Pink pony club | Hide and seek gone wrong || ‘lost’ kit


New member
Feb 3, 2025

☁︎ ✧・゚ *✧・゚* ☁︎ Underneath a rotting leaf pile behind the apprentice den lay a tiny brown kit curled up as tight as they could. 'I'm a genius' he quietly thought to himself. Little mintkit had begged and begged the next patrol before the other one got back to play hid and seek with him! And he was winning! And had been for a while… but that didn't matter because he still still winning! Every so often his little ears would perk up when paw steps would get close but no one seemed to pay any mind to a random leaf pile.

"Mintkit! Mintkit come out from hiding!" Another warrior yelled.

He wondered if snowlark was looking for him and his little brown tail wagged giddy. Rustling the once still leaves. Time after time him and his sister had no idea where their father went and now it was his turn to know how it feels.

  • ooc: — Mintkit is 'missing' after a little game of hide and seek. Anyone can notice he's missing! after a post or two feel free to snatch him from his spot
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    Mintkit — He/Him ・ 2 moon old ・ Shadowclan kit ・
    ☀︎ A fluffy brown ticked tabby with a white heart on their chest
    ☀︎ Adopted by snowlark, brother to frigidkit

ShadowClan's misfortune with kits spans seasons. Marbleleaf had not been born when Halfsun and Laurelgrin had been stolen away by her mother and Granitepelt and gifted to Sootstar in WindClan, but she feels the guilt seared into her bloodline like a brand. And only recently, Mercykit had been taken on a trip to the graveyard, had been stolen by a shifting shadow with a milk-white face. She is not the maternal type — and it's hard to be, in truth, at thirteen moons and with a law forbidding her to mother children — but even Marbleleaf keeps a close watch on the nursery since Mercykit's kidnapping.

The warrior's cry of alarm sends her into immediate panic. "Mintkit!" Marbleleaf lifts her head from where she'd been collecting moss, her eyes widening. "Mintkit, come out from hiding!" But there's no sign of Mintkit anywhere, and the camp becomes increasingly concerned.

Marbleleaf's heart begins to hammer in her chest. Did someone take him out of camp? Moltface would never do such a thing, and Snowlark surely knew better, and yet… there was the omen, the rotted flesh, and she still didn't know what such a thing could mean…

She swallows her fear, deciding to switch tactics. He might still be here. Stars… if I can make him come out… Marbleleaf calls, sweetening her voice, "Has anyone seen Mintkit? I have a little chunk of honeycomb that I was thinking he might like…" She imbues her voice with innocence.

Marbleleaf is the ShadowClan medicine cat. She is thin, with a short fawn tabby pelt; the base color is a dull, almost-gray slate, and the whorling classic stripes are deeper shades of wet sand. She has white facial markings, chest, and paws, an angular face and build, and moss-colored eyes.

Lilacfur x Siltcloud / sibling to Sycamorebloom / mate to none / parent to none
mentored by Starlingheart / mentoring none
13 moons old as of 02/01/2025
penned by Marquette

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowlark tried his best to visit the kits whenever he could, yet lately he had been nose deep in his duty to truly give the kits the time they needed, their food store all but rotted, Mercykit going missing with no trace of the kit's attacker. Mintkit and Frigidkit both continue to grow at a faster rate and the tom was missing every moment of it.

Tired yellow gaze flicking to some of the warrior while one had a frantic worry look, and none hit him as a realization why until he heard Marbleleaf's voice. Mintkit was missing. Straightening himself up the tom trotted over with hurried pawsteps, jaw opening slightly in an attempt to pick up his son's scent. It hadn't strayed too close to the camp enterance meaning... he should still be in camp but...

"He couldn't of gotten far... and shame, I was going to share a meal with him and Frigidkit tonight" he stated coolly, if Mintkit was still in camp, the child would all but hear him say it, and it was a hope to help prompt the kid out of hiding. Honey and a fresh meal, who couldn't resist? Especially at his age...

Trans FTM (he / him)ㅤ/ㅤBi-sexual/Demi-Romantic
ㅤ18 moons oldㅤ/ㅤAges on the 3rd
ㅤLead Warrior of Shadowclan for 3 moons
Hailfreckle x Mudsplashㅤ/ㅤN/A
ㅤmentoring Frozenpawㅤ/ㅤmentored by Mirestar
ㅤpenned by Rynnarooㅤ/ㅤmessage Rinnaroo on discord for plots!

A pale blue sepia lynx long-haired tom where the majority of his body is covered in white, pale yellow eyes that are normally unreadable by most. His sole blue ear was nicked from an accident that happened to him as an apprentice, something he carries with honor. Snowlark is considered strange by most due to his usual "stoic" tones underlined by his immaturity at times, be it pulling pranks on others, to making out-of-pocket jokes or moments of outbursts of anger, Snowlark is strange but isn't one afraid to be blunt and tell one how it is.
She really shouldn't care that much about the fact that there's a missing kit. In truth she doesn't, it's curiosity that drives her. This is a mystery to solve after all and Puddlepaw might not like much but she adores mysteries. Mintkit is a new face, one that she doesn't particuarly pay attention to so the chimera isn't too sure where this kit would even like to hide to begin with. After with what happened to Mercykit she can't blame them for being concerned about where Snowlark's child is. "Maybe someone should make sure Bonepaw is still in camp" she chides with a frown, if it was anyone else maybe it could be seen as a joke. While she means it with ill intent she holds conviction within her words.

The appease of honey and a fresh meal was foolish, downright childish in the apprentices opinion. She would expect better from the medicine cat and the lead warrior, though it might be just because the apprentice is on a mystery solving mindset right now. Puddlepaw never liked games as a kit, instead she explored every inch of this camp and as such she knew a few general places a kit might hide. Not Mintkit specifically but with a flick of her tail she sets off to look into the crevices of the camp grounds of the marshlands.

The sound of rustling captures her attention. It's comical, almost pathetic how the kits tail is what gives him away. In this moment maybe she understands Wormwatchers lessons on how to walk properly and for how to crouch with Amberhaze. "I wonder where Mintkit went" she mumbles in an attempt to vaguely humour him as she wonders closer. A swift lash of her tail uncovers a small section of the leaves bunched on top of him, with a cautious crouch she stands beside the hiding kit. "There are better places to hide, you will learn." She doesn't care much for the lesson she might be teaching the younger kit, she encourages a future attempt. The seeking is the best part after all.

"You have three seconds to leave and go claim that honeycomb" the threat is known, a small twinkle of mirth in her dull copper squint.

ooc. hope it was okay for Puddlepaw to find him! Let me know if not <3

The song is loud and beautiful and I am so very afraid

: ̗̀➛ㅤfemale (she / her)ㅤ/ㅤunknown sexuality
: ̗̀➛ㅤ08 moons oldㅤ/ㅤages realistically, every 8th of the month
: ̗̀➛ㅤapprentice of ShadowClan for 02 moons
: ̗̀➛ㅤSister of Buzzardpawㅤ/ㅤApprentice of Wormwatcher
: ̗̀➛ㅤpenned by Juiceㅤ/ㅤmessage Ouijeejuice on discord for plots!

A slick rosette fawn tabby / rosette black tabby chimera. Quiet and calculating, struggles being able to describe or identify her own or others emotions. All opinions are IC as she can be quite harsh in her judgements.