PINK CARNATION // crush talk


☠ 08/01 - 23 ☠
Oct 2, 2022

She had no idea how she had ended up into this conversation but here she was now trapped as they talked about thier crushes and who would fit as the perfect mate either to them or...who in this clan would match well with one another. Sunsetpaw tried her best to ignore them all while focusing on her claws to make sure they looked sharp and there was no dirt or mud between her toes. " I think Dandelionpaw would be a great mate!. He is always so nice and his smile who wouldn't get won over by that smile?." One of the she-cats giggled. " What about Coldsnap?. He is always so mysterious and he is already a warrior!. You would never have to be scared if having him beside you!." another cat spoke up, and the others nodded thier heads in agreement. " But he is also a bit's not easy to approach him. I found him a bit scary. " One of them added." What about Shrewpaw!. She seems like a cat you could have alot of fun with!. Racing through the moors, hunting, laughting and talking about all sorts of things with!. "

Sunsetpaw wanted to puke. Did they had to talk about this by her nest?. This den had alot of space... She shifted her position a bit away from them and it crossed her mind if she should leave or not..." What about you Sunsetpaw?. Do you have a crush?, or a type?." Sunsetpaw froze, and as her eyes turned to face them noticed how all attention was on her now. It was to late to run away now. Crush?, her. Like if there was any cats in this clan who was worthy her attention. She could always give them a harsh reply but it was very rarely that anyone in this clan actually invited her along into thier friend group. Maybe that was why she hadn't left to begin with. Sunsetpaw was in fact friendless...and even if she would claim she did not wished for friendships in truth that was all she really wanted. To have a friend. The problem was she didn't know how to make friends that was why she always tried to be the best because maybe then they actually would like her. So even if this conversation was boring to her it was the first time she had got included into something. " Uhm, no?." I'm focusing to become a warrior so have no time for such nonsense! she resisted to tell them, not wanting to push them away. Instantly she noticed how the group started to look bored by her answer. " Oh, is that so..." They started to turn themselves away from her and Sunsetpaw paniced!. " I-I mean i do like toms who are strongly built!." It just slipt out, she swore she hadn't meant to say that out aloud!. Her cheeks started to heat up and suddenly the attention was back on her again. " So you like toms?." One of them asked her with curiosity. " Yes, but i also think shecats can be attractive.." She told them. " Oh, i see. So apperance means alot to you. That makes sense." The shecat looked her up and down. Sunsetpaw felt judged and wondering what exactly they had meant with that. Sunsetpaw was about to ask them but the group had already moved on to focus thier attention to the next cat.

" Do you have a crush?, or a type?."

// whoever posts first could be the next 'target' just thought a thread like this could be fun this could go any direction really lol also fill free to take control over the npcs if you like! they are meant to be annoying and noisy lol

Pebblenose, in all of her moons of life, has never once considered romantic endeavors to be high on her list of priorities. It is pathetically low on the list, actually. She's considered it maybe once or twice, in her youth, when the talk of crushes would flit from peer to peer until the spotlight inevitably landed upon her. But her answer had been the same each time; no, love is stupid.

Pebblenose had thought she'd escaped the meaningless gossip when she'd matured into an adult. Unfortunately, it seems that it's caught up with her once more, as an NPC turns towards her as she passes by and asks her if she has a crush. Pebblenose pauses, her head whipping around to fixate a confused scowl on the NPC. "..What?" The question is unamused, one brow cocked. Did she hear incorrectly? Perhaps she had a bit of dirt lodged in her ears from her tunnel exploration earlier. Because, there should not be a little gnat trying to pry such information out of her!

"I said, do you have a crush?"

Pebblenose's eyes narrow. Oh, so she had heard correctly. She thinks she'd have preferred digging clumps of dirt from her ear canals to this. "...No." Her monotonous answer is blunt, edged with annoyance, because who has time for this? She certainly doesn't!

"What is the purpose of a crush?" Hyacinthbreath wheezes softly from behind the group, throat slowly clearing up over time. Perhaps her voice would heal, too. The idea of love made her chest hurt, reminding her that Lavenderstorm had left her and Moonshadow wanted nothing to do with her. She shuts her eyes then, inhaling a wheezing breath before she seats herself with the growing group of crush-gossipers.
"Whadya' mean the purpose?" she questions, padding amongst the group with lips curled in a lazy smile. Can't say she's ever had one of those, much less, been in love at all but she's pretty sure it wasn't somethin' meant to be... purposeful. Not calculated or nothin' "You all sure you're not a bunch'f birds in cat's skin? 'A crush won't get no food in my belly, ehh, what's the point?'"

The topic is pretty stupid, yeah, something you'd find more common talk around chattering apprentices with nothing else ta' do. But while she's here, might as well spit some nonsense. "Think it can make ya happy, and stupid, too. Mostly stupid,," she eloquently puts, more or less going off of surface level observations, stuff she's heard, and stuff she's making up on the spot. "Leads to somethin' good in the end sometimes, so I've seen."
it wasn't very long until shrewpaw made an appearance, head lulled a bit to the side in subtle puzzlement and curiousity as she had caught some end bits of the conversation where the topic seemed to be about love and crushes. the apprentice took a seat nearby moonrabbit as they chattered, alot of the older warriors looked incredibly disinterested in speaking about it while the npc apprentices looked rather bored at their responses until their sights were caught upon shrewpaw.

"shrewpaw! surely you have a crush or a type right?"

one spoke with a slight eagerness in their tone, perhaps hoping that the sepia molly would actually have an answer that wasn't vague or met with apathy. shrewpaw furrowed her brows in thought, did she have a crush? it never really crossed her mind and she didn't really pay attention to the toms and mollies around her in terms of attractiveness. "uh don' reckon ah do have a crush on anyone but ah guess if it comes down to type ah do like a cat who is energetic, has a good sense of humor and willin' to take things head on!" those were good qualities right? the apprentice honestly just wanted someone who'd match her energy.
[penned by cobi]

"What about you, Thymepaw? Do you have a crush on anyone?"

The tom blinks, ears flattening against his head. No, he didn't have a crush. Why... Why would he? Did... Did someone think he did? Even so, the thought of having a crush on someone... That was odd, right? Did... Did someone have a crush on him? Stars, he hopes not.

He can feel his fur heat up at the question. The fawn point quickly shakes his head, petals woven into his fur falling out with such a movement.

"N-No..!" he says, a bit too quickly. Thymepaw blinks once more, tries to appear calmer. "I-I mean... I don't reckon I do..?" He knows he doesn't, so why's he so flustered over such a question?

"If you say so...." the nosy feline sings, before moving onto their next victim. How embarrassing.

"And you, Lemonpaw?"

The young tom frowns at the feline before him, annoyance heavy in his gaze. A crush? Why would he... He'd seen the rise and fall of Honeytwist and Pollenfur. Why would he want to go through that? But, he won't be left alone without an answer.

"Gross, no," he mutters, trying to push past WindClanner, to go on with his day. The feline catches up with him, though - inevitably. Lemonpaw curses longer limbs with a bigger stride than his.

"But, if you had to pick someone in WindClan --" Lemonpaw stops and turns to look up at the question asker, ultimately cutting the chipper voice off.

"Nobody." The cinnamon tom flicks his tail at the feline. "Go bother someone else."