pafp PLAY THE GAME // bothering pipit

Nov 14, 2023

So new cats had joined them recently which was odd but it was rare for visitors to be accepted into camp. But maybe it was because they knew Skunktail! and if they knew him of course they where trustworthy!. Basilpaw for one was curious about this strangers wishing to get to know them better. Maybe he could even show of his cool skills he had learned!. That morning he had been waiting impatiently to get back to camp again after his boring training session with his mentor. The moment they returned back he would run away from them without a word to be spoken and honestly Spiderwing had not seemed to care anyway. Right away he started to search for one of his targets and when he find one of them he didn't waste anytime to run himself right up to them!. " Hey new guy! he called out to them in hope to get their attention so he could hurry himself over to take himself around them so he would stand at the front. "So Chilledstar told me that i'm gonna be in charge of you today! so you gotta have to listen and obey anything i say, okay?. Not to leave my side unless i say so!. Chilledstars order!." he puffed out his chest to make himself look taller like that would make him get taken more seriously. Basilpaw felt confident anyway that his plan would work. Who would dare to disobey all the powerful Chilledstar anyway?. His plan was waterproof!.

// wait for @pipit !! to post first thanks!

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Poking his nose in any nook or cranny of the camp that wouldn't get his nose properly swatted at, Pipit had wasted absolutely no time in trying to acquaint himself with his new home. Skunktail, though frazzled by the relentless, bold-faced honesty of his night-dust son, had been everything the chimera thought he would be- thoughtful, well-spoken, and most importantly actually interested in meeting his trio of surprise offspring.

Starlingheart was one of his prime targets, given that her job was inherently unique to the structure of his clowder... it wasn't as all-powerful as this 'Chilledstar' character was (he still found amusement in the failed deception of their anonymity at their meeting, the 'deputy' had sold out their ploy pretty immediately though), it was something that was held in genuine reverence. That.. and he couldn't deny the concept of StarClan was reassuring- had his mother believed in that too? Would she be waiting in that afterlife for a chance to say hello again?

He was going to further harass his kin for details on her god-given mission when a shrill voice rang out across the clearing and though the addressal was vague in its target, the ever self-absorbed chocolate and black tom assumed that the new guy in question was himself. Not many new guys around here... Snipe was probably off being his usually broody self and Hawk? He... was around... (where had he just walked off to? Maybe they were putting him to use hunting already?)

Star-bright, pearly fangs reveal themselves in a joyous smile, scarred-studded nose crinkling with the effort- "Hey, small fry," he returns in a rhyming, sing-song tone. The light-hearted bounce to his step as he turns to look at the approaching apprentice becomes a lot more serious at the mention of authority.

This kid was meant to be in charge today? He couldn't say that made much sense... What was a little shrimp like this meant to teach a full grown, battle master of a cat like Pipit? He noticeably tilts his head to ponder the asinine duty placed at his paws- did it really matter what Chilledstar's intentions were though? Decidedly, no. It was more than likely some sort of test of his patience... an intentional shove to break the limits of his kind facade.

"Aaaallllright then. What's on the agenda today? I don't suspect Chilledstar would put my great talents to waste!"
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Forestshade hasn’t gotten much of a chance to talk to any of these new cats. Skunktail’s brood, she’s heard through the grapevine. How the tom ever convinced another to have his kits, she’ll never understand, but all that matters now is they’re here and they’re ShadowClan, supposedly. She supposes she can make an effort to know them.

She crouches nearby, chewing on a paw to satisfy an itch when Basilpaw’s chirping words grate against her ears. The huntress angles her features towards the conversation and quirks a brow. No way that’s true, She thinks in amusement. This apprentice is pulling the new guy’s leg and he’s falling for it! “This oughta be good,” She chuffs with a smirk, facing blind eyes in the direction of the pair as she settles fully onto her stomach. “Yeah, Basilpaw, what did Chilledstar say you could do with him, huh?” Her grin is toothy as her tail sways behind her, waiting for the youngster’s response.
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Huuuuuh?, had the new guy just called him for small fry?. Did that meant they had already moved on to the nickname phase then?. In that case he had to think out a nickname for them too!. It had to be something cool and fitting!. Oh how exciting this was now because Basilpaw had never get a chance to think out a nickname to anyone before!. But with his brilliant brain with endless creative ideas he was sure it would be a piece of cake!.

" Oh don't worry, Big fry! - " Look how creative he was with coming up with nicknames!. He was really proud over himself for that one. maybe i'm a genius after all just like Lividpaw!. " I've something very cool planned out for us today to put your skill on test!. If you're doing well i will make sure to tell Chilledstar." He was amazed with how well his plan was working to be honest!. Basilpaw was really good at this it made him wonder what else he could tell this one that would not only make them believe him but also to make them think he was the coolest ever!.

" You should feel honored to get to spend time with me today by the way because i'm the best apprentice in this clan!. Well second best after my brother but that's not the point!. Anyway i've showed real skill and potential already. I even beat a rogue recently!. Chilledstar is even considering to make me a warrior the next meeting!." he just rambled on really pressing the limits here to his web of lies not the slightest bit worried it might come back biting him later.

In the middle of it all Forestshade decided to join them pulling Basilpaw back on track because he had almost forgotten about his original plan here!. For a second he looked a bit worried that the warrior were going to expose him but this far so good!. That was a relief. " Well you see i..." he paused, realizing something. He hadn't actually thought further then this!. He didn't think his plan would have worked this smoothly!. Basilpaw tried to think out something fast, something fun he had always wanted to do but never get a chance to do with anyone before!.

" First! we're gonna pla- i mean! try out your speed!. Chilledstar only want warriors in this clan who has stamina and who can outrun prey!. So you're gonna have to race me from here and to the end of camp!. If you can beat me you win!." Basilpaw looked back over at 'Big Fry' excited over this game. It was the first of many. " Don't worry i will go easy on you so you stand a chance!." he promised in case 'Big Fry' felt worried he might lose. He might even consider letting them win!.


Big fry huh? Pipit couldn't help the sparkle of amusement that danced in blazing sun-drop eyes. He was already making friends with the local kids, practically a master of this clan stuff. He could talk like them... walk like them... hunted better than most of them, in his humble opinion and had a lot more proof of won battles etched in pinky-toned scars across his body. He was like.. a gift from StarlingClan... or... was it StartleClan? Eh, whatever.

"Very cool," is really all Pipit needs to hear to be interested. Children weren't really capable of malice or lies, right? Too dumb and full of wonder or something like that? Giving an affirmative nod, he wouldn't dare question his mentor-of-the-day... they had hard work to do, after all. And Chilledstar seemed smart enough not to toy with such a powerful warrior-in-training as he. Best apprentice was certainly a great start in teachers... I mean, short of that Smogmaw guy pulling his head out of the muck long enough to acknowledge Pip was kinda the coolest ever and train him himself, there weren't many better options around. Skunktail was probably passable... well no... he had to be more than that to be related to the chocolate-night chimera... obviously.

An envious onlooker prompts small fry for insight on his planned method of training and though his tutor stumbles through answering it, the smooth-talker has no issue rising to his defense. "Heyyy, no need to be jealous friend! There's plenty of Basilpaw's training to go around... you're more than welcome to join us if you're looking for a refresher course ma'am."

His toothy grin turns to the smaller tom, corners of his eyes crinkling in impatient delight. A speed test? Hmm... The Pipster wasn't sure about that one. He was definitely not the lightest on his feet, even if he was smaller than his brothers. He was convinced, actually, it was a heavenly power that had chosen to keep him short on purpose... otherwise there'd just be no stopping him. "Hmm... alright! I 'ppreciate your kindness, coach! Try not'a disappoint you of course!"

Crouching low, his tail waved like a flag on a wind day, lashing in eager anticipation to show off his skills.​

Never had it crossed his mind that Forestshade might actually be jealous but if Pipit said so it must be true. To think he actually was this popular?. When had that happend?. Maybe becoming an apprentice hadn't been so bad after all...not if that meant he finally had got himself some friends!. " Yeah!!, i would totally not mind teaching you too!. I'm sure i can teach you something you don't already know and who knows maybe Chilledstar will promote you to double warrior or a lead warrior!." How cool wouldn't that be?. Basilpaw smiled bigger then ever pleased with the spotlight he had been blessed to stand in for once!. All he had needed to do was to lie and he had got exactly what he had wanted!.

Basilpaw could barely hold himself back from jumping up and down in excitement when Pipit agreed with the race!. The look of overjoy was impossible to hide inside of his eyes though that shine so brightly. " Don't worry you can never disappoint me Big fry!." Oh boy how fun this was going to be!. Overexcited the kit hurried himself to put himself in position too as he crouched down and started to wag his tail. Sticking his tongue out would place it by the side of his mouth and locked his gaze on the otherside of the camp. " One...two.." wait, what came after two again?. Basilpaw had forgot. In the end he decided to go with something else. " Go!" and with that Basilpaw sprinted of and run as fast he could in the muddy snowy ground he possible could.

He was running so fast, like really fast!. He was running like the wind itself (no he wasn't) as he charged towards the otherside of camp with a heart that was racing with joy and excitement. His eyes wide and open as he put everything he had on his small short legs to reach the otherside before Pipit could.