pafp PLACE YOUR BETS | wrestling


here come the runts
May 28, 2023

Meadowkit was likely well aware that the black and white she-cat had been stalking him for a while now. She was a kitten whose paws were soft and quiet but whose mouth and height were loud. Even if the fawn smoke wanted her to stop, Littlekit carried on following him from a respectable distance away, a cocky grin splitting her muzzle as she ducked into camp flora every now and again. It wasn't a new game she was playing, roughhousing with the other kittens had been her favourite past time since she was old enough to walk and her denmates were likely aware of it now. Some weren't keen to reciprocate, finding her bites too strong or pummels too forceful, but she knew she didn't have to worry about that with Meadowkit. All she had to do was pretend to be the worst cat in the world and the other kitten would fight with her until the sun went down, and with her boredom reaching near unbearable levels, she intended to make that a reality today. Meadowkit moved towards the camp's clearing and Littlekit knew what she had to do.

She barreled out of her hiding place towards the smoke, needle-like claws unsheathed and teeth flashing as she let out a triumphant battle cry. "BOW TO WINDCLAN, FISHGUTS! MUAHAHAHAHHAA!" With little regard for her own body or Meadow's, she aimed to tackle him and sent them both flying across the clearing. Before she even knew which way was up and before even considering whether or not she'd actually struck the other, Littlekit tried to bite onto his foreleg with an uncharacteristic gentleness and vigorously kick at him with her hind legs. She figured he would get mad if 'WindClan' won, very few in the Nursery seemed to like it when the bad guys in the game won and she wished she understood it - wasn't the challenge what made a bad guy worth fighting? As much as she liked Meadowkit, she wouldn't hold back for his sake. With pupils narrowed into slits as she shook her head, Littlekit hoped to remain locked on as long as possible.

@meadowkit -- rolled a 12!

TAGS — Littlekit's been following him for what feels like hours. Meadowkit is not one to be perturbed by this sort of behavior-- he's grown up with Littlekit and this sort of thing isn't exactly unusual for her --and today is no exception. When Brook-kit or Brightkit didn't feel like wrestling with him he could always rely on the monocled feline for a worthy match. He just wished she didn't have such an ego about beating him. It was rare, wasn't it? So rare. I win way more than she does, he thinks, bobbed tail flicking. But he can't be in his head for too long; not when she's stalking him at the peripherals of his vision.

Unfortunately even his vigilance can't save him from her initial strike. Meadowkit yelps as Littlekit barrels into him, but he's not upset-- a smile splits his muzzle and challenge sparks in vivid eyes. "I'll never bow t' stupid hare-breaths like you!" the kitten asserts, rolling out of the way of her bite. His silvery scruff spikes with playful aggression and the boy rears up on his hind legs, aiming to bat at Littlekit's face in rapid succession. Obviously, letting WindClan win would be the worst thing to ever happen. Were his opponent to voice her thoughts, he wouldn't be able to understand them; bad guys never won. Or, at least, they never ought to win.... And if he can do anything to keep that peace, then StarClan knows he'll do it.

/ rolled a 15 on defense; 9 for attack​
"Littlekit? Why are you Windclan? I thought you were Riverclan." Wagtailkit's voice piped up with a sudden capriciousness, as though his words bubbled upon playful notes, drifting through the air before rupturing softly, into nothing. The boy's tone was almost uncertain of its own footing, like a bird with borrowed wings, too large for such a small body. Still, he made sure to insert himself wherever his curiosity led him. The longhaired feline trotted up to the great war that unfolded in front of him, a grand battle between Windclan and Riverclan! Littlekit and Meadowkit were fighting just like the warriors did. The thought of raising his paw in anger or strife still scared him, though he neared his coming-of-age. Straddling the edge of overgrown toddler and young buck, he stood at the precipice of the spar. "Can I play after you?" Came the mew of the boy of downy plume and summer dulcets.
Meadowkit is a lot more tolerant than Brightkit. If she had to deal with that fuzzball following her around all day, she would've gotten irritated. Not to say that she doesn't like wrestling (she especially loves beating the fluff out of her siblings), but she can't stand it when cats hover behind her like a bunch of giant mosquitos. It's irritating to constantly have someone follow her around all the time! She has pebbles to collects and piles to build and bugs to hunt! She's very busy!! So, yes, it's a good thing that it's her brother being accosted by Littlekit and not herself. Of course, she can't help but trot over to watch the battle. "Me too!" chirrups Brightkit as she settles beside Wagtailkit. "Can we be re-enforkm--" she frowns, struggling with the word. "Reinforcements?" There's nothing worse than being left out of a great battle!​
( tags ) Seeing kits roughhouse is becoming more common as of late, so when he sees Meadowkit and Littlekit go tumbling into the clearing he is not alarmed. Initially he was terrified seeing the kits roughhouse, but it got to the point that it was almost an every day thing. Sometimes he wondered if Cicadastar looked at them and was proud of these feisty little warriors. It was a bit strange seeing these kits go at it, considering he didn't exactly leaped for joy when it came to fighting. He was very much like Wagtailkit, being afraid of raising his paw in anger. I hope they don't hurt themselves too badly. I'm just happy Otterkit isn't here yet. He... Knowing him he would bite and wouldn't let go.

When he hears Wagtailkit's question about joining the battle, he almost calls out to the kit when another voice joins. Brightkit wants to join the battle as well and he can't help smiling. Looks like most of the kits will end up joining this battle. He pads up to Brightkit and Wagtailkit, "You two can play the same game like Littlekit and Meadowkit, but with each other." I don't know if Meadowkit or Littlekit would be done anytime soon. It looks like they won't call it quits for awhile.
❪ TAGS ❫ — Wrestling was one of Foxkit's favorite pastimes. Why sit around in the nursery all day cuddling up to his mother when he could be moving his paws and doing something with them? If not exploring or sticking his giant nose into someone else's business, wrestling was a great outlet for pent-up energy. He usually tussled with his littermates but it seemed that they were preoccupied with something else at the moment.

Curious blue eyes watched as Littlekit and Meadowkit batted and kicked at each other. Why was his sister fighting Meadowkit when she could be fighting him? After all, he was the only other opponent that was worthy. Was he not good enough?

Whatever. His dumb sister could lose for all he cared. Foxkit listens to Pikesplash's suggestion of Wagtailkit and Brightkit engaging in a play-fight themselves, to which the red tabby got a splendid idea. "Yeah, you two can wrestle!" Puffing out his chest and tilting his head upwards in a proud manner, Foxkit added, "Whoever wins gets to fight me." And surely everybody knew that Foxkit was the ultimate opponent! Not that he was the largest kit ever nor the strongest, but... well, he was the best! He didn't need size or strength to prove it. He would find another way to bring down his enemies because he was just good like that.