Were Smogmaw a devout and religious fellow, he would thank the stars above for the temperature's upward climb. Colder weather seems to coax his joints into an instrumentation of pops and cracks, to an extent where he seriously doubts his ability to sneak up on someone. Such is not the case today; bones remain eerily silent as his haunches settle in Clanrock's shadow, and the only sound to emanate is the quietest of sighs. That is, until the tom raises his gnarled voice and summons all with working ears before him.

"Patrols! Patrols!" he calls, like a queen would her kits. The deputy can only hope his clanmates come scampering out as quickly. Shoulders lock and unlock, lifting and dropping in a casual rhythm, as he awaits their arrival. Right on cue and in predictable fashion, clanmates pile into the fray from their prior vantage points, eyes pointed and minds attuned. "Good," says the deputy, in an octave lower, "thank you."

While he sifts through his mind for the groupings he'd devised, his half-lidded regard combs through the clearing in search of the most recognisable patrol-leader. Eyes fall upon the clan's resident snowball within seconds. "@Frostbite, you're ThunderClan-bound for a Moonhigh patrol. Should our neighbours get nostalgic over Pitchstar's prey raids and their hackles rise, I trust your cool words to calm them." A beat, before he adds on. "With you, @jaggedpath !, @Duckshimmer, @POPPYPAW, and @LIVIDPAW. Don't overwork yourself 'til then; always a shame when someone dozes off near the border."

"I'll be leading a regular patrol out ThunderClan ways as well," the tabby continues. "I would like @Skunktail, @RAGGEDBITE., @Blazeclaw, @ASHENPAW, and @Swanpaw to be in my company."

The matter requires no further words, and his throat clears as he steers his sightline the medicine cat's way. "As the season goes on, more 'n more plants are sprouting up, so here's another herb patrol for you. @STARLINGHEART and @Magpiepaw, take @orchidbloom and @Garlicpaw out for a li'l jaunt through the swamp. Walked face-first into a cobweb earlier today, so I know for a fact there's stuff out there that needs collecting."

"Next, a border patrol to WindClan. I know we love those. @FORESTSHADE, you're leading this one, and be sure to take @Maggotfur., @scorchfrost, @Sweetpaw, @FERNDANCE, @Ptarmiganpaw, @ONYXPAW... and @Ripple~. Remember, kind words if you must speak at all. You don't need to mean them, just...- I think the word's decorum. If you know what it means, then use it."

He sniffles, and then his tail thrashes wildly against the Clanrock behind him. Doesn't signify anything, sometimes it just does that. "Lastly, a good ol' hunting patrol. @lilacfur, you're leading this one. Turn it into a contest or sum'n, I dunno, whatever gives you the kick you need to restock our prey pile. Oh, and bring @pipitclaw !!, @BATCHASER, @Snowpaw., and @CATERPILLARPAW. with you."

A heave of a sigh drawls from his gravelly throat, and the next words emerge quick and automatic. "Alright, that's it, now get out there and do something productive with yourselves."

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[ ༻❄༺ ] Patrols once more and this time it would seem Scorchedmoon would not be going this time around, perhaps it was due to him having to train with Swallowpaw a bit more, not that she mind much. She'll be in the company of Caterpillarpaw and three warriors so it should be fine. She nodded slightly before looking for the patrol lead to gather at their paw to await the signal to leave.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 7 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.