pinocchio pariah ⋆✫⋆ milkkit


New member
Jun 8, 2024
speaking color is #BBE8EF

mil'a. "MILKKIT." > milkpaw > milkmouth
filler ➾ ???, he/she. bisexual. ⋆✫⋆
fillerfiller ➾ written by @DOFFERZ! ⋆✫⋆

SKYCLAN. kit (daylight), 3 moons old
GEN 1. charlemagne x ???, has a large handful of siblings. mentor: n/a
REQUEST for potential adoptive family in skyclan!

FUR COLOR: white with black spotting
FUR TEXTURE: medium length, more full around his cheeks. soft and fluffy to the touch.
SKIN COLOR: cute pink. nose, ears, and skin. spotted black and pink. paw pads.
EYES: pale yellow, yet bright to look into.
BUILD: small! he's just a kitten.
OTHER: wears interchanging collars

ABOUT: mischievous, cunning, antagonistic, troublemaker, horrible little boy, sweet!! charming, manipulative

ANDROGENOUS : is he a boy or a girl? it's incredibly hard to tell. milkkit goes by both feminine and masculine pronouns, and he shows distinct signs of both even in his appearance and his voice. while typically addressing himself as a male, he will refer to himself as female as well... or both... or neither.
SWEETHEART: milkkit is an incredibly sweet child. he finds himself nuzzling up to members of the clan, helping them with small tasks, and playing games. he seems to get along well with others and is a bundle of fun to be around! of course, being a kit still, milkkit is extremely childish and prone to outbursts, but truly seems to care for and enjoy the company of others.
CHARMING: who could say no to a sweet little child like him? milkkit finds it quite easy to talk others into doing stuff for him, whether it's playing a game, taking him with him somewhere in the camp, or taking him back home to his twolegs. charming and well mannered, he seems to rarely face issue... perhaps he's too used to getting what he wants.
TROUBLEMAKER: again.... milkkit is used to getting what he wants. despite being a young kit, he finds a great talent into getting others to give him what he wants. whether it's through victim blaming, tantrums, or essential blackmail, milkkit is going to see that he's happy. in addition, he may frequently find himself in situations that he should not be, such as leaving camp or playing with food or making a mess. all of these just to claim that he didn't know, and that he and his father do thing differently back at home. essentially, he tries to make his oppressor feel bad, and at times he's quite good at it. however, even after being corrected, is he going to stop? no, absolutely not.
ANTAGONISTIC: milkkit can be a bit of a bully... not just to people his own age, but to certain adults as well. extremely clever, he seems to be fully aware of who he can mess around with without getting in trouble right off the bat. whether it's a kit who cannot defend themself or a warrior he can seemingly blackmail, milkkit will latch onto certain specific individuals and make their lives a living hell. from throwing tantrums over things they won't do for him, convincing them to do things they shouldn't, ruining hunts, or dragging them into dangerous situations.... milkkit will always try to get them in trouble some sort of way, all the while pulling the victim card should he be caught alongside them. how could someone like him be apart of something so awful anyways? even if someone has their doubts, millkkit makes it very difficult for them to solidify proof against him.
QUESTIONABLLY LOYAL: milkkit is extremely loyal... though questionably so to skyclan. the only reason he travels to skyclan every day is because his father wants him to, and that's where the bulk of his said loyalty lies. milkkit has a very strong relationship with his father (and his housefolk) and has the ultimate desire to appease him. he speaks very highly of him and likes to make sure that skyclan is aware of that. he does have a desire to help serve skyclan whenever he becomes an apprentice and he does enjoy his time here, but ultimately wouldn't put them first should he have to make a choice.
HARDHEADED: extremely stubborn. when milkkit makes up his mind, he's determined to get his way. he may blatently refuse to do certain things, and again, throw tantrums when something doesn't turn out the way he had hoped. he's just a child though, does he really know any better?
NONRELIGIOUS: while he's not quite an atheist, milkkit isn't a genuine follower of starclan and instead follows the teachings of his father instead. he believes that starclan more than likely does exist, but unless talked into it otherwise by the cats of skyclan over time, milkkit doesn't quite believe in the extent of power or truly trust in them. after all, they're dead anyways.... what's the big deal? he finds it easier to live in the moment and forget about the dead.
KITTYPET: milkkit is a daylight warrior and he very frequently acts like the kittypet that he is. sometimes he may bring toys from home to play with, and frequently begs for the other kits to be able to come home with him some days for a 'playdate.' seeing as he and his father view skyclan more as a 'daycare' than anything else, there are days that milkkit doesn't even want to go and would rather stay home... even despite knowing his duties and loyalties to the clan.

HISTORY: (tba further) milkkit, under the name mil'a, was born in a twoleg home as the child of his father charlemagne. after some moons have passed, his father urged him to join skyclan as a daylight warrior, to which mil'a obliged. currently, he travels with an escort to and back from the clan, enjoying his time playing in skyclan and coming back home to his father at his kittypet home. he currently lives with his father, one male and one female twoleg, and a small dog. he does have siblings that come and go... his most prominent being his older brother who lives further down in twoleg place.

OPEN TO; minor and minor nonviolent powerplay, unprovoked attack, minor injuries.
ASK FOR; maim, capture, major injuries.
CLOSED TO; major and major nonviolent powerplay, murder.
WHEN ATTACKING; please tag @milkkit specifying your attack is extremely helpful.
WILL; start fights, end fights.
MAY; attack without reason, kill.
WILL NOT; kill, attack without reason, within view of others.

OPEN TO; any sort of interaction threads! rivals especially! potential friends, though milkkit is a bit of a bully to grown adults even. always feel free to dm me or contact me on discord (@doffloppa) for plots!
CLOSED TO; blood relations and romance... one sided (your character) is ok!


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