camp pitiless being ;; reading futures

With the argument between his father and mentor, and the arrival of Mallowlark, the camp's mood seemed to be on a constant down. So, with a stack of regular leaves and a renewed vigor to put some smile on a few peoples faces, Fireflypaw makes his way out of the medicine den and seats himself for the camp to see. To some, it might just look like he was sorting through herbs- but in reality, he was attempting to shuffle his own fake cards in front of him. (To no success, of course!)

"Anybody interested in knowing how their future will go?" Fireflypaw calls out to the busy crowd of cats, probably working on reinforcing the borders after Mallowlark's joining. Fireflypaw shifts the leaves out individually, putting them in a row in front of him. Then, his paw gestures to the leaves. "Pick a leaf, any leaf. Your future will be discovered by me!" If only I had a power like that.. I could have made sure Morningpaw didn't die. I could have known where Howlpaw was going. I could have known Dawnglare would find an outer-clan mate. But now, the future was already showing itself to him. He just had to wait for his sister to come back, and everything would be okay again. Dad wouldn't need to cry, and his family would be back together again.

Everything is going to be okay.
The green of grass and the occasional bright leaf stains the blue-furred apprentice’s paws a garish shade of green, all nasty and muted against the bark of the pine tree he clings onto. His job within the branches is one of observation; a self-given role, one that he knows he performs well. Sharp eyesight is a gift, he thinks, and he shudders at the thought of losing it.

Fireflypaw’s voice is a familiar one, calling for anyone with interest in hearing how their own futures will pan out. It sounds interesting, sure—good information to have—so he drops from the tree with a huff, padding over to the pointed apprentice. He just wasn’t aware that part of a medic’s job was to also see the future, predict events to come. "You can do that?" The question is asked with sincerity, genuine curiosity. If the healer’s apprentice can just tell him what to expect in his future, then he can be more prepared for when things go awry.

He settles uncomfortably onto the ground, white tail tip flicking against his paws. "Tell me my future," he urges, leaning forward to stare at the array of leaves. A green-stained paw hovers, flutters between a few of the leaves, before settling upon one. This one. This will bring me a good future.
[ just a side character ]

Earthsoul had been making an effort to visit camp more often, trying to put the ‘warrior’ back in ‘daylight warrior’. However, most of the elder’s time had been spent piecing together just what he’d missed in his time away. Emerald eyes now looked at his clanmates with no small amount of pity, but at least a few were finding ways to stave off sorrow.

The elder held infinite respect for Fireflypaw. The apprentice had helped him see sense, and was an integral reason as to why there was now a collar hanging around his neck. Privately, the moggy was made to wonder why the well-meaning cat was still in a learner position. He was certainly more stable than his mentor, at the very least. (And more kind, more approachable, not to mention more humble - he was trailing now, wasn’t he?)

Stepping forwards, the grandpa gave the doctor-in-training a casual flick of the tail in greeting, doing the same to Cloudberrypaw. A small smile crossed graying features as he took in the apprentice. Earthsoul was old enough to know this was nothing more than playing pretend, but he was in no mood to crush childlike wonder. Why not go along with it?

“‘Dunno how much future I got left, but It can’t hurt to see, right? I’m next, after Cloudberrypaw, of course.” A respectful dip of the head towards the much younger cat followed, before he leaned in close and whispered “I’ve met a few soothsayers in my time. Apparently, some can alter people’s fates! ‘Couldn’t tell ya’ if Fireflypaw can or not, but good luck either way!”
જ➶ "Oh! Do mine, do mine! Me, me, me please!" Her voice rings out from where she has been trying to catch a small feather she has been playing with. But upon hearing that Fireflypaw can read the future she is spinning on heels to get over there. Is this some Starclan given power? He is the medicine cat apprentice and to her that seems highly likely. A grin pulls at her muzzle before she realizes just how rude she must seem barging in and trying to get first dibs like that. Embarrassment floods her and her ears pull back against her skull. "After Cloud and Earth of course. I can wait!" Her mother always said that patience is key to being a good warrior. Even as she sits down her haunches wiggle and she keeps looking back and forth between the others.

Oh! When will they be done?! Is it going to be her turn soon? She doesn't know but she is trying her hardest to wait and she nibbles on the inside of her cheek forcing herself to keep still. Right, sje can do this and waiting isn't that hard.
First to arrive is Cloudberrypaw, someone he hasn't seen around much but still recognizes by the sound of his voice. His eyelashes flutter as a paw settles on one of the leaves, his own following suit to touch against them to find the leaf chosen. Being unable to see well makes it hard, but nonetheless he finds it and draws his toepads over it. Feeling all of the ridges, bumps.. Until he smiles, as if finding a decision on the fortune he must give.

"You'll live a long, eventful life." He begins, ears swiveling to the front of his head to listen in to any remarks. "Good things are coming to you if you try hard in the moons to come. You are part of the pine, after all. A branch necessary for the functions of the Clan. Your aid will help the Clan in moons to come." He settles the leaf down, tail lashing behind him excitedly. This was.. Fun! He could just.. Find roundabout ways to encourage people through this, right? Even if they were only guesses on one's life.

The next to arrive was Earthsoul, a tom he was fond of nonetheless minding how he never got to see him much anymore. He was safe with twolegs now getting the help he deserved, living out the rest of his years in peace. "Of course you have a future, Earthsoul!" He chimes, smiling broadly at the elderly tom. Once he's done with the leaf used for Cloudberrypaw, he hands it to the young tom and smiles. "Keep it for good luck. Green is a lucky color." He reminds the apprentice, nodding his head towards him. Then, he offers the pile of leaves to the Elder.

"Pick a leaf, please!~" He sings out, tail waving behind him as Heatherpaw arrives with gusto. He couldn't help but to match the girl's energy! His body could barely stay still as she expresses her interest; something Firefly was proud of nonetheless. Stepping up, he nods his head. "Grab a leaf. After Earthsoul's, I'll do yours, 'kay?"

"I didn't know you could read futures," Greenpaw comments, padding over to greet his friend - a typical bump of the head shared with the seal point. "Did Dawnglare teach you that...?"

Is this what medicine cats are supposed to learn, as if it were some... connection to the stars or something? Was fortune telling supposed to aid in prophecies StarClan whispers to them? Greenpaw isn't too sure, but he can't help but wonder as his gaze settles upon the array of leaves set in front of Fireflypaw.

And, with everything going on right now, with his namesake seeping into camp as his clanmates are going missing, Greenpaw can't help but hesitate in choosing a leaf. What of his curse would Fireflypaw be able to read? What more would it take from his clan?

Green is a lucky color, he hears the High Priest's student say, and right, he's reminded of the clover stuck behind his ear - a gift of luck from Firefly. Green is a lucky color, his friend says. A phrase similar to one he's been hearing for many moons now, shifted into something different. Something positive.

Finally, he steps closer to the leaves, humming as he takes a closer look. Like Cloudberrypaw, a paw of his own hovers over the assortment as he searches for his choice. "Hmm..."

"This one!" Greenpaw moves to set his paw atop the chosen leaf, only to pause at the last second, setting his paw beside it instead. Green may be a lucky color in Firefly's eyes, but Dawnglare doesn't share that same belief, and Greenpaw doesn't know if these leaves will be brought back to the medicine den, after their use.

"This one, right here. Next to you." He thumps his paw on the ground once more as he awaits his reading. Earthsoul and Heatherpaw still have yet to choose, after all.
Angry at all the things I can't change
Cream colored limbs lay sprawled beneath him as he quietly watches from afar. Jaw rotating thoughtfully as he contemplates coming forward himself out of pure curiosity. What would his future hold? Redemption, hopefully. Friends, perhaps even glory? The countless possibilities were endless as he mulled over them. He decides against it however, knowing Fireflypaw's connection with starclan. If he could read the future could he possibly change it as well? What if he plucked a leaf and his days ahead were bright, would Dawnglare's protege destroy it out of ire? It was no secret how much he looked up to the strange red and white shawman. And considering Dawnglare despised him he held no doubt the skyclan medic passed that along to Firefly as well. His brows pinch at the thought. He would rather remain in the dark about the unknown to come than experience more judgement. So, instead of participating Coyotepaw is more than content to watch, listening to the good fortune befalling the rest of his clanmates.
when you're lost in the universe don't lose faith
❪ TAGS ❫ — Fiery hues rimmed with gold watch as the medicine cat apprentice begins distributing "fortunes" to his clanmates, a neutral frown etched onto a dark maw. Whether this was simply an attempt to bring joy to others or a ridiculous farce brought on by none other than Dawnglare's influence, Slate could see right through this false act. The former rogue's belief in the extramundane was shaky at best, having witnessed the resurrection of Blazestar himself, but even then it was hard to place his faith in a world of ancestors that he had never seen with his own eyes. Besides, to his knowledge medicine cats could only commune with StarClan, not inherit their powers.

Slate felt silly debating on whether or not to participate in Fireflypaw's soothsaying session; the reasonable half of his brain told him to just walk away and mind his own business, but he would be outright lying if he claimed that he was not curious as to what garbage Fireflypaw would make up for him.

The burly Maine Coon made his way over slowly, not too eagerly, and slightly sneered at the array of assorted leaves. Huh, as if it even mattered what he picked. Perhaps the seal point would tell him to go back to the twolegplace and stay far away from SkyClan and, at this point, Slate wondered if that would even be a bad fortune. Bad luck was wreaking havoc among the clan right now; if he were still a stray, then he would have never gotten caught up in any of it.

After the red tabby apprentice has taken his turn, the longhaired brute gestures with his paw toward a darker-hued leaf that had particularly caught his interest. "What's this leaf tell ya'?" Slate grunts with a cock of his brow. He hopes this "reading" will be brief; he's already starting to feel embarrassment making his fur prickle.

Emerald eyes patiently watch the proceedings with a sort of detached amusement. Like Slate, Soil is wise enough to know that this was a far-fetched farce. Unlike his peer, though, the elder appreciated how playing pretend could boost morale in the midst of a mess. Graying features break into a wide grin as earthsoul glances backwards and sees the line that’s formed behind him. It seemed that quite a few cats wanted their worries assuaged.

Aware of the time he was taking up, the creaky cat padded forwards and placed a pawpad on the first leaf he saw. “This one! It’s the color as my eyes, so it must be good, right?” Considering all the choices were the same color as his eyes, the cat’s choice didn’t make much sense. Still, Earthsoul was dead set on his selection. “So tell me, Fireflypaw, are my housefolk gonna get some half-decent food anytime soon?”