private PLAY PRETEND ♥ Ravenpaw

Petalnose had not ever willingly approached the medicine den on her terms of health besides when she came to visit her clanmates. She tried to help Fernpaw's mood after the fox attack, give him a peace of mind. Ravenpaw wasn't present for her to simply greet from afar, never did she really see him often in the first place. She wondered how he was handling the new responsibilities and how he was handling Beesong's death. She was curious how he was handling everything. There was an excuse she brought as well, finally approaching a cat with medical knowledge of her restlessness and nightmares. She was infact tired, the white in her dark copper eyes were red and dry.

A fish hung from her jaws, deciding to be useful along her short journey to either give to the dark furred feline or a clanmate in recovery. She scanned the medicine den, slowly swerving her head around in search. "Ravenpaw?" She begun in a muffled meow, slowing her long strides to stop at the entrance. "I have something for you. I suppose.. I'm coming to you about my problems as well." A sigh heaved through her lungs to express fake annoyance, showing humor. Hopefully, the soon to be medicine cat wasn't awfully busy. She didn't particularly want to interrupt him for something so small and a secret journey to check up on him. The medicine den felt off to her without the scarred face feline present to greet her.

Petalnose originally didn't take Beesong's death well, she raced away from the scene as soon as she knew what had happened. However, after her breakdown she looked like herself again. She went through some sleepless nights as usual but she was still the same serious and confident cat she carried herself as. How Ravenpaw was handling it may be a different story, she didn't see him around enough to make her observations. Besides, most mentor and apprentice connections were rather strong. She was curious.

One could not say in good faith that Ravenpaw was coping well with the loss of his mentor. His coat was dull, but long and fluffy enough to hide the loss of weight he had suffered as a result. Eating had always been difficult for him, but he only recently was amazed at how easy it was to bypass meals during an entire day. He only ate when others left offerings in his den in order to keep them from going bad. In that way he could think of it more as a service than a need for himself.

"Hm." Ravenpaw mumbled. The darkly colored cat was curled up in his nest, tail and nose tucked underneath his paws. One large ear twitched backward to listen to the sound of Petalnose's pawsteps. His nose flared at the scent of fish but he did not stir immediately.

"Pick another fight with a ThunderClan warrior?" His voice was monotone, as usual. It was difficult to attribute the poor joke to sarcasm that was typical of the banter between them or genuine exhaustion. "Who won?"


Ravenpaw was in her sights, so she set the fish at her paws and tapped it in his direction to motion it was for him. "Peace offering?" She joked, blinking slowly at the sight of his dull coat. Petalnose was not in any way surprised of what she saw in-front of her, she was sure there was loss of weight underneath the long coat that clothed his frame. She had assumed from personal experience, with all she was facing she was quite thin herself and turned down most opportunities to eat. Grief and waning mentality were like sicknesses, it personally made her feel physically sick. Therefore, the woman wasn't particularly gullible enough to guess he was taking it all well. Even if the only physical sign she could see was his dull coat. If he was eating as he should, she would be quite surprised. It was a rare event for an individual to be eating well in time of grief, even in a so called "well-fed" clan.

She scoffed at his poor tease, rolling her eyes and shaking her head, "I wish. More of a fight with a riverclanner.. That would be myself. I'm not sure if I can beat myself, so I came to you to end this battle in a sort of way. Everyone's nagged me enough to come here." She admitted, settling down and wrapping her tail around her paws. "I guess I came here to be nosy too, curious as ever. How are you handling everything?" There was doubts he would tell her the full truth, although she wanted to show Ravenpaw she did care about him despite their odd relationship. She wanted him to know she thought about him in a kindly way, even if she came off as a jerk most of the time. They weren't close, she was sure there wasn't in any sort going to be venting of feelings for the time being. Neither would she press too much. Who wanted to vomit their feelings on someone they barely knew?

At the sound of the fish hitting the ground, Ravenpaw finally lifted his head and turned to look at Petalnose. He could sense her hesitation, understanding immediately that she was perhaps feeling apprehensive or unsure of what to do around him. While he knew he could not linger in this grief forever, something in the back of his mind prompted him to get it together. A real medicine cat would not make cats guilty to come visit him.

Hollow green eyes flickered back and forth as Petalnose resettled herself and sat down on the floor of the clearing. Ravenpaw adjusted his position so he was facing her politely, but he was still laying down, one paw curled over the top of his nest. There was no scent of blood or illness on the brown and white tabby. "What do you mean?" He asked slowly, and uncertainly. Illnesses of the mind was something he knew existed from personal experience, but had no idea how to treat or cure. Surely Petalnose could not be losing her head already. There was something about the council perhaps that birthed irrational and paranoid thoughts.

The question did not catch him off-guard—in another situation it would have, but he was used to other cats asking about how he was. He could not blame them. Death was a powerful thing, to blunt even the fangs of Petalnose. "I could be better." He said swiftly. "The most difficult times are when I have nothing to do." Fernpaw was freed now, and Catfishpaw's injury was a waiting game.


Petalnose simply put her first response on hold, listening first to how Ravenpaw felt. Blatant and true, she was glad she had gotten something. "I see. Work and movement are good distractions. I guess you could say I've been through it to know. I wish things get better for you. Hopefully, this interruption is accepted for distraction." she formally spoke, there was no tease or humor in her mannerisms as she normally forwarded to him. Neither was there a lot of sympathy in avoidance of making the situation uncomfortable for the both of them. She was more serious but hesitant to speak it out. It felt wrong to discuss her issues and it felt quite unimportant, she didn't particularly enjoy speaking of her troubles. "I'm sure you're aware of my odd sleep mannerisms. I think they're triggered by memories immersing themselves back into my mind. But they're always about the trauma I've been through. I just particularly need help getting better sleep I guess. I'd rather not be stepping on my clanmate's tails as I'm on an unconscious journey as well. So I guess work your magic- or not. I haven't heard of any cure for strange unconscious behavior. Although, at least I have an excuse if someone urges me to come to you about it." she explained, her lips pulled back and teeth flashed with cringe to herself. A sharp sigh heaved through her body as if she had done something physically challenging.

It wasn't easy for her to talk about herself, no matter the ego she seemed to give off. She hoped Ravenpaw wouldn't pity her as it was the last thing she wanted from him. Out of ease for herself and curiosity, she decided to put attention back upon him, "How has herb hunting been since the wind storms?" Having a lack of interest and knowledge of healing, she wasn't quite sure of the difference between a leaf and a herb most of the time. The windstorms and heat were a cause of concern, anything that threatened the herb population was alarming. Especially with how many battles their clan seemed to step into. She was sure Ravenpaw would be placed in front of battle-injured warriors soon enough.

His widened pupils flickered back and forth over the lead warrior's face. "Yes," He murmured. Work and movement. Petalnose ought to know a lot about that, should she not? It only made sense, with her seriousness. The medicine cat apprentice stretched out again, claws flexing over his nest as he listened to her troubles.

Ravenpaw had known Petalnose's strange sleeping and memory breaks for a while now. They puzzled him as much as any cat. He remembered a brief training between Beesong. Poppy seeds to help sleep. Ravenpaw blinked slowly, but quickly frowned. Poppy did not grow in RiverClan territory. Across the river, in the forest it might. If it was becoming this much of a nuisance, better to nip it in the bud.

"What will work best for you is not in my possession." Ravenpaw kneaded his multi-toed paw into his nest. "I would have to travel across the river for it." Not now, though, with grief weighing over him and the gathering so close. Petalnose would have to buy her time. "In the meantime, I have a painkiller." His ears twitched. "Take it an hour before sleeping. I do not know how well it will work." Reaching over into one of his stores, Ravempaw procured a dandelion leaf.

"Not good, if you can imagine that." He had been lucky to find a patch of marigold, but more often than not, Ravenpaw had turned up bad luck with the herb gathering..​

Petalnose's ears perked intently at his response, heavily shrugging her shoulders as if she didn't relatively care much in the first place. She was uncomfortable about the memories, she didn't want to go to sleep each night being reminded of the trauma she went through in her youth. Though she supposed going with it was what she expected. Ravenpaw mentioned traveling for the herb and she shook her head, flaring her nostrils. "Don't-… worry about it then. Don't put in that much effort for me, I'm not dying. I'm sure I'm already a nuisance in a way." She scoffed, looking upon the herb he pulled infront of her as it's said replacement, listening to his instructions.

"Heard. Will do." She noted, "Is there anything I can do for you or fetch?" It was yet another way the molly was checking up upon their healer, seeing if there was any service he needed done. She heard his position was busy, exhausting even, maybe more on the mental level amongst the physical exhaustion. She didn't feel the best interrupting his nap, so the best she could do is offer help to the younger feline. Petalnose did not want to sit around for small talk and distract him from a needed rest and chores. The dark furred feline did interest her but she had other ways to get to know her clanmates and she was sure he wouldn't be open to a hunt as of being a medicine cat. Would Ravenpaw really even like her company? She doubted it.

//so sorry for late reply!!