play that song [ Howling ]

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

Was it too soon? Morningpaw's death was still fresh in the air, stinging everyone's hearts. She had been meaning to ask for awhile now, but she had to know...and there were few cats she trusted more than her deputy. The lead warrior was sitting off to the side, watching the brown tabby. Her paws shuffled anxiously in the snow while she gathered the strength to approach her. She felt responsible for Morningpaw's slaughter, and now she was going to approach a grieving family member? She definitely had bees in her brain.

After a few moments of staring at Howling Wind like a wide eyed apprentice, she finally mustered the courage to approach her. There was no telling how this conversation would go...but she had to ask. Jaypaw had asked her before, and she hadn't known the answer...but she knew the deputy held the answer, and it was one that she needed now as well.

Favoring her front paw still, she would pad over to where the deputy was seated. "Howling..Wind..?" she would say quietly, hoping now wasn't a bad time to bombard her with a question. "I...I wanted to ask you something important." If she were busy, of course it could wait for another day.

Howling Wind watches the approach of the lead warrior, her gaze immediately snapping to the limping leg she's favoring. Her ears flick back, eyes squinting with worry. "You should be resting," She comments before meeting Flamewhisker's gaze. Her voice is hollower than it usually is, still heavy with the grief of losing a grandchild. But talking helps. So, she welcomes the company and sits down, nodding for the ginger tabby to do the same. If she keeps walking around on her wounds, she'll only be out of commission for longer. "Of course, what is it?" The tabby mews, head tilting.

Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

She notices Howling Wind's attention immediately lower to her foot, and she licks her chest fluff in embarrassment. "I'm's just a little sore still." she would say, hoping she wouldn't get in trouble by the deputy for being out and about. Being idle was torture for her...and resting was no help, as she was kept awake at night by nightmares.

The brown tabby beckoned for her to sit, so she would lower herself onto the cold ground, flicking her tail over her paws. "Since I joined, I have heard Starclan being brought up in several conversations...In my time as a loner, I had never heard anything like I guess I'm just not sure what to believe." she would pause, raising her gaze to meet Howling Wind's. "It hasn't really bothered me much until now...and there is no one else in the clan I trust more than you. Is Starclan real...or just a made up nursery tale?"
Howling Wind's eyes lift, ears pricking up with interest. Flamewhisker is wondering about StarClan, the land of their loved ones. To be frank, if Howling Wind had heard about starry cats in the sky, she wouldn't have believed it either! She's far too logical, she has to see what's in front of her. The tabby smiles in wonder as she recalls that moment when the fighting stopped in the breathless they all were. "I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes," She mews, blinking back towards the lead warrior. "We all saw them. Everyone in the Great Battle...they stopped the fighting. All of our friends who had fallen...they're up there, they gave Emberstar her nine lives - I watched her come to life." She pauses to breathe, wrapping her tail tighter around herself before nodding. "I've never believed more in anything in my life."