There's a gait in her step, more pronounced than usual. Eveningkit all but flies over the ground as her paws carry her towards the gathering of her siblings with one thing on mind: solve WindClan's problems for them, since it seems they cannot do this alone. The word fire does not warrant the amount of fear it should, all thanks to a lack of experience on her part. It's but an obstacle. Surely RiverClan could deal with it alone; images of warriors dripping with water flood her mind, running past flames to wet the burning patches of grass and put it all out in a flash.

It makes perfect sense.

She's told both Horizonkit and Twinklekit to wait for her. The leader, deputy and lead warriors retiring into the private confines of Smokestar's den unsurprisingly caught Eveningkit's attention, and she had managed to get close enough to hear something important discussed. WindClan this, WindClan that. She's just glad none of them got brought straight into camp. It's bad enough they have to share a territory; she'd rather freeze outside in the night than let a moor-dweller into her nest.

Eveningkit stops before her siblings, trying her best to mimic authority.

"We need to plan. Time is of the essence," she recites words she's heard but rarely understood. Her lips wobble, threaten to turn into a smile instead of a frown that she thinks matches the council of three more. "Any ideas?"
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Horizonkit tilts his head. Eveningkit stands before them, bold as brass, a familiar glint in moon eyes. She's Lichentail on the great willow branch, or maybe just Hazecloud in the nursery's entrance with a lashing tail. Of course he waited for her. Eveningkit was not to be said no to—unless he didn't want to do it, in which case he wouldn't but would feel a bit bad about it, but also he had nothing better to do this sunrise anyway.

So here he is, confusion creasing his silvery brow. "Plan what?" He glances at Twinklekit for reassurance, that she, too, hadn't any idea of what went on their sister's head. Or maybe she did. Twinklekit and Eveningkit seemed so much more alike each other than either of them did to Horizonkit.

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