The snow, enough to make any cat's blood freeze and the most optimistic of animals to damn its existence, appeared to be clearing up now. The earth beneath still felt moist, perhaps a byproduct of living in a marsh, perhaps a sign of something else, regardless, it did not go unnoticed by the ticked tabby. Chestnut fur darkened at her legs from the mush, her singular white paw stained with clumps of mud and other such gunk. Dry leaves and other such things still coated the top of the disheveled warrior's back, not because of any melting snow, she just liked it when things managed to cling to her course fur - it made them easier to find later. She didn't forget that Mothkit had tried to do the same a short time ago, pouncing on her tail with reckless abandon, but after the brief bout of pain and childish conversation, she decided she liked the little lad too. He was the typical kid, playful and blissful, and when he'd badgered her for her time one fateful day, Ferndance decided she had plenty to offer him. Thus, the pair had congregated at the edge of the camp, the ticked tabby crouching down with a rascal's eye as she prepared to explain her prank idea.

"So... the warriors have a lot to do... so we need something that's not going to mess with their day too much, ok?" She explained quietly, her signature ditzy smile stretching from ear to ear. "We're gonna do some silly walks... then... when someone confronts us about what we're doing... we're going to get their names totally wrong, ok? Say if Roosterstrut came over... we would start calling him Swiftclaws. We want to annoy, but not to harm." She waited to see if her little minion understood the assignment or had anything else to add before standing up, her tail raised in confidence. She mouthed a countdown for the pair before bursting into action, first leaping into the mud before stretching like a dog after a long nap. A dirty paw stretched out as if the warrior was about to take a big step but then, she placed it a mere mouse length away from her other paw. The pace changed constantly, sometimes, she took little movements but made them quickly, other times, they were at a tortoise pace - all to attract the attention of ShadowClanners for the next stage of their master plan.


mothkit | 03 months | male | he/him | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #6f4e37
Watching and listening near mesmerized, copper toned gaze is wide and focused for once as the boy does his best to understand. His head is wobbling again, but otherwise he finds his attentions held firmly on the warrior, wanting to do his best. Following after Ferndance on much smaller legs, his gait is already a bit odd before he even tries, but it's something he's never really noticed and still doesn't even now. Paw after paw, step after step, some more silly looking than others, some accidental some not, he follows her, a bright grin on his face. He likes it especially when he tries to cross his paws while he walks, it feels funny and he bet it looks just as silly! The whole time, the boy tries really hard to think of a silly name for whoever stops them. Mousepelt-? hm.. no, Foxfur? hm.... being creative is hard.


What in Starclan were they doing? The small black cat watched as Ferndance and Mothkit moved strangely. At first, she thought maybe the warrior was trying to teach the kit something. Like how to move slowly before pouncing on prey. But then it became very clear that they were doing something else. The scarred feline padded over to the pair. Her chocolate hues scan over the pair with a neutral expression.

“What are you two doing?” Ratshadow asks, curious as to why they were behaving this way.
"Up to no good, I tell you." Dogfur cackled as he ambled over. Wide yellow eyes fixed themselves on Ferndance and her unofficial pupil treading strangely against the frozen ground. "No good." His haunches fell down to the ground as he got himself comfortable. It was a peculiar gait that Dogfur found incredibly amusing.

"I heard," He said, matter-of-factly, so excited he did not even know he was lying, "That the great warriors of LeopardClan used that precise method of walking to stalk their prey. Ingenious! They confused their prey just like that—and they never missed!"
( ) Adderjaw watches Ferndance and Mothkit's strange movements with a look somewhere between disgust and pity. She is not fond of Ferndance's antics on the best of days, and now seeing her be so blatant in her childishness as to involve a kit... Well, she is most certainly not going to be a good influence, in Adderjaw's opinion.

The molly pads over to inspect the two cats, eyes lingering on the kit, before she is distracted by Dogfur's remark. She lets out a scratchy laugh. "LeopardClan, sure. Must have looked very intimidating." Well if nothing else, the strange cat was always good for a bit of amusement. She turns to Ferndance then, voice falling flat. "What the hell are you teaching this kit? How to make his enemies keel over from laughter?"
"wouldn't be shadowclan if there wasn't someone causing some sort of tomfoolery." words are grunted out from a dry throat as a sort of tacked on response to dogfur's words while he addressed ratshadow who watched the strange activities ferndance and mothkit are partaking. the lead warrior approached looking just as confused, she couldn't really make head or tails of it and wondered if it'll get explained.

her gaze would flit over to the tortoiseshell tom who began to go into a brief spiel about how ancient leopardclan utilized this strange movement to their advantage when it came to hunting and geckoscreech could only roll her eyes increduously.
She didn't trust Ferndance.

Or maybe it was better to say she didn't like her. Both were true. You could never pass her by and assume she was simply partaking in warriors' duties. It was always something more, or maybe, something less (something stupid). It nearly always was. It isn't a good sign, no, when she somehow envelops a kit into her easygoing lifestyle. Though, maybe its what she should always be doing, dedicating herself to kit games rather than sabotaging the rest of them...

That wasn't so fair, though. But Sharppaw wishes she would do a little more. It was an idea born from spite, really, but the kit did seem to take to...whatever they were doing. (They'd see how long that lasts when Mothkit has to dig up snow, only for Ferndance to keep moving it right back when he isn't looking.)

Sharppaw looks on, his mouth a watery line. Slight tug of a frown. They look stupid. Dogfur sounds stupid. They always did. And what was LeopardClan? Before the clans, there had only been marsh and pine, shadow and light. The world was already made against them from the start, but that's not what they're talking about. "LeopardClan does-n't sound very smart..." After Adderjaw, Sharppaw mumbles. A brief glance is spared to Geckoscreech, but otherwise, there's nothing to see. Just... Ferndance.