Place to call home || hiding in nursery

[ ΰΌ» 𐃉 ΰΌΊ ] Sycamorekit didn't like it here, the talks the adults have or the shift of their eyes to him or marblekit, he didn't like it. Yet Siltcloud had still not returned to come and take them back, and how some of the others have claimed that this was now his home and his sibling's? They didn't like it one bit. So, Sycamorekit refused to leave the nursery, staying in there even if the queens try to coax him out with food all he did was snatch up whatever they put farthest from him and dashed back to his hiding spot in the nursery. Growling at anyone who came near besides his sister.

Green eyes watching pawsteps come and go from his hiding spot, his head on his paws while he await for Marblekit's return from whatever adventure she had decided to wobble off to. The only other that managed to get him out of his spot was her, his only sibling and only one that reminded them of their mother, the one who had yet to return, and Lilacfur was hardly much around, always too busy with her duties as something called 'lead warrior.' His fluffy tail swayed from side to side before noticing paw before him and his hiding spot before huffing slightly.

"I'm not coming out" he stated bit flatly, his head turning away, still throwing his tiny tantrum from when he was first brought to camp. This was no fun, they were stuck here, they couldn't come and go as they pleased like the adults could and it was definitely no twoleg place which had been wide, big and he could easily explore as long as he was in his mama's eyesight. Here he couldn't even leave the safety of the camp without getting into trouble and it wasn't fair at all. He hated it, and all he wanted was to go 'home' still refusing that this was his reality now.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Sycamorekit 𐃉 He,She, They, Shadowclan kit, 2 moons.
    β­ƒ LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes, has an extra set of toes
    β­ƒ Lilacfur x Siltcloud
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    ↛ see battle info here
    β­ƒ penned by Ryn ↛ @/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


As walking and talking had become skills that Gigglekit had under her belt, she had been an unstoppable - well, stoppable only by Needledrift - force in the nursery, never rough-housing, but definitely bothering her brothers to the point of annoyance. All she really knew was the nursery, aside from the time when Needledrift had dragged her and her brothers out into the brightness to see a stranger, but other than that she was content with where she was - for now.

A sharp voice off in the corner of the nursery caught Gigglekit's little ear, and her whole head swiveled in the direction of the noise, subtlety clearly not one of the kitten's strong suits. She stared for a moment, before looking back to Needledrift, before continuing her appraisal of the kit that was hidden away in the corner. She wondered briefly if it was his turn to go out into the brightness to meet the stranger, and she decided to take it upon herself to reassure him that it wasn't scary or anything.

"Not comin' outta what?" Gigglekit questioned with her high-pitched, untrained voice that still held traces of baby talk. In fact, the she-kit said everything in a jumble, so that it was hard to pick out the words she was saying; but she didn't repeat herself. She saw no reason to, unless she was asked to - sometimes Needledrift asked her to repeat things, though Gigglekit didn't know why. She thought she spoke clearly enough.

Snowypaw knew what it was like to have eyes grace her pelt with some form of disdain - though she was never as perceptive as Lilacfur's little brood, she's grown quickly to learn that more often than not, it's not her fault cats have opinions of her existence. The details were never hidden to her by her mothers - Sprucepaw was their savior. Her blood painted the ground, almost beautifully, so that Ferndance and her litter could survive. Watching Sycamorekit hiss and hide, she wonders if Lilacfur has ever thought of feeding them similar tales.

"The nursery, Gigglekit," Snowypaw hums. She's been sleeping comfortably in the nursery, even after her apprentice ceremony. What use was moving into the big, crowded apprentice den when she was being treated no differently than the kittens? She sweeps her wispy tail around her little sibling, a giggle shaking out of her own throat, "They're scared of it out there, I think. Never seen a flower, or sunned on the stones. Mmm-mmm," she shakes her head, "It's too scary." She doesn't intend to bully, but she does hope to instigate the tot to come out of hiding.​
π– °π– ° The kit has seemingly become more confident on his feet, little paws tapping quickly against the nursery floor as he toddles over to where his siblings stand around a smaller form. Sycamorekit is a strange addition to the denβ€”he and his sibling are small and scrawny, much less shiny-furred than Morelkit and Gigglekit and Branchkit are. The lilac tabby wonders if the other two kits are sick; Branchkit and his siblings all got told they were healthy by the black and white she-cat with only one eye. Gigglekit doesn’t seem fazed by the brown and white kit’s nervousness, asking him what he means, and Snowypaw answers for him. Never seen a flower, never sunned on rocks… Branchkit hasn’t done either of those things, either!

"Bibblebit," he repeats after Snowypaw with a flicker of his tail, chin tilting up proudly. He is glad to show off all the words that he’s been learningβ€”though still his speech is clumsily produced around the inexperienced tongue of a small kit. To Sycamorekit, he tips his head curiously and asks, "Scary?" His little voice quivers, surprise tipping his tone higher. The world outside of the nursery isn’t scary, it’s just weird.

Spending the time in the nursery had not become a habit like Snowypaw's, but most of Ferndance's free time was spent within the walls, guarding Needledrift's children and finding as many excuses to spend time with the Queen as possible. It was, perhaps, no surprise that she'd begun to see Lilacfur's kids more frequently as a result. She saw them as any other children, the distrust lay with their parents and not the product, it was easy for the Warrior to differentiate. Ferndance raised her head as protests came from a mundane spot within the Nursery, her head tilting upwards to assess the bundle covered in dry bedding. Her emerald eyes blinked slowly as her children began to question the other kitten, ears flicking as they mentioned the outside world being scary, at least to Sycamorekit. A frown briefly crossed her muzzle, gentle as a stream - the deduction didn't seem quite right when the other came from the outside world. She got up into a crouch, crawling around the den and shuffling closer to the pack. "That's ok," she mewed to Sycamorekit, the tip of her striped tail twitching as she nudged Snowypaw in greeting.

"You know... I was imprisoned here for six moons. You can stay longer if you'd like, but frogs don't really hop into this den... you might get hungry." Her head tilted, an easy smile forming on the warrior's muzzle. As if the other's words only just reached her ears, Ferndance did a double take in Branchkit's direction: Bibblebit? It was progress from repeating one's name and pride ruffled the pale fur around her neck. She forced her attention back to Sycamore. "And you can't eat kittens, they're too chewy."


Making herself a workhorse of a warrior had rewarded Lilacfur greatly, for the most part. It made her a reliable Clanmate to her peers. A fierce protector of their home. An active contributor to their ever-so-meager freshkill pile. It made her recognized to be a part of Chilledstar's council as a lead warrior, and bring a sense of redemption to her family's reputation.

It also made her a pretty absent mother, too.

Rearing kittens was not always on Lilacfur's list of goals for her life. It hardly had a presence at all, she didn't think herself prepared to have a family. Not the way her sister could- she always viewed Starlingheart more stable than herself. Having the unfortunate necessity to grow wise far beyond her moons. Her own soul was still young, yet here she was now with youth that bare her blood. She assumed that Needledrift would, could supplement for what Siltcloud lacked while she continued her own duties out in the marsh. Bringing back every and any piece of prey she could muster into the nursery but that was the extend of her visits.

She had been on her way to do so just now, having spent nearly the entire day absent from camp just to return home with prey- another frog- when she heard Sycamorekit's protesting. Ferndance is the only warrior present and if only because the molly openly accused her of betrayal she assumed this was her doing.

"Maybe if his Clanmates stopped behaving no older than himself, this wouldn't be a conversation at all." Her voice is clipped, lacking any of the patience she normally held. A paw slid the frog closer to her son, a peace offering as she sank her claws through rubbery skin.

"Share this with me? Where's your sister, she can have some, too." She could stay, at least for a few moments, for a bite or two before heading off again.
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]

[ ΰΌ» 𐃉 ΰΌΊ ] The first to approach had been Gigglekit who had asked him where was he not coming out of and yet before he could respond Snowypaw piped in saying he was scared of leaving the nursery and which he responded with a huff. He wasn't scared, why would he be? The kit had grown partially outside of the nursery dealing with the harsh cold of leaf-bare in a land barely fit for him or his sister, yet they both had managed to survive. No, he didn't want to see the look of the others when he left his tiny corner, he hated it. He was a reminder of his mother, not Lilacfur but the one who left him here.

Branchkit came soon after still seemingly having problems with saying his own name yet his question was towards his older sister so there was no reason to attempt a response and then Ferndance, his dark green gaze fixating on the she-cat, she visited a lot because of Needledrift but her words only confused him. Lastly, his other mother appeared expressing some impatience and annoyance about why her own son was not leaving the nursery. "I don't like how they look at me" he stated softly before blinking

Hesitantly coming out of his corner to take a spot next to the lead warrior, his white ear flicked slightly before glancing around in search of Marblekit before looking up at his mother. "I think she's exploring" he said softly. The other seemed to of taken a bit better to the change compared to Sycamorekit but with more time perhaps he will finally come arond to his new "home" for now he will continue to dig his claws into the ground and refuse to leave from his hiding spot unless necessary.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Sycamorekit 𐃉 He,She, They, Shadowclan kit, 2 moons.
    β­ƒ LH Rosetted Cinnamon Tabby with low white and green eyes, has an extra set of toes
    β­ƒ Lilacfur x Siltcloud
    β­ƒ peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    ↛ see battle info here
    β­ƒ penned by Ryn ↛ @/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

The commotion about the nursery caught her attention as she peeks over and spots Lilacfur, Ferndance, Snowypaw and the kits. "Hey everyone~!" Mapletail would chirp cheerfully as she came into full view and listened to everyone attempting to get Sycamorekit to leave the nursery despite him not budging. Others made remarks of him being scared, him going to starve and everything which makes her eyebrows furrow slightly. The golden and cinnamon spotted tabby would listen to everyone for a moment as she tilts her head to the side, a claw tapping her chin as she makes a loud 'hmm'. He didn't like how they looked at him?

"They probably think you're extremely adorable, who could look at someone so cute in a bad way?" She would purr as she lowers her body to the ground to be on eye level with the young tom-cat. A toothy grin comes from the feline whom sparkled like the sun itself, her coat sticking out like the stars in the night with how brightly she was colored. Maple would reach a paw out to let Sycamorekit to recognize it before attempting to ruffle the fur on top of his head and sit up a little. "The world is full of so many different things, it's okay to be nervous. However... there is so many pretty things like this!"

Similar to a magician, the rosette tabby would turn around and pull a flower out of her coat with a claw and turn around to show the young tom. "If anyone ever looks at you weird," she would start as she leans forward and whispers to the long-haired kitten, "they're probably just jealous of you!" Mapletail would finish with an ear-to-ear grin as she places the flower behind his ear and gives him a loving smile. "You look pretty, so how could someone not adore you?"

His answer to his hiding is unsurprising but her expression remained unchanged. Unamused though not with him, but for the bitter introduction the Clan already managed to sink into tiny pelts before they had a chance to even settle. Why was it so difficult? Why did they make it so impossible to feel... Ugh. She doesn't like the pessimism that hooked through her heart.

"I know, but you can't let it stop you. It'll only make it worse." Lilacfur remembered the scrutiny she had faced herself as a kit. The toll of an innocent crime weighing on such small shoulders. The loss of a matriarch, her own mother, to her own foolishness. She would sooner go through it all over than allow her own kin to feel the same.

"Just stare at them back, lift your chin, and walk away. It doesn't continue for very long after that." Her gaze glossed over the nursery briefly only for Mapletail to appear. She gently broke through the thick skin of the frog for Sycamorekit and gave a half-smile, not holding much hope the tom-kit would find her sugarcoated words soothing, or the close proximity. "It's not quite all that simple, Mapletail but... thank you. You are a handsome tom, Sycamorekit. Wait until your coat fully grows in like mine, you'll be as soft as a cloud."
[ i need the clouds to cover me ]