Play with your food | Petalnose


The marshes are not a land of abundance.

Snakeblink knows this, having spent the earlier moons of his life waddling through these very mud puddles; is all the more aware of it for the hunger gnawing at his stomach, the empty bellies back at camp. Starvation is the Shadowclanner’s lot, and they must all share this fate while the rogues rampage through their more bountiful territories. Any successful hunt is a blessing, and he finds himself thanking Starclan for his few and meager catches naturally, driven not by the five clans’ edict but his own relief at the smell of freshkill. Though his teeth may sink into prey to kill it, his tongue will not know the taste of it for a while yet. It will all go to the queens, the kits, the elders; the truly needy.

And he is not one to regret the sacrifice: it is no more and no less than his duty. But…

He looks at his latest catch, still trapped beneath the cage of his two forepaws.

But it’s a frog.

Another remnant of the marshes of his kithood: Snakeblink loves frogs. He likes the lean taste, the strange texture and tiny fussy bones that break easily under his teeth. It’s a nostalgic taste — just like his mother used to catch. But he cannot indulge: this frog will go to one of his clanmates who won’t even appreciate it, thinking longingly of fish instead.

Sighing just as longingly at the thought, Snakeblink opens his cupped paw a bit, allowing the small frog to squeeze out and bounce away. He pounces after it before it can really escape, slamming his paw over its slimy body again, and cracks a private smile. Sure, he can’t keep it for himself… But maybe he can have a bit of fun before he brings it to camp.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


The patched molly was one to gravitate to rats. The aggressive disease ridden creatures were more appetizing in her eyes. They picked a fight that sparked pure amusement within her and the dangers she would admit were a thrilling touch to the hunt. Consuming them hadn't strayed within her mind, rather, they were more amusing to study. The lack of meat and off-putting texture caused distaste for her and many others. She supposed that was what caused her to stare towards the fellow lead with a raised brow and judgemental glint to her eye.

Who would take it from the kill pile? Not to mention; why play with shadowclans food?

"Having.. fun?" She meowed in an inquisitive manner, amusement begining to add touch to her judgemental stare. Admittedly, she hadn't expected him to do such an activity. Before her responsibilities of lead warrior sprouted she had done similar, but rather picking bigger challenges such as geese. The frog wouldn't fight back; where was the thrill? The danger? Then she'd relate. "Hmm, I wonder if it had claws and teeth." A jest and inner thought; a cock of her head to await the response. It was all amusing and peculiar coming from him. She looked up to him at first, but something had taken that away the more she learned about him and interacted. He was more awkward than she had expected and spoke the wrong things during the wrong time. Although, it was something that caught her attention from her ever prodding curiousity.


Petalnose’s approach doesn’t go unnoticed, but Snakeblink is content letting her watch quietly until she speaks -- or doesn’t. He doesn’t mind her presence; doesn’t find her scrutiny as stressful as some.

When she does talk, he glances up and answers her dubious look with a quirk of his whiskers. Yes, he supposes he makes for a funny sight at the moment: he’s hardly known for his light-hearted behavior. He doesn’t even feel light of heart: he can still feel the point of duty’s teeth digging into his spine. For this one moment he’s simply making the deliberate choice to ignore the sting of it. ”I am,” he replies wryly. He likes the fact that he has to react so quickly to grab the little creature before it escapes. It reminds him of fishing, albeit on land.

I wonder if it had claws and teeth.

A light, almost imperceptible smirk quirks the edge of his mouth. Spurred by his own strange mood and Petalnose’s obvious (if friendly) judgment, Snakeblink says:

”See for yourself.”

On these words he opens his paws again… and lets the frog jump straight at Petalnose’s face.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo


Petalnose hummed at his response of her inquiry, glancing to the frog who seemed to have an opposite feel to the situation. Her whiskers twitched in humor but dryly she watched, it reminded of her own days as an unruly kit. Smaller animals would suffer her practice and enthusiasm to fight, even her younger littermate. She knew well she had no room to judge the action, however, it was almost odd to have fun in such unfortunate circumstances.

Petalnose knew something was to be expected from the toms smirk, meeting his gaze and squinting her eyes in apparent suspicion. She supposed he knew better not to mess with her from last she had served him an accidental swat. She was sure from his look she would have to remind him again.A step back of suspicion was made and then the creature launched itself toward her face.

Petalnose made an effort to dodge with a duck however it had hit the on top of her head.

A growl was made in frustration, swatting the creature off of her body and then catching it. She lifted her head to eye Snakeblink, a wicked smile forming upon her lips. "Oh.. you're going to pay.." A swat was made towards the frog in Snakeblink's direction, hoping to reverse the action upon him.

  • Haha
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Petalnose has great aim: the frog she so eagerly punts back in his direction lands squarely on Snakeblink’s face. The slimy little creature still has some life in it too despite the rude treatment and its sticky feet scrambles over Snakeblink’s nose, pushing against his eyelids as it crawls up his skull before trying to jump away. He twists around on instinct, brain sparkling with panic at the idea of food slipping away when they need it the most — a freezing season’s worry, transposed to the mild weather of Leaf-fall.

His spine starts as the sudden movement jostles bruises alongside his neck from a rogue’s grasp, but his teeth sink into the frog before it can so much as hit the ground. He feels it go limp in his mouth; so much for their game.

It’s fine, he can figure out another. ”Here, catch,” he mumbles around his mouthful of amphibian, jerking his head and opening his mouth at the apex of his movement so that the lifeless frog goes sailing back towards Petalnose like a large slimy mossball. He’s grinning as he does, chuckling at the very recent memory of her face as the frog fell atop her head.

”Sorry,” he says, stills chuckling, a little hysterically. ”But what a mad situation we are in — look, frogs have begun to fly! What next?”

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely

  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo