the sun had long since begun its descent behind the giant oaks, great canopies dimming the beam of pink - orange - blues dusk casts upon them. tasked with a late patrol towards the river, she and roeflame had long since cleared the border, riverclan’s waters calm and toppling beneath a deepening sky. their time together had been calm, broken only by the sounds of their voices, lilting occasionally into tittering laughter. freckleflame is careful to avoid the icy shore, only barely able to ignore the cold bite of stone against her paws as they take a moment before heading back to camp. after gazing out into the waters for a moment, she bumps light and friendly against roeflame’s side, ” — y’know, i heard that sunsets are like.. super good for dates. “ a trilling purr, unwelcome advice thrown her way and evergreen eyes shining something playful, “ really sets the mood.

she suddenly reaches down, snips the ends of a small bloom from where it sprouts desperately between the stone cracks. she plops the little flower in her chest fur, just beneath her squared chin, a mimicry of riverclan’s decorative bravado — only this time, like a tom, all spiffed up for a night out. she grins, a wide, teasing thing towards her friend, batting ginger - black lashes exaggeratedly, wow, roeflame, you look even better in this light.. she drones in a poor mimicry of burnstorm, pressing a paw to her chest just below her flower bow. a snort fights it’s way out of her mouth, giggling good-naturedly.

a sigh, dreamy and teasing, lulling her head to the side, ” can’t ya hear it now? “ probably not, since freckleflame herself could not. in all truth, she was happy for the molly — happy for the both of them, and happy to stop watching them dance around one another like bashful apprentices. rabbitnose and sunfreckle had raised she and her siblings with a high standard for romance — and an affinity for it, all but curling her paws curiously beneath a fluffy chin in interest, ” in all seriousness, while we’re on th’ subject.. how’d it happen? y’all talked, right? i wanna know everything. if she was living vicariously through stories of romance alone, she’d never admit it — but her eyes beam with a curiosity nothing but genuine. there was something about that awkward, buzzing sort of love that warmed her, secondhand excitement buzzing in her paws. what a dream.

  • i. @ROEFLAME .
  • IMG_3106.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure.
    unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin.

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.


ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Roeflame had been glad that it was Freckleflame that she had been assigned with on this duo patrol, stars forbid it had been someone boring.
The actual patrol part had gone without incident, no neighbors with ruffled feathers or rogues looking to score some extra prey off the clans territory.
As the pair shuffle onto the pile of smooth-edged stones, Roeflame finds herself relieved Howlingstar had reclaimed them back when the breeze was still warm, Starclan knew they’d be needing them when the snow finally began to fall.
As Roeflame leans over to take a peak at the churning black water below, Freckleflames light shoulder bump is quick to draw her attention.
y’know, i heard that sunsets are like.. super good for dates.
Before the mottled warrior can even finish her sentence, Roeflame cannot help the fleeting snort of amusement that escapes her.
"Oh, really?" She hums back with a quirk of her brow.
Where is she going with this?
Surely… surely she wouldn’t be trying to set her up with Mousenose? That ship had long since sailed… hopefully.
Yet, in one swift motion, Freckleflame snatches up a poor blossom that had yet to wither, and Roeflame can only watch for a moment with wild curiosity.
The trance is broken almost as soon as Freckleflame begins to speak, her tone obviously a mimic of Burnstoms as the other does her best to imitate her mate… hitting on her?
Roeflame is overcome with a fit of shocked laughter, shaking her head as though pleading for her friend to stop.
For a moment, Roeflame can imagine Riverclan hearing the duos laughter as they try to settle down for the night, and it only prolongs her fit of giggles.
Can’t ya hear it now? The molly coos, and when Roeflames laughter finally eases the tabby manages to roll her eyes light-heartedly.
"Oh, absolutely. You should show your impression to Burnstorm- he’d love it!" In all honesty, the poor guy would most likely just be left utterly confused.
Shaking the last bit of snickering off of her, her interest is drawn back in when Freckleflame questions how it happened, her and Burnstorm.
Roeflame paused, needing a moment to think.
"Honestly? He was my best friend… until he was more than that." She replies at first, gaze flickering back to the river. "It doesn’t help that he’s saved my life like… twice. I mean he pulled me out of a river and threw himself in front of a boar for me, it’s kind of hard not to fall in love with that." The last part is said with a small chuckle, "does hitting on him in front of the entire forest count?" Roeflame grins as she says this, but it is only a half joke. They hadn’t talked, but she’d rather not sound even more silly than she already did.

  • Haha
Reactions: freckleflame

” i dunnoooo, somethin’ tells me he wouldn’t find it nearly as funny. “ she trills, brushing the petals from her fluff the best she could while delighting in the laughter around her. that was what she looked for, after all, what she was put here to do ; to look on with a silly grin, perform, perform. still, roeflame continues, and her eyes soften in the deepening dusk, a gentle upward tick of her brows as if watching a kit first open its eyes. a tender feeling, a soft aww that dies on her tongue because, well.. that was the dream, wasn’t it? someone to guide you forward, whether you need it or not ; a best friend. her mate had been her best friend and, yes, freckleflame remembers that. she and her siblings had been raised alongside little wolf’s litter and she’d watched them grow, for better and for worse. burnstorm was her friend, had been since they toddled over eachother in the nursery to see who could make it out first once the sun rose, romantic.. she sighs, and teasing as it was, it was true.

freckleflame thinks, as she thinks anyone would, that if she were in love with her best friend, she’d know it the instant it happened. she would slip loose the mask she plasters, the grin wide enough to crinkle the edges of sea green eyes, and that would be weird, so how couldn’t she know? she supposed life could just be funny like that, “ well, it’s better than whatcha were doin’. swear i’ve never seen two cats dance around eachother like that, ya looked like.. confused birds or somethin’. “ there had been a brief moment in which she’d thought otherwise, thought the two would throw her for the biggest loop of her life — the mousenose debacle had been a shock to her system, but not long after had they made it official. freckleflame casts her gaze over the slow tide, the smile on her maw soft, genuine. does hitting on him in front of the whole forest count?

she erupts into giggles again, leaning down to nudge her shoulder playfully, angling her ears forward with a sudden curiosity, ” hell, id say it does. was that the first move? she makes a mental note to tease him about that, one day.

  • i.
  • Untitled262_20231202152333.png

    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large cream - ribboned tortoiseshell with seaglass eyes. larger than life! shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a thick, broad - shouldered figure.
    unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a wide, bright - eyed grin. she seems to sing confidence from every laugh, every word.. that can't all be for show, can it?

    ——— ˙⋆ — prone to bouts of explosive emotion. all opinions are solely in - character and during these times, often untrue or said only in anger.

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

At being compared to a duo of confused birds, Roeflame’s jaw would go slack in faux-offense, her hum of laughter as she’s aim to lightly push her with a forepaw, eyes rolling as the tabby would ponder a response.
"Hey! In my defense… feelings are scary, dude!" Roeflame admits with a beaming grin, "Like… I woke up one day and saw him in a totally different way, it was weird." While a great understatement to how her feelings for the other actually developed, for the sake of simplicity the warrior had to find some way to sum it all up.
Roeflame has to stifle her own laughter as Freckleflame erupts into giggles, settling with a lighthearted scoff in response.
The brindled molly questions if her flirtation had really been the first move, and Roeflame shrugs.
"I mean- yeah… yeah it was." Second guessing whatever excuse she could pull to make her sound less of a mouse-brain, Roeflame lets her eyes flicker back towards the river.
"After all that had happened, I didn’t want to wait to know if he felt the same way anymore. Luckily it worked out though." The silver-tinged molly doesn’t even want to think about the scenario in which she would have been rejected in front of everyone and their mother.
"Just wait mkay? I bet you’ll will be no better!" The smaller molly laughs as she bumps her shoulder against the others, a teasing expression lightly scrunching up her nose.
