play with fire — graypaw

Sep 22, 2023
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
To witness such bluntness in front of others was foolish, and Fogbound never bothered with offering such kind words until now, if only for his peace of moral self did he seek the young apprentice. “Graypaw.” He rumbled, patting the ground beside him within their temporary camp, so close to owls that’ll certainly pick off their smallest if they wanted a snack. “Care to indulge me in having a friendly chat?” He inquired, ruby optics crinkling with the curl of dark lips. “It won’t take long, I assure you.” No doubt she’ll be wanting to play with moss balls, but no matter, he wasn’t her mentor so why dwell on it any further?

If she settled, Fogbound would shift into a comfortable position, his long gash pulling with the motion, still raw and healing, but certain to scar. Pity. Another blemish to his handsomeness, but he supposed he could always tease Rabbitclaw after this. “Tell me, little lady.” He leaned forward, chin resting against his paw. “Why is it you announced your cowardice to everyone and so close to our queen.” Fogbound was never one for pleasantries.

/ @Graypaw
thought speech
It was not with ease that the young feline walked around the camp they were forced to call home. Her desire to return to the vast moorlands she called home was a blossoming sorrow. How far from the steps her forefathers had taken they were. Tails swaying in the dust, eyes down cast, the remnants of yellowcough echoing in the sounds made by her fellow Clanmates.

At the sound of her name, the girl snapped her position into one of frigid fright. Her eyes, quivering, turned toward where the voice had come from. To her surprise she stood near a warrior of great tenure; a warrior within whom she did not find an ounce of likeability toward her. Perhaps the older male did see the kindness she held inside her, allowing himself to look past her faults as he offered a small chat. Her tail lowered n a curve and her golden green eyes flickered across the dark frame of the feline before her.

"Hello, Fogbound," she stammered softly. "What's going on?" she dared not meet his gaze, instead watching a small, solitary ant maneuvering its way. Alone, lost, separated - feelings that the young feline had been lucky enough to never endure. She had experienced the flame of failure and the passion of self doubt, this was true, but sadness was the rare occasion for the gray-blue furred feline.

"Are you alright?"
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
“Oh, nothing serious I can assure you.” He grinned, relaxing his posture, dripping untethered calmness, tapping his claws idly against the ground, helm tilted. He watched the other, blinking languidly. “There’s no need to be scared, little lady.” He stretched, resting his chin in the divot of his forelegs, tail sweeping sand to curl around his frame. “I just have a bit of advice I’d like to share.” He rumbled, tone dripping with honey, watching the tunneler apprentice stare at nothing in particular, perhaps she could see something interesting that Fogbound couldn’t quite see.

He hummed. “Well.” He shifted. “Of course, my advice can wait. Tell me, Graypaw, how are you faring, mhm? Has life as an apprentice been treating you well?”
thought speech
As the warrior spoke, his voice melted into her mind and a strange feeling found its way throughout her being. His voice dripping as sweet as a blossoming flower, his large body relaxed and calm. The sand soft as he dragged his tail along the gritty earth, while her tail began to raise, no longer tucked away with the fear of what the tom would say. It was an odd sort of sensation when the gripping fear that held her tongue seemed to wash away. In place came a thumping in her chest as a warmth flushed across her flesh. She lifted her gaze from the earth to stare at him in a clearer view rather than the looming, gray and white shadow he had been in her vision. Pink eyes stared at her, twinkling, while his scarred body incited an intimidation of his presence. His voice suited his ragged, large physique.

"It's - it's been rough," she admitted sorrowfully. "After my mentor died, I've been alone," she stared at her paws again, losing the courage to hold his gaze. "I miss training," her tail swayed around behind her. "I've been alone," she repeated as if the words had not just moments before echoed from the depths of her broken heart. "I don't really have any friends," admitted the she-cat, finding it hard to reign in the vast amount of words that yearned to spew from her parted maw. "I'm wondering if being a tunneler is the right position for me."

"How are you doing, Fogbound?"
your entire existence gives me a headache, go stand over there .
He hummed, watching the small apprentice speak with softening hues, tail sweeping until the tip rested lightly on her shoulders in a comforting gesture. Fogbound may be an asshole, but he supposed he could try to comfort the other, even if he had an uncanny ability to make it worse, although he found it annoying. He never was good at comforting others, using his charm and honey-dipped tongue to weasel himself out of situations or bickering with Rabbitclaw. Of course, those times were few since the rogue invasion.

His thoughts strayed to his younger siblings, tucked somewhere in the Sandy Hollow with his parents. He had not spoken to them much, knowing how fickle it could be when he injured himself, uncaring of the consequences. His bulky build shifted, smokey fur rippling as his muscles coiled and pulled, and his ruby optics crinkled, radiating such calmness that he possessed. “It is rather awful, being alone, isn’t it? Perhaps this shall give your heart a rest, little lady.” He began, stretching a forelimb to inspect his sand-ridden paw. Fogbound rumbled. “If needed, you can seek me out if you find yourself alone. How does that sound, mhm?” Let’s hope this won’t backfire. If so, he’ll have an apprentice glued to his side for Rabbitclaw to tease. He thought, temper already so fickle with the influx of rogues and lack of prey. “Even so, I’m certain you’ll find someone to befriend.” A shame if she doesn’t.

The smokey moor runner wondered how the situation changed, unless by his own doings. Oh, no matter. I’ve always been curious. “How so, little lady?” He leaned forward just a tad, helm tilted just slightly, watching the other with glittering ruby orbs. Rabbitclaw would tease him for this, but he’ll never speak a word of it to the other if he could help it. “A tunneler is rather important, no? Far more dangerous than a simple moor runner, like myself, don’t you think?” His tail curled, resting lazily on his flank. “I suppose I can lend an ear if you wish to rant, little lady. I’ve been told I’m quite the listener.”

Ah. “I am faring rather well, yes. A simple invasion cannot knock me down. I am made of stone, after all.” He grinned devilishly.
thought speech
His gentle touch made her body grow rigid with surprise. She felt the touch of his tail and found that little skip in her heart become an echoing in her ears. She did not move away from him, instead choosing to lift her golden green gaze to meet his pink eyes. There she sat silent, staring at him, listening to the words he spoke. She hadn't ever seen a kind side of the warrior. Among the other apprentices and herself she had been told he was brash and strict, dripping with anger and showing little signs of gentle approach toward anyone; to see him so soft appearing was a whirlwind of surprise.

"It is hard," she croaked softly. "I... Don't understand why you're being so kind to offer your friendship. Most warriors I've met dismiss me as a petulant child." It wasn't a lie but her words spoke a little far from the truth. There had been kindness in the heart of others, it had been warriors that saved her from her childish escapades before she became an apprentice; but she remembered the warriors that looked down on her. She shook her head slightly, attempting to rid her mind of the the rapid, rolling thoughts that made her head ache.

"I don't know," she said as they switched topics to her role as a tunneler. "I just feel maybe I'm not good enough at anything." her tail swayed behind her and she broke, heaving a heavy sigh as sadness rolled over her. "I'm not scared of the dark, if that's what you're thinking," she added quickly. "But I do get scared. Scared I'll be trapped in the dark forever."

'Fogbound, made of stone, hm?"
she chuckled softly. "I thought you were wispy like your name." She smirked at the moor runner with a playful grin. "Thank you for listening."