play with fire // vermilion


disgraced knight
Jun 27, 2022


VERMILIONSUN, prev. vermilion
— "reminding one of the flames of battle."
— cismale, he/him; pansexual panromantic, monogamist
— 60 months / ages monthly on the 1st
— loner of the twolegplace. previously lead a small band of sewer cats.
previously; warrior, skyclan. colony cat, pine group.


NPC x NPC ; generation one.
— twin brother to ---.
— father to mothkit, zapkit, and falconkit.

— no crushes.

— previously mentored cosmospaw.


massive short-haired flame point w/ blue eyes / reference
long-legged and tough-shouldered, this tom is quite tall in size despite his lanky and slim physicality. with fur short yet messy around his chest due to natural cowlicks, cream-ish whites nearly cover his body like milk; tainted by the ginger splashes at points of his body that give his coloring the 'flame point' name. narrow eyes with sea blue hues, soft and genuine. darker-colored freckle-like markings dot his shoulders and cheeks, barely visible unless you squint to look. his tail, long and whip-like, is also messy with cowlicks, sticking out oddly to and fro.

— smells of sewer garbage & metal

— carries long-haired gene, chocolate, and dilute. left eye has three claw mark scars, with a scar underneath the same eye that goes horizontally.
— half-starved and scrawny.


trusts all too easily, easy to manipulate, falls for people easily, takes heartbreak intensely and internalizes.

— morals run this man's brain, and yet he struggles with what he believes is truly good. he tends to find the faults in everything he considers 'good' eventually, and it leaves him confused at times. however, he is a justice-seeker. he desires to help those around him, even if it causes risk to himself or the opposing side. he is paranoid with his decisions, though- always questioning himself, asking himself if what he does is the 'right' thing. this leads him to be easily influenced by negative forces that talk in ways he can understand and relate to. picking at one of his flaws is something he internalizes, but outwardly doesn't expose a reaction. he is caught up with the idea of acting 'mature', like a role model to those around him- wanting to be something great, something remembered by the generations after him. he deals with imposter syndrome on a daily basis, isolating himself when he feels insecure about his presence. because of this, he is sensitive to emotions that he seems to always internalize. outwardly, his exterior is hard- collected, calm. he appears from the outside as someone whom has his life put together, one that he knows exactly what he's doing- inside? he panics, even over the littlest things. he is fiercely protective of his clan and those in it, and will do anything- and he means anything to protect it. even if that means cutting off those from other clans he could have befriended or fallen for. despite all of this, he tries his best to smile and make other peoples' days bright and happy- despite how low his intelligence is, he tends to show some sort of street smarts; he trusts too easily, however. despite being good at a lot of things he does, when it comes to emotions, they are quite complicated for him.
Intelligence ●●●●●○○○○○

Confidence ●●●●●●●●●○
Charisma ●●●●●●●●○○
Creativity ●●●●●○○○○○
Empathy ●●●●●●●●○○
Humor ●●●●●●●●○○
— lawful good, esfj ❝ the ambassador ❞
✧ no disorders or illnesses

will not start fights without good reason | will end fights | will flee with good reason | will show mercy
excels at hunting, tree-climbing, scenting, fighting.
poor at swimming, herb-memory, diplomacy, manipulation.

peaceful powerplay allowed. healing powerplay allowed.
sounds like jon snow ; faceclaim is jon snow
— penned by saeyoung

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