private Pink in the night ✶ Crowsight & Oddgleam


Make me a bird of prey
Feb 11, 2024

The sun had met with the horizon and the vibrant shades of daylight blues bled into streaks of pinks, purples and gold. Night would fall soon but Owlheart found that she enjoyed that twilight period. She had spent the day before alongside Oddgleam in preparing gifts to give Crowsight in anticipation for him being released from the medicine cat den. The majority of the day had been spent organising and weaving their shared nest. She had spoken with the calico earlier about waiting until they could properly rest before showing him what they had each found.

Now that had been long settled they could properly welcome their partner back into camp and in their lives. She looks away from the setting sun to look back towards Oddgleam and Crowsight. Tail raising in greeting as she brushes against Oddgleam’s side and rubs her cheek against Crowsight's own cheek. She had found that she had become more affectionate in public around them. The warrior presumed that it was because of the mutually agreed distance they all upheld while the three of them were parted, absence makes the heart grow fonder after all.

She curls her tail around Oddgleam's, a shy smile blossoming. “We wanted to each give you a gift, to uh.. to welcome you back” She explained sheepishly, would the smoke think the idea of giving a gift just because he left the medicine cat den to be silly? She hoped not, yet she couldn't help but worry. Temporarily pushing those concerns aside a paw is gestured towards the warriors den, where their nest resides towards the back.

In a light hearted attempt to mirror what the tom does to Oddgleam and herself whenever he wanted them to rest she moved to Crowsight's side. Gently nudging him in a non committed attempt to push him towards their nest, not wanting to jostle him too much. “We should lay down first , I'm getting tired.” It was a blatant lie, this was the most awake she had been in a while but she wanted the excuse to all lay together. Golden eyes glance to Oddgleam so he could help her in the attempts to move Crowsight, between the three of them he was the most skilled in speech.

// takes place after they have made their shared nest <33 @CROWSIGHT & @ODDGLEAM

Being with his partners again is wonderful. He had missed sharing a nest with them, waking up in warmth, seeing the two most precious cats in his life within his grasp. What happened with Skyclaw weighed on his mind. It continues to eat at him, but what consumes him is his lack of sight in one eye. He finds himself closing his uninjured eye in order to try and get used to the lack of clarity. It may have been silly to others watching a Crowsight purposely walk around with one eye open, testing to see how far he could see. It was frustrating. Agonizingly frustrating Fireflypaw had been correct in saying he needed to make an adjustment. Seeing things nearby was helpful, but he swore he could hear Silversmoke's words echo in every step he took.

The need to strategize, to understand his weaknesses and overcome them. Fighting would be difficult if he allowed enemies to linger on his left side. Hunting which he had been terrible at already would increase in difficulty with his hindered sight. He would need to focus on becoming silent, or study the behavior of the prey that ran amok their territory in order to increase his chances of a successful catch. One thing was certain. He needed to work in order to adapt.

However, he must set that aside for now. Hazel eyes slowly blink, meeting gold. Owlheart brushes against Oddgleam which causes a steady thump of his heart, which accelerates when she brushes her cheek against his. A whine leaves his maw when she leaves far too soon for his own liking. Adoration laces his features as he watches his partners tails entwined. Adoration quickly morphs into surprise,
"A gift? Gifts? For me?" He doesn't think it silly for them to give him gifts to welcome him back, considering he is shocked they would even get him something. Not... That he thought so little of them. It was simply a matter of no one presenting a gift when he left the medicine cat den. After all, his family didn't bring him his favorite prey after he was able to return to the apprentice den.

In any case, the hulking black smoke enters the den, tilting his head towards the pair as they enter themselves. What am I supposed to do now? The answer he receives is a nudge from Owlheart towards their nest. Although he is thankful for the answer he wishes she could've told him verbally to get in their nest, he can't help but huff in mock annoyance. Black paws root themselves just a pawstep away from their nest. Despite Owlheart's blatant lie about being tired, he believes it as truth. A white brow scrunches in worry,
"Did they overwork you?" Crowsight doesn't wait for an answer, quickly laying in their nest, leaving room for both of his loves. Black paws thump against moss, "Come here. Both of you. Are you tired too my sun? We can all rest for a bit? Or take a nap?"
He had spent the whole day alongside Owlheart as the horizon bled into pinks, purples, and gold. The night would soon fall overhead. He was excited, as he was preparing a gift to give to Crowsight when the dark tom is free from the medicine den. The young, feathered warrior conversed with Owlheart on each other's finds to gift to their partner.

Snapping out his slow thoughts. He feels a brush at his side and lets out a hum as he gazes at Owlheart with a faint rumbling of a purr. Fondness grows in his chest, as he watches the red tabby rub her cheek against Crowsight’s Pretty… He swivels an ear, towards his dark partner when he hears the other tom let out a whine. He lets an amused smile curve onto his face.

Oddgleam lets his tail be entwined with Owlheart's, as the molly speaks to their dark partner on giving gifts to him. "Yes, darling. Gifts for you." He lets a giggle escape his maw. Giving gifts to someone you're worried about, isn't silly of course. It's a sweet gesture to know you care for someone, it's a wonderful surprise to receive a gift. He watches as Owlheart leaves his side, and gently nudging Crowsight towards where their nest resides. Oh dear... He listens when the red tabby tells an awful lie to their partner.

He lightly shakes his head, before raising to his paws with a small flick of his tail. Then, coming up to nudge the hulking black smoke's other side. "We wanted to celebrate your freedom from the medicine den. With gifts we have brought." He speaks in a soft, silken tone as he follows after both of his partners. Copper eyes watches as Crowsight lays in their nest, leaving room for both Oddgleam and Owlheart to plant themselves into the free space. He lets a small coo escape him, when the dark tom speaks to him in his nickname.

"I'm not tired yet, but perhaps we could indulge in a rest." The feathered, pale patched calico moves his way into the nest with a smile settled on his face. He looks over his shoulder at Owlheart, gesturing her to join himself and Crowsight with his mismatched tail. Surely, they could give their beloved his gifts first before they all could settle down and take a little snooze.

  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ( beware of the silliness!! ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    non-binary ; HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 13 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / padding after crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone

For a moment she had forgotten how deep Crowsight's devotion runs, she also thought she was a pretty lousy liar but maybe she was fairly decent? The concern was evident immediately, she blinked in response to his question and glanced at Oddgleam. This was a hole she had dug for herself though, so she was going to have to follow the thread she laid out. "Oh, no they haven't overworked me. I can see you worrying" She frowned and licked his cheek in reassurance, hoping that he would not fret too much over them.

She was quick to walk beside the black tom, looking over to the calico and humming in agreement as she listened to him speak. He was always alluring yet he had such a flair for speaking, a gift for gab. She waits by the nest patiently for Oddgleam to take his place first. She recalled that they enjoyed being wrapped in between herself and the smoke, she had to admit that she enjoyed it too so she wouldn't want to deprive him of that. They made quite the sight together, it never stopped her heart from leaping every time she saw them. It wasn't something she thought would go away, not that she wanted to.

The threat of sleep was real though, she was certain that if she joined them right now she would be pulled into the comforting clutches of rest. She yearned for that solid slumber once more, curled up against her beloved partners. To listen to their breathing, soft snores entangled with purrs, she had been so restless lately maybe this would solve that. Her resolve was strong, she wouldn't be tempted here so she shakes her head. "We can rest after gifts are given" anticipating protest she lowers her voice into a soft coo "It won't take long, we have all night to rest."

With a soft huff and a small smile she ducked her head underneath the corner of the nest, where she had delicately placed an owl's feather in between the layers of moss after they had deftly finished their work. It was a little thinner than her own that Crowsight had given her on that fateful day but otherwise they were almost identical. Sheepishly she places the feather by his side, curling her tail around herself as she sat just outside of the moss of their shared nest. "I thought you would like it, this may not suit you since your name isn't Owl" she commented teasingly, a small giggle escaping her as she thought about his original reasoning for approaching her with his own gift.

"But, if we end up separated again you can look at this and think of me, hopefully it will help make things not feel so lonely." She often fretted over that, the loneliness others may feel, she hoped the three of them wouldn't be separated once again but she wanted to give each of her partners something just in case. The tabby had already started planning on what she could give Oddgleam but she was saving that for another day.

With a soft grin she nodded towards her other partner, her beloved daisy. Gesturing a pale splashed paw so that he could present his gift. While she was aware of what it was she herself shuffled in anticipation to see how he would present it and how Crowsight would receive it.
The purr that escapes his throat is downright embarrassing when Oddgleam calls him darling. The lovestruck grin and frantic nod of his head does little to help his cause. He lets his partners move him around, not minding all too much, considering he is positively starved for their touch. He may have whined with each parting. Oh, whatever happened to the young tom who bore a stoic expression? Who dedicated himself to sparring and never batted an eye at love. At Oddgleam's explanation of why he was receiving gifts, he answers, "I see. Thank you. Both of you." Excitement begins to bubble in his belly as he lays in their nest, curious about what his partners would gift him.

With Oddgleam in his grasp, he can't help himself from wrapping an arm around the lithe tom, pressing the calico against his chest. He has nothing more to comment, too distracted by the warmth that radiates from his partner and his alluring scent. It would not surprise Oddgleam to feel Crowsight bury himself against their neck. "You're so beautiful... I missed you," he mumbles into white fur. When he feels a familiar swipe against his cheek, he looks up and sees a shining star. Naturally she would be met with nothing but pure adoration. "Of course I worry. I love you." There is nothing else that needs to be said. His grip loosens on Oddgleam as he shifts to provide his star suitable space. When he finally has both in his arms, loud purrs rumble from his throat. Finally. Finally they are together. The long winter of restraint is now over. Owlheart's words almost go unheard. "I've almost forgotten. Yes... let's rest after the gifts are given."

The notion that he wouldn't enjoy a gift from his beloved solely because it is not his namesake is prosperous! The black smoke can't help but scrunch his nose in disgust. Why was she so sheepish? Did she really think so low of him? Any gift from her regardless of whether or not she thought suited him would be loved because she gave it to him. She loved him. Thought of him enough to want to gift him something from the heart. The same goes for Oddgleam his sun. Any gift the star and sun bestowed, he would gladly worship. Unfortunately he doesn't register her jest. As a matter of fact, the black smoke leaned forward and nuzzled his cheek against hers. "My love, anything you give me I will cherish. Of course I like it." Oddgleam their siren is not forgetting, it is as natural as breathing for the smoke to nuzzle his cheek against the small tom, "That goes for you too my beloved."

To say he was moved by her words was an understatement. Her words seared his flesh, though he embraced it. Owlheart was a dangerous cat. When he had thought he would be hidden away forever, she could see him. No matter how many shadows obscured him, she still saw him. Loneliness clung to his pelt for many moons. There were times he wondered if he would remain alone, small comforts deriving from his brother Firefly and his father Silversmoke. However, the world seems brighter. Fundamentally he acknowledges he is alone. Alone in his thoughts, the manner in which he carries himself, and in death. Yet... There is no fear. No longer is he tormented with such things with his loves Owlheart and Oddgleam. The world is still unforgiving, yet it is manageable.

"I was lonely. Before I got know both of you. I'm not lonely anymore and that's because of you, my loves. My star. My sun. I will always think of you. I haven't been able to stop thinking about either of you. I can't. When we aren't together my body aches, all I want to do is to be in your arms again." Finally, he accepts her gift, taking the owl feather gently in his paws. He hadn't thought about where to put it. That much is evident by his hesitance, yet something dawns on him. The black feathers that jut out from his neck. For a moment there is an expression of sadness. Cherryblossom... I've been holding on for so long to these. I think it's time to let go. And so he removes the pair of crow feathers he always bore and places the lone owl feather in its place.

Once done, he turns to his partners, smiling. My dashing sun, what is your gift to me?
The feathered calico lets out a soft giggle, when Owlheart glanced at him when their partner asked her if he was overworking the molly. Lords, no he wasn't. Even if he had, he would swiftly help out in whatever way he can. He would pull his weight.

Oddgleam makes himself comfortable, in their shared nest. With a show of a dramatic display, laying on his side, draping half of himself out of the nest. With pale - touched dainty paws hanging limp from outside of the nest. The rest of his body curled inward, with his mismatched tail curling around his frame. A delicate though… ethereal sight, stained with pastel splatters across his feathered form. The tom is a creature that likes to add flair and dramatics to himself. His heart clutches, as he thought of him being surrounded by the beautiful cats in the clan. Tucked against his long-furred partners, hearing their soft snores including their gentle breaths.

He lets a soft smile settle on his maw as he hears Crowsight's gracing both him and Owlheart his thanks. He lets soft purrs, escape his throat as he feels his dark partner join him in the nest. In his beloved's grasp, he lets himself be pressed against the tom's chest in the embrace. An ear flicks before he lets out windchime - like giggles, as he heard Crowsight call him beautiful. He is– Oh… He is falling in love all over again about his partner. So sappy. His heart feels like it's about to burst out of his chest in a quite gruesome display. Though, he wouldn't mind, if that happened. "I've missed you too… l'amour de ma vie, the love of my life." He replies to Crowsight's mumble as he spoke in his mother tongue for a short moment, with a hum. An ear flicks while he heard Owlheart's coo towards their moon - touched knight."Yes, darling. Gifts are in order." He perks up, lifting his head where it rested at the edge of their nest.

He knows what Owlheart's gift to their beloved is, he of course helped look for it. Half - lidded copper eyes watches both of his partners from the sidelines, content with just observing. He smiles as his doe comments on Crowsight's name not being named owl. He agrees with her explanation on the feather, not being separated. He hopes they won't be separated so soon. Not being lonely… but having a piece of each other along with them. He waits ever so patiently, while his other partner gives her gift to their beloved. He lets purrs escape him, as he watches Crowsight nuzzle his cheek against their partner. He pauses in his purrs, to lean into the brief touch his partner graced him with a hum. Soft purrs his throat all while his cheeks and ears burn, as he listens to Crowsight's words on accepting Owlheart's gift. A way of saying words that one... What a charmer.

Copper pools blink as a pale splashed paw gestures to him to show his gift. Oh! His tail twitches from its spot, as he twists his body to find his hidden gift that was tucked in the nest.

He nudged a paw at a loose piece of moss, it was a little on the longer side then his own. But, he carefully picks up the blue feather, between his paws. "I still remember when you gave me my feather. I still cherish it." Oddgleam smiles fondly at the memory. A moonlit night, with thousands of stars overhead. Then getting gifted a pretty feather from his not-partner at the time. "I decided to gift you a jay feather, to remember me by… If we ever get separated! But, I don't think that'll ever happen."

He beams, a bright smile gracing upon his mouth. He was honest as he spoke, curling a tail over his hind - paws. The calico feline carefully places the gifted feather in front of Crowsight. It isn't a grand gift, but its a gift either way.

  • ooc. imagine this isn't late </3
  • 1a1e4325bc0a9b8c18aa8a0378a5e293e5cfb5cb.pnj
  • ( bad attitude, actin real goofy ) ˖⁺‧₊˚♡˚₊‧⁺˖ ODDGLEAM. ╱ skyclan warrior.
    non-binary ; HE / THEY, fine with gendered terms. ; 14 MOONS & AGES EVERY 7TH.
    bi-pan / polyamorous / padding after crowsight & owlheart
    pretty, long-legged medium furred sliver-cream calico with copper eyes.
    battle notesthoughts ; "Speech, ac7d88" ; attacks only
    may powerplay minor harm ╱ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted
    smells like caramel frappe & chilled stone
    — all opinions are ic

    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by calzone