PLASTIC HEART | snowypaw

The tail of a small brown lizard hung out of her maw as she padded along the quiet clearing, heading straight towards the Nursery where she figured she would find her daughter. The walk from outside the camp to where her children slept was well-rehearsed by now, 'oh, I didn't leave alone, my partner's just going to the dirtplace' was not an excuse that should've worked as well as she intended, but even if the guards didn't believe her, none had questioned the cinnamon tabby further than suspicious squinting as she walked past. More than leaders, ShadowClan found itself ruled by apathy, she'd count such a blessing as she crawled into the Nursery. A quick glance was offered to sleeping family, her smile stretching past the head of the reptile, before her eyes settled on Snowypaw. "I'm surprised Chilledstar hasn't kicked you out yet..." She observed, fascinated that the young apprentice had managed to escape the leader's gaze for so long. Perhaps it was because they were too busy bleeding to care about where a half-kit, half-apprentice slept - that seemed more likely.

Ferndance wouldn't be the one to tell the black feline that enough was enough, if she had it her way, her family would share a den and not have to be separated by another's tradition. Even Pikesplash would be invited, but, the reminder of the RiverClanner left a strange ache in her heart. Fantasies were often used to make one feel better, but this one stung, if only because it hurt too much to know that it could never happen as long as they all pledged their loyalty to the groups. Even if leaving had crossed the tabby's mind, she wouldn't uproot her entire family like that, not when they hadn't gotten used to a nomadic lifestyle the same way she had done. Placing the lizard close to Snowypaw's paws, Ferndance would bump her cheek against her daughter's in a belated greeting, chirping as she flopped onto her side. Her paws ached as if she'd just finished stepping on burning coals, hopefully, the Nursery wouldn't mind a larger trespasser. "Have you learned anything yet? About anything?"

// @snowypaw

[ sorry for the late reply!!! ]

Snowypaw is not surprised by how Chilledstar hasn't removed them from the nursery yet. After all, she's still no more than a kit in most of the Clan's eyes, so doesn't it make sense that she continue to sleep in the nursery? It's not like she can hunt or explore, and Thistlesight is as good as a toad when it comes to actually training her... Still, as her mother approaches her, she cannot help but wonder if she should be surprised. She already knows their situation to not be the norm, yet she cannot help but wonder what the norm is supposed to be.

Ferndance dropped a lizard by her paws, a gift of which Snowypaw greedily accepted. She waits no longer than when Ferndance unceremoniously flops onto her side before tearing into the meal, having taken the few seconds to pull herself away from the kittens she'd been snuggling (kitsitting duty is fun!) She eats two mouthfuls without swallowing before Ferndance speaks, and only then does the apprentice slow down her feast.

"Um..." she hums, and her ears fold back for a moment before she shrugs, "I've learned... oh! Needledrift taught me how to groom the kittens to keep them warm! Does that count?"