private PINK PONY CLUB | dimmingsun

"Dimmingsun! Did you see me when those bad cats attacked us? I helped some injured folk to Wolfsong's and Cottonpaw's den!" Celandinepaw chirped as she strutted up to her mentor, voice as chipper as champagne's spill, such small celebration lifting up the apprentice's spirits. Through the madness of confusion, the molly had attempted to seek the familiar golden-pelted tomcat. It proved more of a challenge than she anticipated, what with all the caterwauling and the cries. By now, the daytime had descended upon the expectant moorlands, and the sunbeams had etoliated the wounds of the weary. Sanguine ran fresh along tainted earth, draped and droll against what the light caught upon. Still, Windclan had persisted and survived the odds. "I didn't fight, but I tried my best. That's all that matters, I think." Wheat-hued eyes glowed in her self-made pride, blaze of brilliance bleached upon wide gaze, though never truly dimming the shine that draped along sunshot countenance. I did it! I went through a battle! That was exciting enough for a feline born of haystack wonder and sheltered doors.

The molly, ever the narrow-visioned, hardly realized if Dimmingsun had been hurt or harrowed by Duskclan's invasion.

  • ( NOTE: Reference is a placeholder until a drawn reference can be supplied. Credit HERE )​
  • —— CELANDINEPAW / She/They/He / 9 Moons
    —— Moor Runner Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Dimmingsun
    —— A shorthaired golden spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
    —— Extroverted and unafraid to speak their mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


Celandinepaw's voice is chipper when it reaches him, and really, Dimmingsun couldn't be more glad for it. Perhaps the last disaster has prepared her for worse, or maybe she is the one responsible for her newfound strength against all odds. His maw pulls into a smile; even with the amount of injured cats and the guilt of not being here sooner lingers, she shines some of her light on him.

"I sure did." It's no lie. He had made sure to seek out her familiar pelt amongst the chaos- heard her yowl, not from pain but rather as an offering for assistance. She's becoming better day by day, and her eventual warriorhood looms on the horizon now. "Helping one another is half the battle anyhow. You were really brave for putting yourself out there and focusing on your Clanmates."

His gaze searches her pelt and he finds no matted blood or knotted tuft of fur. Good — perhaps it's a selfish thought, and a wish that would never come to fruition for every obstacle, but he is relieved to see her unhurt. Instead of hurt, there is only joy. This image of Celandinepaw beaming with pride is so vastly different from the one who guiltily admitted to experiencing something as simple as fear... it really is infectious.

So much so that Dimmingsun purposefully neglects turning his head to one side- he's been doing that, subconsciously at first, all so he could hide the deep slash over his left eye for as long as possible. Whatever for, he does not know. The realization came to him while Wolfsong had been spreading healing poultices and cobwebs over it- he would not see out of that eye again, and he'd rather focus on teaching Celandinepaw something new instead.

"How much do you know of this... DuskClan, as they call themselves? Have you heard any rumors?"

The smile plastered on Celandinepaw's face did not cease as Dimmingsun lauded her bravery, her simper like a sun aglow in its fervor, cast upon a cloudless sky with nary to dull it. Bravery was not an attribute often given to a barncat, with lives so simple and rhythmic that there lie hardly ayn room for stunts of courage. To her mother and her father, simply completing one's job was an act of bravery. Pride for her own being settled into her sun-shot pelt, as the hearth's flame did to a rising and falling flank, a comfort in such dark timing. The mention of a 'Duskclan' had allowed her grin to dampen though, as though the embers upon her countenance had been flushed with the reality of the situation, leaving only smolders of the flame that had once burned bright. "Duskclan...? I've heard someone talk about it, I think. I always assumed it was just another clan, like Shadowclan or Riverclan. But they're the bad cats, right? I wonder why we don't see them at Gatherings." I wonder why they're bad. Is that something I should ask? Everyone seems to be under wraps about it. Like it's something that shouldn't even be talked about. Quizzically did the golden spotted tabby tilt her head to the side, as though her mentor spoke of this forbidden clan as more of a rumor or a myth than anything tangible, as though the cats that had attacked them were nothing more than specters of jilted haunt.

That had gotten her attention until she noticed the grand gash upon Dimmingsun's left eye, fresh sanguines buried underneath bare skin and sprouting fur, and yet such a wound could never be erased so easily. "Eeek, your eye! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound like that. How... How long has it been like that? Oh, no, that's not a good question either... Are you okay?" The apprentice spluttered out, finally deciding on the most polite option after stumbling through the rest of what her honesty provided.

  • OOC:
  • ( NOTE: Reference is a placeholder until a drawn reference can be supplied. Credit HERE )​
  • —— CELANDINEPAW / She/They/He / 10 Moons
    —— Moor Runner Apprentice of Windclan / Mentored by Dimmingsun
    —— A shorthaired golden spotted tabby with yellowish-green eyes. Somewhat pudgy, though lean and able to hold her ground in the wild.
    —— Extroverted and unafraid to speak their mind, she is a friendly and affable face in Windclan. Though ditzy and somewhat cowardly, she tries her best to help her clan.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.


Dimmingsun hates to be the one who pours water all over Celandinepaw's fire; her smile falters, dampens, and all he wants is for it to return again. In the same vein, it is entirely unprofessional not to tell her all the details of their enemies. She was a brave when they attacked... and if they make a second attempt, she will need to be just as ready as the first time.

There's a soft shake to his head — should probably cut it out before it makes him dizzy. "No, they're not a real Clan." It almost feels wrong to say... does he have the right? Surely, StarClan does not view any of those cats as anything more than vengeful rogues. Their first prophecy had spoken of five, not six. "They're apparently calling themselves that now. Maybe to soothe their own hearts for what they did. You're right, they're the 'bad cats' we fought; they're the ones we drove out after we asked the barn cats — you — to help."

Back when he had witnessed the fleeing, cowardly flanks of Sootstar's loyalists become smaller and smaller on WindClan horizons, he naively thought they would not see them again. Why would they return? The Sunstride of then had been convincing enough; no cat who still believed that cursed she-cat's ideals to be right would serve under him.

He is abruptly snapped out of reminiscence when Celandinepaw lays eyes upon his wound — stars, why does she have to be so perceptive now? It is a selfish thought, one that doubles as impossible; it's not like Dimmingsun would manage to keep it a secret for long. The only reason she hadn't seen it already is thanks to the busy hum of the Clan. There's an amused grin that appears, vaguely pulling at the scar there, but he does not seem to mind much.

"You're okay," he assures and really means it, not at all bothered by the raw reaction. "One of those DuskClanners got me. Wolfsong has been treating me well, so I'll be in tip-top shape in no time." And even that would not be short enough.