private Pineapples are in my head ♔ Orangestar


Fake it till you make it
Dec 28, 2023
*+:。.。 Orchidpaw felt...sick, to say the least. Since Ashenclaw's death everything just...everything stopped making sense. Not that it ever made sense before, but now more than ever the confusion and doubt felt so suffocating. It felt like a part of him had been taken with Ashenclaw, a part that was solely his father's, and all he was left with was...what, exactly? The part that was his mother's? What happened when she died, what would be left of Orchidpaw then? Who was he without them, who was he now? Orangeblossom - star was still kicking harder than a jackrabbit and yet all Orchidpaw could focus on now was what if she stopped? What if he came home and it was she in Ashenclaw's place? In Blazestar's? He couldn't unsee it, he couldn't stop thinking about it. It made the scars that hid beneath his thick coat - dull and unkempt now - burn as though he'd just received them. Finding the joy of life had been nice when it was his life he'd almost lost, but to suddenly realize that the rest of his family was mortal too was...he didn' could he wrap his head around it?

Ever since Ashenclaw's death, and maybe even a little before that, Orchidpaw realized just how far away the rest of his family felt.

"Mom" he'd greet, a smile dancing on his lips, fake it till you make it masking every negative emotions besides his untouched pelt, "Can I talk to you about something?"


    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    11 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
Orchidpaw's voice stirs the leader from her thoughts (assessments, always assessments this moon), and Orangestar blinks warmly at one of her youngest kits. First Owlpaw, now her littermate; Orangestar feels like she's spoken to her kits more in the past day than she had since they left the nursery. She doesn't dare complain, wary that doing so would speak into existence that they would stop being able to lean on her should they need to.

"Always." She promises him, a twitch of her whiskers inviting him closer. She glances him over as he approaches. Her son's pelt is unkempt, which is odd for him, and with the nervous aura he carries to him she wonders just what's gone wrong. Orchidpaw has been eerily quiet since Ashenclaw died. Upon returning from the journey, he'd changed himself: more confident, growing into his own paws and unafraid to take up more space. Orangestar has been thrilled to watch it. But now ... it's almost as if he's reverted to his quiet, kitlike self.

"What's on your mind?"
*+:。.。 When he had been a kitten, still trapped in the confines of baby blue hues, he had looked up at his mother's ochre eyes and wanted nothing less than that exact shade. Every day, he'd searched for a puddle that hid his irises, just waiting for the day he'd blink and see a piece of his mamma looking back at him. He remembered he'd been told rather than witnessing for himself that his eyes were hazel. An unfamiliar name for an unfamiliar color. What an odd blend of browns and greens, with a little bit of gold and a little bit of blue. He'd cried at the sight of it. It wasn't perfect. It wasn't mamma.

It was when he tasted death that suddenly just being himself was all the perfection he'd needed. He'd...he'd thought it was, anyway. But now when he meets those soft brown hues - the color he'd chased after in his youth, then happily dodged in his rebellious teens - he suddenly...he suddenly felt...


"I want my name changed" he said with a smile, like it was just another casual remark that someone wholly sure about themselves would say. Like it wasn't a declaration to flee - because it wasn't. It wasn't. It couldn't be. How ridiculous would that be? What exactly was he planning to run from - an eye color? An eye color that was part of him, swirling amidst the confused blue and gold, and the too-little, too-lost, too-[i[dead[/i] green? Leaves that had since withered away; that he should've properly helped maintain - he should've said more to - he...he now has to feel, pooling and burning behind his eyes, the threat of drowning as pervasive as the sinking fact that he was gone.
He was gone, but the color wasn't.

Oh, how it glared at him when he searched those puddles again for that unattainable - undeserved - perfection.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about it for a while now, actually" Orchidpaw says with a shrug, finding that his paws were beginning to carry him back and forth, restless and itching. He lets them. He doesn't want to think about leaving or staying, so his paws can fight that war for him. "Dad once said that it'd been on his list of she-cat names and, I dunno if you've noticed, but I'm not a molly" he laughs - was it too loud? Was it too long? Shit, he cut himself off awkwardly, ignore it - "So I figured, with my warrior ceremony comin' up, may as well throw the whole name out while you're at it, right?"
He wasn't fond of the way his unkempt pelt itched.
Because, plain, simple, and impossible to deny - this felt wrong. To use his identity - an identity that so many cats, including his family, have struggled and prided themselves with, as a scapegoat was so wrong. Pretending to inspect a tuft of fur on his shoulder to avoid his mother's gaze, he hoped she wouldn't call him out on the obvious excuse. Because no name was inherently feminine or masculine, and if that was a problem, Orangestar's loud-mouthed son would've said something by now.
No, no, it DOES have everything to do with identity he reminds himself with a mental kick, lapping harshly at his shoulder until the loose tuft is removed. That wasn't a complete lie. It just - it - Orangestar would understand it better if he talked about it in terms of gender.
Because how can he look her in the eye and say Orchidpaw, and any warrior name that came with it, was just too green. Too brown.

"I need a new name...please"
Something blue, or - or gold - fuck - anything would be fine as long as it's not their color!
Because...if he feels this suffocated, this...empty without those green eyes in his life; trapped forever instead in death behind his reflection...what would he do when the brown leaves him, too?

But, this was about gender, actually. This wasn't about colors, or perfection, or ghostly metaphors about dead weeds that persisted. And it certainly wasn't about running. That'd be ridiculous!

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    11 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
  • Wow
Reactions: Orangestar
I want my name changed.

Orangestar blinks at him, unable to hide her surprise. It's fleeting, before she quashes it once more under a veil of professionalism - this is Orchidpaw coming to her as Orangestar the leader, not as Orangestar his mother. Her eyes narrow as he turns away from her, hiding behind the tuft of fur on his shoulder that he so meticulously grooms when he's guilty. For a split second she's amused, wondering how both Cherrypaw and Orchidpaw had inherited vanity from two relatively humble parents. She wonders if Ashenclaw had noticed it too.

"... I see." She invites him closer, shuffling over so that he could sit at her side if he so desires. She doesn't speak immediately, though the weighty silence that settles between them is indication enough of a story coming. Orangestar doesn't notice this. She doesn't notice the parallels between herself and her own mother, gearing up to impart a life lesson or some sort of moral.

"When you were born, we couldn't decide on a name for you. You were Fawnkit for a little while, but that wasn't right once your eyes were open. You were Robinkit for a couple of days, but we decided that we wanted you and Owlpaw to be more ... separate, even if the two of you were born so close together." Her mind flickers to Apricotflower's kit in RiverClan, and Orangestar fights a grimace. Thank StarClan they hadn't gone with Robinkit for him. "Orchidkit was Ashenclaw's suggestion, something he saw on patrol. It wasn't a name for a she-cat in the way you're thinking it is, but it was a soft name. Delicate, but beautiful. I never saw it myself, but he always had a good eye for that sort of thing."

Orangestar watches her son carefully. Does Orchidpaw really think it doesn't fit him anymore? He is far from a brutish warrior, Drizzlepelt's teachings marking him as something more dextrous and defined. "I will change your name in the upcoming meeting. But this is a big decision. You'll already have something new, as a warrior ... Are you sure you want to start over with the name you've had since you were a kit?"

  • 68451166_mY2BOSe6hTLMAcu.png

    ORANGESTAR ✧ she/her, leader of skyclan | nine lives
    " a scarred white-and-ginger she-cat with brown eyes."

    — single ; mentoring springpaw
    — speech is in #E3B2A9
    tags | art by pin
*+:。.。 Orchidpaw felt a sudden stab his stomach when her look of surprise quickly shifted to a calm, professional regard.
Was it resentment? No, that wouldn't make any sense. He'd come to her seeking a leader, not a mother, for it would be Orangestar who had the authority to change his name.
Then was it guilt? He was, after all, using a potential path of favoritism to get him what he wanted. But, no...Perhaps any leader would've granted him his wish, though. Yes, surely they would have - he didn't need to add more to his manipulation charges.
Was it fear?

Changing his name felt to Orchidpaw was like choosing to finally start swimming. He didn't know what was up or down, only that there was no pressure difference or air bubbles to help him find the surface. It was just him, suffocation, and the choice to sit in it or try and swim free. He picked what felt like up. This...this felt like a way up.
And though he had enough self-awareness to understand that there was a fifty-fifty chance he might've just sealed his fate to bury himself deeper well...let's pretend he didn't. Fake it until it's true.

So, no, he wasn't scared that he was making a big decision like this before his leader. If he were actually scared, he would've gone out of his way to talk to his mom about it, first. But he wasn't speaking to his mom. He was speaking to his leader.
And he would speak to her with certainty.

He blinks the smile back into his hazel eyes and accepts his leader's invitation to sit closer. He wouldn't insult her by keeping away, though he has to bite his cheek to keep the stiffness out of his muscles. Since he'd...paused in his grooming routine for a while, he's become hyper-aware of how rough his pelt has gotten. Like so much else, he hoped she didn't notice it.

The silence between them feels heavy. He could practically taste every layer of sunlight tic away into the horizon. Time felt so fleeting while waiting to find out if your chosen path was up or down.
Don't think about it.
His gaze shifts from his paws up to her, studying the way she seems to prepare every word behind her tongue without moving a muscle. When was the last time he'd sat this close to his mom? Ignoring the itch in his fur, he shifts as though he'd just discovered he'd sat on an uncomfortable rock - an excuse to move a little closer before the story starts. He focuses on her fur. On her warmth. And he focuses as hard as he can on sunsets, and swimming - blue things and gold things. Absolutely anything besides how much he loves the stable ochre beneath his paws. How he'll know exactly where down is when it's taken from him.

He breathes in her story like it's his first breath of air. Imagine a world where he was Fawnkit - Fawnpaw, now. If he was Robinkit, Robinpaw currently. The names were sweet but felt otherworldly. The idea of being Owlpaw's twin was a nice one, but he appreciated his parent's decision. He could protect her better as an individual, and he'd feel stronger doing so without a prey's name. Perhaps those were biased thoughts, though. Maybe nothing about him would've changed even if he'd been given Fawn- or Robin- as a name. Perhaps...he still would've found his way right back to this moment. Fawnpaw asking for a name change. Robinpaw unable to withstand the colors.

"Orchidkit was Ashenclaw's suggestion"
There was no hiding the way Orchidpaw stiffened at the mention of his dad's name. If eye colors could scream, he knew the green in his would be wailing. He blinks hard, ignoring the sting of it. But against his will, he imagines his mother's story taking life.

His dad, large and powerful and undefeatable, padding on soft viridescent grass as he spots jade leaves swaying in the wind; an orchid flower waving hello. He wonders if his dad waved back. If his dad had plucked it and presented it to his mom. If his dad hadn't thought twice about the encounter, and only mentioned it in the spur of the moment when Fawn- and Robin- didn't quite fit their little boy, warmed between their paws. Or if he'd looked upon that wiggly child, too young to know of the uncertainties to come, and knew exactly who this boy of his was meant to be.
Maybe Orchidpaw would know if he'd asked him about it.
"I should've asked him" he mumbles wretchedly, sucking in a breath and tasting only inky water for his trouble.

Are you sure you want to start over?
How else would he find his way back up?

"Cool story, but it kinda proves my point, doesn't it?" he waves a paw and disperses his thoughts as easily as one grabs a struggling swan by the jugular. "I'm neither soft nor delicate nor" he feels the itch in his fur, glances down at it, and promptly laughs again, "Well, I could be prettier, I guess"
"Whatever it was Dad saw, he was wrong, so if it's not too much trouble"

He smiles, like his fur doesn't itch, his paws don't wish to pace, and his eyes don't sting. Because they don't. They never did. Say it enough and it has to become true.

"I want a new name"
Say it enough...and it has to become true.

    DFAB— He/Him — Unsure
    11 moons — Ages 1 moon every month 28th
    Skyclan — Apprentice
    Son of Orangeblossom and Ashenclaw
    Brother to Cherrypaw, Eggpaw, Glimmerpaw

    Physically medium | mentally medium
    Attack in bold #bf8924
    injuries: None currently
  • Sad
Reactions: mercibun
"I see." Orangestar's ears twitch backwards for a heartbeat, unhappy with the flippant display. He's clearly too young to understand the significance of a name, something that a cat carries with them until they feel it's no longer reflective of who they are.

She remembers Orchidpaw, newly a tom to the Clan when she had returned from the Journey, insisting his name still suits him. That he's content, that the delicate petals of his moniker does not define his masculinity. His defensiveness about it now does little to convince his mother that his opinions have changed. If she's wrong, which she hopes that she is not, Orangestar notes that he's become quite the spiteful young warrior. She would have expected better from a kit tutored by the kindly Drizzlepelt. She would have expected better from her kit.

Her tone is harsher than she intends it to be when she meows, "Then what sort of name do you want? What sort of name would suit you?"
  • Crying
Reactions: Tawnyclaw