
( Reply with your character(s) to see how Pinkpaw feels about them! )

Haven't properly met
Fearful of
Jealous of
Distrustful of
Annoyed by
Weirded out by
Confused / Unsure of
Complicated Feelings
Wishes to know better
Comfortable with
Finds Entertaining
Friends with
Close friends with
Safe around
Like family
Protective of
Platonic Love
Crushing on
Head-over-heels for
Romantic Love​
    Downypaw is like the best sister EVER! They're super smart, and um... nice... and deserve all the good things! I'm sooo glad they don't have a meanie mentor anymore! Rattleheart is way better, and plus, um, we're matching because Scorchstreak and Rattleheart are sisters and so are we! Maybe when we're warriors we can be tunneler partners or whatever? That'd be SOOO cool!
    🌸 Pinkpaw cares Downypaw IMMENSELY! She's easily the sister she's spent the most time with since her apprenticeship, and she appreciates having them with her to ease the HORRIBLE experience that is being a tunneler... Beneath the surface, Pinkpaw really doesn't know them that well, but she's not clued into this fact in the slightest

    Featherpaw — i mean spine — is my best friend! Assuming she still wants to be friends with an apprentice... I'm a cool apprentice, though, so i think we should be best friends still! I know he can be grumpy and stuff, but that's why it's important that we're friends because I gotta be there to cheer her up and remind her that the world is great, actually! It's too bad he's not a tunneler... Is that mean? I just wish we could hang out more! But um, maybe he'd be mad he couldn't be a warrior yet in that case...
    🌸 Pinkpaw, completely unpromptedly, has made it her life's mission to make Featherspine into a happier cat! Though they might be friends now, her job is FAR from over. A smile should not be so rare! A laugh even rarer still! It is no way for a cat to live, and so Pinkpaw, of course, needs to stick by her side to make it happen... Pinkpaw sees his "smile deficiency" as a VERY serious issue that she is working hard to remedy!
    Bluefrost and I actually used to be arch enemies... but I forgave her and now we're best friends! I know some cats think she's a bit suspicious, and maybe she was a bit weird to Snakehiss before, but, um... just cause her mom was mean doesn't mean she is! I totally trust her!
    🌸 Alongside Rattleheart, Pinkpaw kind of sees herself as Bluefrost's proxy to get back into good graces with the rest of the clan. If no one else likes Bluefrost, Pinkpaw will! And if she likes her enough, the rest of the clan will like her too! For this reason, Pinkpaw, (perhaps to an annoying extent) tries to show ecstatic support whenever Bluefrost is nearby!

    Pollenfur's my secret auntie! Do lots of cats have secret aunties? I kinda hope so cause then it'd be less weird to have one... I love her of course, cause that's my auntie! But... what was she even doing at Horseplace, and why wouldn't she come back to WindClan still? Does she not like us? I thought I was pretty nice to her when we met... And I liked her! I hope she liked me too.
    🌸 Pinkpaw still doesn't really know how to interpret the reality of how her kin have been split up... Featherpaw got through to her the most when he proposed that Pollenfur had something to fear in WindClan. The possibility makes her sad, but it's one that she's begin to consider. More childishly, she often finds herself wondering if Pollenfur simply didn't like her or her sisters enough. One day, she hopes she'll come back to WindClan.
    Mouseflight went on that journey thing right? So that means he must be at least somewhat cool. I wasn't really convinced before, since he's a tunneler, but not all tunnelers are that bad... or um, bad at all, really! Plus he's pretty brave, um, I think... He totally smacked one of Sootstar's cats once!
    🌸 Mouseflight is a WindClanner she doesn't dislike, so therefore they're friends by default! Pinkpaw would totally trust him to dig a cool hole, or squash a bug, or bring her something to eat, or find a pretty flower... Plus, he's brave! Plus, he seems to really really like tunneling! She kinda wishes she liked it that much. She only likes it a little bit, really.

    Scorchstreak is totally one of WindClan's best warriors if not the best one ever! I was like... booooo at first, cause I thought, ew! Tunneler! But she taught me that tunnelers can be cool, actually. And she's also the CAPTAIN of the cool tunneler club. She's super brave, and strong, and smart, and I basically got the coolest mentor ever!
    🌸 Scorchstreak unexpectedly grew on her in the midst of all that WindClan has gone through. Her perception of her very suddenly shifted from "ew, tunneler," to coolest cat in the clan, and that in turn has made her feel a lot better about being both a tunneler, and an apprentice in general. She truly believes Scorchstreak can do pretty much anything, and will listen to her in most cases even if she doesn't agree.

    Blizzardpaw like came outta nowhere, didn't they? For an outta nowhere cat, they're pretty cool! Too bad they came at like the worst time ever too... I hope they don't think WindClan's sucky all the time cuz of that. It was only sucky that one — er, two times! But that's like, it!
    🌸 The few times Pinkpaw has chatted with them, she totally thought Blizzardpaw was a cutiepie, basically! She remembers their face the most through WindClan's tumultuous times, and because of that may be a bit more protective of him!
    " Gravelsnap... I rememberrr... he made a really cool snow den once! And he was all grumpy and I was like, could a cat this sleepy and grumpy really make something as cool as this? But they can! And they did! Too bad he can't be a tunneler!
    🌸 Pinkpaw remember Gravelsnap the most from when they were at the barn. He came off a bit grumpy... but as Featherspine's best friend, she has a decently high tolerance for this! She doesn't mind much at all, and she htinks he must be a good cat since Periwinklebreeze likes him so much.

    Sheeppaw's my friend! At least I'm pretty sure we are! We hung out when he was a kit and it was super fun, uhuh - huh! I made sure to cheer super duper loud when he was made an apprentice, and I'm gonna cheer super super loud when he's a warrior too!
    🌸 Plain and simple, she remembers hanging out with Sheepkit and thinks he's super silly (just like her frfr) and fun! They have so much in common, they HAVE to be friends!

    Whitedawn is sooo pretty! Way too pretty to be a tunneler! ...or maybe just pretty enough to be a tunneler? I guess tunnelers aren't too ugly. I'm definitely not! I remember when she was a -paw and I was a kit and I wa slike ohmygosh whitedawn! and now she's a whole warrior? And I'm a whole apprentice almost-warrior? Everything is so crazy!
    🌸 When she was younger, Whitedawn was basically the premier tunneler apprentice to her! Her complexion really made her stand out in Pinkpaw's mind, and kind of arbitrarily (as she does most things) she's become attached to her! Even if they haven't spoken too much Pinkpaw considers her a friend, and one of the coolest tunnelers ever!
    Ohmygosh Celandinepaw! I totally know her name now. We're like, best friends! And we're gonna be best friends forever and ever! I really hope she likes WindClan, because I really like WindClan and I want everyone to really like WindClan! If she doesn't realy like WindClan, then I'll make her really like WindClan!
    🌸 It's not hard at all to earn best friend status for Pinkpaw, and Celadine quickly acquired it by matching her energy and having the same supreme opinions on the best colors and such... She cares about her a lot and wants to make sure she's enjoying her time in WindClan!

    Um... This guy's like so suspicious, right...? I don't like to think cats are suspicious, cause that's rude, isn't it? But he's SO suspicious even I have to keep my eye on him! For the good of WindClan and stuff! Plus I don't think Scorchstreak likes him either. She gives him funny looks whenever we're on patrol together, so I should give him just as funny looks too, clearly! Bluepool and Bluefrost aren't suspicious, so why is he, huh? He should learn to be, um, not weird and stuff! Sootstar's gone! Leave all the weirdness with her!
    🌸 Pinkpaw's thoughts on him has steadily declined from guy that she doesn't understand the words of to creepy weirdguy, and in her opinion, he has no reason to be a creepyweirdguy anymore! Following the Snakehiss incident, Pinkpaw feels extra compelled to keep an eye on him, cause like, what if he tries to do something bad to Sunstar? Not like she's ever seen him hurt anything, but he's always saying stupid stuff! Can't they all just get along?

    That's my dad, that's my dad! I love him so so much! I don't get at ALL why I ended up tunneler - sized when he looks like that! It's like, not fair, but i've forgiven him by now! He's one of the nicest cats ever and he and Brightshine are why I'm hte happiest girl in the world!
    🌸 Of COURSE she loves him, that's her dad!! Pinkpaw really appreciates having two loving parents, especially when some kits got to have like... Sootstar or Snakehiss as parents! That must've sucked! She and Downypaw basically won the competition.
    That's Featherpaw's— er, well I guess she was Featherpaw's mentor. Featherspine. She's really cool and brave and I like her a lot! Scorchstreak likes her a lot too, and I'm glad she likes her a lot, because that means me and Featherpaw get to hang out! ...Got to, anyways. It was fun, though! It was really really fun. I'm glad she's not as evil as Sootstar! ...Or evil at all, even!
    🌸 Bluepool has been a Lead Warrior for forever now, and Pinkpaw's super relieved that she didn't leave to go be evil with Sootstar! everything was changing so much already that she doesn't want to lose her too. If nothing else, Bluepool has been a distantly very cool staple in her life that she would like to keep. Bonus, she makes Scorchstreak happy!

    I'll never forget about you Halfpaw, I promise!! She was like my bestest friend... for um, a little bit, and then she went back to ShadowClan. I still don't really get how or why that happened... but I kinda get that it was bad, now. Her ShadowClan family probably missed her and stuff... I really hope she's doing okay! I try to find her at everyy single gathering so we can keep in touch! Would it be horrible if she became deputy or something without telling me first? Plus, I gotta let everyone know I knew her first! I miss you Larkpaw! Halfpaw!
    🌸 Even though realistically, Halfpaw has probably changed a lot by now, Pinkpaw still remembers that new girl she had a lot of fun with as a kit, and considers her a lifelong friend because of it! Plus, if she had stayed in WindClan, they would definitely hang out allll the time and share tongues and eat rabbits together and everything would be good! That being said, she's old enough to understand why she had to go now... But she'll remember her forever and ever!
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