you can act transparently, with nothing to hide! likewise, if you are honest, the community will trust you. trust brings friendship, as a result of which you can always feel happy. whether you look to the right or the left, you will always be able to smile.
--( tropes )--list, tv, tropes, here, or, stuff, like, mbti

relationships.--(--lorem ipsum dolor sit amet--)
--someone x someone
--sibling notes / oldest or youngest
--romance notes / single / crushing on who
--considers __ friends / trusts __

interaction.--(--lorem ipsum dolor sit amet--)
--physically difficulty / psychologically difficulty
--mentored by someone / mentoring someone / previously mentored someone
--hunting [00%] / combat [00%] / stat [00%]
--attack in color / peaceful powerplay (not?) allowed

miscellaneous.--(--lorem ipsum dolor sit amet--)
--penned by someone / last updated 00/00/00
--put links here / like a pinterest board / or heartchart / or playlist​

[box=75%][justify][COLOR=cornflowerblue][B]general.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]([COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR][I]lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/I][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR])
[COLOR=cornflowerblue]✧[/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR][s]previous names[/s] name / nicknames / aliases
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]age old / ages how
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]gender / fem/masc/neut pronouns
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]rank of the group / former allegiances

[COLOR=cornflowerblue][B]appearance.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]([COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR][I]lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/I][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR])
[COLOR=cornflowerblue]✧[/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]short description / [COLOR=cornflowerblue]reference(s)[/COLOR]
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]our ancestors viewed the earth as rich and bountiful, which it is. many people in the past also saw nature as inexhaustibly sustainable, which we know is the case only if we care for it. it is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past that resulted from ignorance. today, however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to coming generations. warm-heartedness reinforces our self-confidence giving us not a blind confidence, but a sense of confidence based on reason. when you have that you can act transparently, with nothing to hide! likewise, if you are honest, the community will trust you. trust brings friendship, as a result of which you can always feel happy. whether you look to the right or the left, you will always be able to smile.
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]( [COLOR=cornflowerblue]injuries[/COLOR] )[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]everyday wear and tear
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]( [COLOR=cornflowerblue]inventory[/COLOR] )[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]you can change this into accessories, important notes, genetics/inheritance, etc.

[COLOR=cornflowerblue][B]persona.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]([COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR][I]lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/I][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR])
[COLOR=cornflowerblue]✧[/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]less, visible, trait, [COLOR=cornflowerblue]more[/COLOR], [COLOR=cornflowerblue]visible[/COLOR], [COLOR=cornflowerblue]trait[/COLOR]
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]our ancestors viewed the earth as rich and bountiful, which it is. many people in the past also saw nature as inexhaustibly sustainable, which we know is the case only if we care for it. it is not difficult to forgive destruction in the past that resulted from ignorance. today, however, we have access to more information, and it is essential that we re-examine ethically what we have inherited, what we are responsible for, and what we will pass on to coming generations. warm-heartedness reinforces our self-confidence giving us not a blind confidence, but a sense of confidence based on reason. when you have that you can act transparently, with nothing to hide! likewise, if you are honest, the community will trust you. trust brings friendship, as a result of which you can always feel happy. whether you look to the right or the left, you will always be able to smile.
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]( [COLOR=cornflowerblue]tropes[/COLOR] )[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]list, tv, tropes, here, or, stuff, like, mbti

[COLOR=cornflowerblue][B]relationships.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]([COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR][I]lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/I][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR])
[COLOR=cornflowerblue]✧[/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]someone x someone
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]sibling notes / oldest or youngest
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]romance notes / single / crushing on who
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]considers __ friends / trusts __

[COLOR=cornflowerblue][B]interaction.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]([COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR][I]lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/I][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR])
[COLOR=cornflowerblue]✧[/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]physically [COLOR=cornflowerblue]difficulty[/COLOR] / psychologically [COLOR=cornflowerblue]difficulty[/COLOR]
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]mentored by someone / mentoring someone / previously mentored someone
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]hunting [00%] / combat [00%] / stat [00%]
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]attack in [COLOR=cornflowerblue]color[/COLOR] / peaceful powerplay (not?) allowed

[COLOR=cornflowerblue][B]miscellaneous.[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]([COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR][I]lorem ipsum dolor sit amet[/I][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR])
[COLOR=cornflowerblue]✧[/COLOR][COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]penned by [COLOR=cornflowerblue]someone[/COLOR] / last updated 00/00/00
—[COLOR=transparent]--[/COLOR]put links here / like a pinterest board / or heartchart / or playlist[/justify][/box]
Play around with spacing the letters and the font size to get them to line up!

unsteadiness belies your tender years
h e/t h e y/s h e7m o o n so l db l a c ko r i e n t a ls h o r t h a i ri n f o r m a t i o n

unsteadiness belies your tender years
he / they / she ⋆ 7 moons old ⋆ black oriental shorthair ⋆ information

[center][font=Adelia][size=20px][b][color=#849c5f][glow=black]unsteadiness belies your tender years[/glow][/color][/b][/size][/font][/center]
[box=100%][color=black][font=georgia][i]WITH REAL WORLD PROBLEMS, AND REAL WORLD FEARS[/i][/font][/color]
[font=arial][size=10px][color=black]he / they / she ⋆ 7 moons old ⋆ black oriental shorthair ⋆ [url="url"][color=#849c5f]information[/color][/url][/color][/size][/font][/box]
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