Places I'll never go | Riverclan patrol


Snakeblink… does not like patrolling their borders very much. Firstly, he still has a hard time reckoning with the fact that they have such a narrow territory: all of the marsh were theirs once, and he nearly walked right over scentlines a few times out of habit when Riverclan was first settling into its space. Second, patrolling does not play into his strengths. The necessary vigilance tends to manifest in him as high-strung anxiety, making him jump at every sound — and ever since Peachpaw’s murder, this alertness has become nothing short of paranoid. Having an apprentice along does not help settle his nerves. He’s all too aware that even if he heard an enemy coming from miles away, he would be ill-fitted to do anything but take the early warning and run the way they came from.

Worse, though, are the chances of meeting other cats. Finding himself sorely lacking in the social skills required to deal with them, Snakeblink has come to dread any such interaction. Still, he fulfills his patrolling duty to the best of his ability. If he prays that they don’t meet any Skyclan cats today, well… he cannot be blamed for wanting an easy patrol.

”Let’s strengthen these scent markers and be on our way,” he murmurs as they reach the border, gesturing to his companions. ”The less time we spend around here, the better.”

  • ooc: tagging @Minnowpaw and @FISHFACE but skyclan cats are welcome to reply before them!

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 35 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo



OOC- retro to Quills fight (he's still a good boy in this thread)

While Quill didn't spend all that much time with his own mentor these days -he was fairly certain that Sharpeye had given up on him at this point- he still made himself useful to the clan by attending patrols and hunting sessions when they went out. Sure, being lazy in camp or having the freedom to wander off and do as he pleased was nice, but too much of any good thing was sure to become a bad thing, and the chimera had learned fast that being left to his own devices for too long only ended up working against him.

Besides, as long as he was contributing, maybe Blazestar would leave him alone and keep from assigning him a more attentive mentor. The last thing Quillpaw wanted was to have some adult he didn't give a shit about following him around all day trying to order him about.

That morning Quill had opted to join one of the border patrols in remarking the line between them and Riverclan, and he was only partially surprised to find that it wasn't just the patrol of Skyclanners rolling up to deal with the daily list of chores.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
( ) Minnowpaw walked slowly behind Snakeblink, eyes of dark copper moving over the territory before them with quiet interest. It wasn't often that the introverted apprentice left camp, as she much preferred to remain in camp where she could exist in quiet contentment among the elders or nursery queens.

So when she was assigned to this patrol with Snakeblink and Fishface, she had been nervous. Her first patrol without Dogteeth, was this a sign that those in charge were hoping to see how she faired without the curly-furred tom to protect her? The molly stuck close to her clanmates the closer they got to the border, silently thankful that there was at least a river between them and the kitty-pet clan.

At Snakeblinks' orders, Minnowpaw nodded and move forward to begin her task, but blinked in subtle surprise when she spotted a figure across the river. The silver somali would hesitate, but remembering what her mentor had always told her about being polite, she would do her best to look confident and meowed softly, "H-Hello!, isn't it?"

" I only ever see those things at gatherings " Thistleback comments jokingly toward the tall apprentice, keeping pace with the kid despite the long limbed strides. The spiky warrior’s toes flatten soft grasses, he sidles toward the river’s edge that licked the Skyclan grounds but finds discomfort in its proximity. Thistleback could sail the canopies and scale a fence, but he couldn’t swim- had never even tried.

Nicked ears flick forth as the younger of the reedland cats speaks first, she seemed to be addressing Quillpaw. Thistleback's lips peel back in a smile, though lacking in warmth, polite, nonetheless.

" greetings " the barbed tom waves his white tipped razor furred tail with a whip. " last few days of walking on the dirt I’d imagine " he foreshadows the coming snowfall with idle pleasantry, the frosted ground crackling under his weight as he dips his chin to the dark waters for a drink. The water is too cold for his tongue, his nose screws up with the sting and he can’t fathom those cats swimming in it. Especially considering that patrol leader’s short fur. His grey eyes flick back to his own patrol.

" care for a swim, Quillpaw? " a cruel short cackle spilling from his wet jaws, joking lowly in tone to the apprentice.

  • MqZ0nzd.png
    ✧ T H I S T L E B A C K
    thirty-three moons
    — warrior of Skyclan
    taken by
    Deersong 9.29.22
    — mentoring quillpaw
    — very muscular piebald black and white tom with spiky fur and cold silver-grey eyes. ・゚✧
  • bVBPWus.png



It was unfortunate that Quillpaw would find himself the target of Minnowpaws interests, not because he had any qualm with the Riverclan cats or some hidden reason to not want to speak with them, but simply because he was the least interesting cat the young molly could have chosen to exchange words with. Quill was neither outgoing nor charismatic, and even civil attempt at pleasantly had a way of falling from his tongue as if he were bored out of his mind. And to be fair, a lot of the time he was, but most at least had the decency to hide such a fact. Hell, even Thistleback could muster up some caricature of politeness with their neighbors.

"Hey." he called back, the word lackluster as mismatched eyes regarded her before shifting upward to glance at the sky. Was it a beautiful day? He hadn't noticed. "Uh, yeah. It's nice." he agreed lamely, figuring that this was probably the part where he was supposed to say something back so he didn't look like an asshole. "Probably still sucks to have to get your paws wet, though." he added after a moment, the words intended to be a harmless comment about how the Riverclanners had to fish in the cold to feed themselves, but since he had about as much inflection as a rock it was very likely the words could have been taken in a more negative context.

"Care for a swim, Quillpaw?"

The words looked like they had zero effect on the towering youth, who simply rolled his eyes and replied with a "Sure. I'll jump in right after you, Thistleback." Because there was no way in hell Thistle was jumping first. And even if he did, Quill wouldn't have moved a muscle to follow suit. He didn't have a great relationship with water, didn't even like the feeling of rain against his body or dew clinging to his fur thanks to the memory it brought back, so if the older Skyclanner did decide to go for a swim, he'd sure as hell better hope the Riverclanner were in the mood to pull him out, because Quill deifnitely wasn't.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
Without a proper mentor yet, he was stuck with shadowing other mentors and their apprentices on patrols and training by himself. He grimaces in jealousy as Quillpaw banters with Thistleback, eyes squinted against the light that flickered on the surface of the river. Thistleback talks of swimming, and Fireflypaw shudders in fear at the idea of having to do such a thing. To smell like water, soaking wet against the cold winds. His dad would be irate if he caught greencough just from being so dumb. "How about we don't go for a dive when we're freezing our tails off out here?" He mumbles from behind the pair, head poking out from the side of Quillpaw to look at the RiverClanners.

His eye's widen in surprise as he spots the silver somali across the river, jaw dropping at the beauty. Were all she-cat's this pretty? Geez, she almost matched Butterflypaw with how gorgeous she was. He swallows nervously, shuffling in place before he stutters out a greeting loud enough for the molly to hear. "Y-Yeah.. I mean, if you call freezing our butts off nice, sure." He chuckles bashfully, rubbing the back of his head with a paw. He must look like a bumbling idiot.. "My name's Fireflypaw! What's yours?" He asks the molly curiously, wanting to at least put a name to such a pretty face. Maybe he'd see her at the next gathering..
Fish-scent. The golden tom wrinkled up his nose - though there wasn't much left to wrinkle - at the pungent smell. Though he could never turn up a salmon filet as a show cat and he actually enjoyed a bath every now and then, he detested the cats from across the river for the sole reason of who headed them. Distant Cicada. Or, he supposed he fashioned himself Cicadastar now - if the ginger king were honest, he'd tell the river-land leader to stick his star right up his -

Fireflypaw interrupts his thoughts and he glowers down at the fluffy apprentice. "We're not here to socialize." He growls in his usual manner, fur fluffed up against the cold. "Rather not be stuck here all day because of your jabber-jaw."
✦ ★ ✦

"It baffles me how you can have the thickest fur of all of us yet still act so cold, Crimsonbite," Grousecry snorted, the skinny brown tom ambling up after the patrol, eyes gleaming with a bit of humor in his aqua eyes, fighting the sarcastic grin that tugged stubbornly at his lips before they glanced to the fish-scented cats upon the border, curiosity more peaked rather than hostile. Despite Ruffledclaw's attempts at teaching him, Grousecry still never understood the entire expansive lore of why cats had to separate themselves between borders and fight over said imaginary lines. To Grousecry, food was food and if one group had more, it should have been the responsibility of them to ensure the others survived. Afterall, if all the clans were like Windclan was, he'd be dead right now. And that fact alone made him despise the entirety of borders more than anything else.

Straightening his posture, he offered a friendlier smile toward the others, waving his tail in awkward greeting. "Prey run-er, swimming well in Riverclan?" He asked, hoping to pipe up a bit of pleasant conversation. Afterall, wasn't Riverclan and Skyclan allies currently, no matter what half the clan thought? Even he wasn't thrilled about it, but it was better than having nobody afterall on their side.
✦ ★ ✦
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Blazestar pads behind Grousecry, giving him a nod as he aligns his paws beside the mud-colored warrior. Crimsonbite is loyal to SkyClan, but he certainly comes across as aggressive at times... Blazestar muses, looking at the Persian, that he is thinking of a time long ago, when Cicadastar went under a different name and killed in the name of a different leader. A time before StarClan, before RiverClan and SkyClan. Blazestar blinks at him before turning his attention to the RiverClan patrol.

Amusement warms his features. Fireflypaw seems enamored with the pretty young RiverClan she-cat, and he brushes his tail tip against his son's fluffy flank. "SkyClan is well, young one. Tell Cicadastar my good wishes are with him and RiverClan." Though he knows the lanky ice-eyed RiverClan leader is not a popular cat with many of his warriors, he's one that has earned Blazestar's respect. He saved ThunderClan, after all -- saved his mate and, by proxy, his kits.

- ,,
( ) Minnowpaws' copper optics would widen as more and more Skyclanners made their way out into the open. The friendly confidence she had desperately held onto just moments before was quickly deflating and the apprentice felt her legs beginning to tremble at the sudden amount of eyes on her, even if they were all the way across the river.

She stepped back subconsciously, her trying to pull strength and comfort from Snakeblink and Fishface before she swallowed down the lump of anxiety that was forming in her throat. She would do her best to offer the toms a shy smile before the leader himself appeared and her ears flattened against her skull as she dropped her head as a show of respect. Her own leader or not, he was blessed by the stars, and to the introverted molly that was enough to earn her respect.

"I-I will tell him, Blazestar. T-Thank you.."

Her gaze would flicker back up toward the others and would try her best to remain calm. "The prey is...s-swimming well... I hope the same is g-going for all of you."