private Please be a good man ⤜Jagged


Gonna bay for the blood
May 11, 2024

They had waited until the night following Chilledstar’s vigil for this. Partly because they didn't want to leave ShadowClan in a time of turmoil like this and partly because they didn’t want to worry their littermates by leaving so soon after such an event. No doubt there was an expectation for them to just disappear after this, they wouldn’t give that satisfaction though. With a deep sigh and with the moon starting to rise they set off into the lands claimed by no cat. They know that their half sibling wasn’t fond of the cat who sired them, they were fairly certain at this point that the sentiment was carried both ways. Shriketalon can’t in good conscience leave their fate unknown to Jagged, as much as they would rather not bring up their name to him. It was an unspoken duty, that bleeding heart showing itself again as they tried to think about if it was them in that situation. They would want to be notified of their child's passing, even if they weren’t on good terms with this child.

That bleeding heart pulls them through the edges of territories until they find themself near where themself and their family had grown up. If there was a chance for him to show up anywhere then it would be here, faint memories of Jagged appearing to visit their mother (and their siblings as a byproduct) were all tied to this patch of unclaimed forest. Before they had migrated to twolegplace anyways. They perch by a flowering shrub to their side, taking in the quiet breath of greenleaf life to distract their mind as they wait. It’s probably a waste of time, the chances of him lurking around somewhere that they themself hadn’t seen in moons were low.

Just when they were ready to turn around and leave that scent that marked their kithood, the fleeting taste in the air of pine sap, moss with the undercurrent of rotted flowers being carried in the wind. They part their maw to take it in, part of them hoping that they were wrong. They weren’t though, they were taught well to intake scents like that to get such an obvious one so wrong. “Father- I uh, it’s Shrike” they hoped that he hadn’t forgotten them and yet they had trained themself to reintroduce their name whenever they got the opportunity to see him. Just to try and keep that cemented in his brain while he was away.

“It’s good to see you” the word good is lodged in their throat, it takes a conscious effort to expel it. They smile at him, always eager to please and yet that smile doesn’t seem to meet their eyes. With a roll of their shoulders they carry on with why they were here to begin with. “Chilled” (star, they mentally add. A force of habit at this point). “Died the other night. Killed by a dog. I thought you should know.” They try to keep the emotion in their tone at bay, that numbness creeping in as hazel eyes try to judge their fathers reaction. In the back of their mind they recall that Chilledstar confessed he killed them, they still foolishly clung onto hope that was somehow a misunderstanding. Whether they wish to admit it or not, this conversation served as a test to see if he understood what he had done or if it was as their half sibling had stated it to be.

  • @JAGGED.
  • SHRIKETALON || They/them, Warrior of ShadowClan, 29 moons
    A long haired black feline with low white spotting and hazel eyes. A small tear marks their right ear.
    Mentored by Nectarsong | Mentoring N/A
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted ⭃ underline and tag when attacking.
    penned by Juice ⭃ Ouijeejuice on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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// cw for intentional misgendering gjdhfkd ow this hurts to writeeeee pls know that shrike is always a they/themer to me‼️‼️

the title of father was simple all it was. a title. it was not something that he had earned by any means. he knows it. it's not like he had ever wanted to be a father. but he had fallen in love with many she cats. truly, he knows not of how many kits he's got running around, but he does know that he's got somewhat of an affinity for loving the tom cats more than the she cats. not necessarily in level of love but in a sense that he believes toms are more useful than she cats are. call it whatever you want, but he's never claimed once to be a good cat... not to himself at least. he's certainly lied to the face of many, and will continue to do so.

the sound of a rather familiar voice makes jagged stand from where he was. his brows furrowed and he turns to face shrike, watching as she addresses him. a smile reaches his face and he greets her with it.

"shrike, my dear! come, come. how have you been, honey?"

he gestures her forward, watching her before his blood runs cold. he can't hide the way his face twists with confusion as she speaks. chilled is... dead. well, yes. he knows that. he killed them... what... was she talking about? he stares, before he shakes his head and speaks.

"oh, so you've... met her, then? and you said it's a dog... are... were you sure? i-i mean– uh– oh, dear... my... my poor young one... she didn't suffer, did she?"

he asks, trying to shake that feeling of uncertainty away. he didn't even know shrike knew chilled! he had killed her before that and– okay no. there had to be some logical explanation for all this, right?

"well, how are you holding up? chilled may have had a different mother than you, shrike, but she reminded me so much of you."

that was correct enough. he was around shrike a lot more than he was ever around chilled, and even though chilled had been his first born daughter, she was never his first priority. she was just too much like her mother. too headstrong. too stubborn. and now she shares the same fate of being cold in the ground. how unfortunate.

  • Dead
Reactions: shriketalon

Indulgence runs in the blood it seemed, as much as they had the inclination to tell him to shove the pleasantries away they find themself obeying with ease. Taking a step forward though with resistance reminding them of when they first learned to walk and run as a kit. “I’ve been okay” a lie, one with ease, it was always as easy as breathing to be talking how they think he would like. Their quiet judgement is brought to the revealing light of the moon above them as they study his expression with scrutiny. The way he stares, taking note of the fact that he shakes his head, why would he do that?

“Mhm, I met them.” A gentle correction, they were never the kind to correct their own misgendering but they wouldn’t tarnish Chilledstar’s memory by associating them to a set of pronouns that weren’t their own. “Rook, Ripple and Lotus too. We all ended up drifting their way into ShadowClan territory” they explain with a soft smile, this time it had been a smidge more genuine as they recall seeing their siblings on either side of that border. Right. He had asked more questions hadn’t he? They feel their stomach plummet as he asks if they’re sure, why wouldn’t they be?

“Yeah, their final death was a dog” they tried to lightly tread around the topic, sprinkling in enough of an implication to see how he would react. This felt like an unspoken game of cat and mouse, the air was palpable, the tenseness of it thick and reminding them of how they feel when they’re hunting prey. This wasn’t prey though, this was their father, their father who should be grieving like they were. Despite it all they still approach until they’re standing in front of their father, tail curling around themself as they sit on their haunches. A last ditch effort to stop it from lashing and revealing their displeasure over this turn of conversation.

“It’s hard, it’s really hard.” They croak out, ears pinning back, both in a momentary lapse in judgement to be vulnerable in front of Jagged and then morphing into displeasure for allowing such weakness around him. “They saved Ripples' life, I never thanked them for that. No one’s died before, no one I actually gave a shit about y’know? I don’t know what to do, apart from letting you know anyways.” Did he get it? Or even with his eldest child dead did he share the sentiment of never having anyone he cared about dying. “I don’t- what do you mean by that? That they reminded you of me?” In their eyes they couldn’t be any more different, maybe they were both too stubborn for their own good but that’s as far as they could stretch it.


// cw: continued misgendering

"now now. i didn't raise you to cry about it, did I? cats die all the time. this is no different. i'm sure chilled, wherever she is, wouldn't want to see her younger sister cry, now would she?"

jagged hums, disinterest in the fact that chilled is dead. that gave him an advantage, he thinks. she tried so hard to keep him from his own son. she died for it and apparently... died again? maybe perhaps the wounds he gave her were not as fatal as he once though, especially if she was killed by a dog. he wonders for a moment the fate of the dog. did it still live? how big was it? did she suffer? did he really want her to? she was a pain in his tail more often than not, but he doesn't quite know if he wanted her to suffer... not that way at least. his tail lashes as he thinks before he just huffs.

"chilled has always been a little too willing to risk herself for others. certainly a trait from that mother of hers. I told raven that chilled was too soft. we cats are meant to survive. that is what I taught you, isn't it? you always come first."

his words are bitter, ears twitching back and forth before that unbecoming– and oh so fake– smile reaches his face.

"you're just as stubborn as she was. hard-headed, too. in the best ways of course, my kit! but I will say, between us, you were my favorite between the two of you. chilled is quite hard to get along with, isn't she? or she was. once she told me that i was no more of a father to her than i was to a rock! ha! the humor on that one! she won't admit it but i taught her everything she knew."

he gloats, even if he is lying. it's what he's always done. he's never been honest about chilled before, why would he start now?

"ah, but enough about her! I want to know about you my dear! how have you been? how's my son and my other daughter? my favorite litter. and still, you are my favorite daughter, hm? tell me, now, what have you been up to since joining this little... clan? what of my youngest, serpent?"

was he really his youngest? no. but shrike didn't need to know that, now did she?

Ears flatten, pressed as hard against their skull as possible. Wherever it be from the anger they held that he was still calling Chilledstar she or at that deep rooted fear and anguish over disappointing their father. He didn't raise them to cry about it, their mother was the one who had a softer touch. Whenever Jagged stayed it was like a layer of frost blanketed them, easier to hide their emotions behind that blanket since it just resulted in conversations like this when they didn't. Instead of dignifying him with a response they just shake their head, because he was right like he always was.

“yeah, I always come first. They weren't soft though- well I don't think that they're soft for risking themself for others” it takes a lot to do that. At least in Shriketalon's opinion it does, they definitely think their sibling did it a little too much but it takes strength to act as selflessly as that. They didn't understand how Jagged couldn't understand that. It was uncanny to see that smile again after saying such things, their tail lashed behind them against their better judgement at the sight but they made no comment on it. Their thoughts linger on Raven, a mother that was not their own by any means but one that Chilledstar was incredibly protective over- she sounded nice from their biased perspective so to hear him rot away another cats memory leaves a bitter taste.

“Between us? they're dead, they can't hear you y’know” they laugh, it's hollow in their ears. Clinging onto the ability to joke around as a life preserver, they think about that uncanny smile of his. They hope that their sibling can't hear them wherever they're from- StarClan right? Hopefully if they can then they know that they don't mean it. “At the start they were but I think that's just because they were upset. You never told them about us” he was long gone by then right? But he had came back to sire Serpent so that excuse was clumsy and thin. “They got better around us though- I'd go hunting with them a lot, they saved Ripple as I said before and they helped me chase off of a rogue” they lift a paw to gesture to a torn ear. “I got this from that, they were actually concerned about it too you should have seen it- they got sooo mad at the idea of me doing something to protect them, I like to think we got along easier.” They find themself rambling without a care, letting themself reminisce on fonder memories.

Then they remember where they are and who they're with, sentences dissolved on their tongue as they look to their father for approval. Did he teach them everything they knew? Why was he still calling them she when they had corrected him anyways? “Father, Chilled didn't like using she, they preferred to be called the-” Their attempt at correction is side stepped once again. Ah but enough about her, of course he'd say that. Who were they to truly object to him though? They were raised better than that.

Their tail lashes once again, resembling a very agitated adder in the moment. There's a sharp inhale as they take a rare second of composure, this was still their father after all. They can't just be so upset with him. The use of the favourite feels sharp, like finely honed claws, feeling pointed in its use. “I've been good, I joined that clan as I mentioned before. I've met so many different cats and I've been hunting a lot, like we used to. Ripple and Lotus are fine too” they notice that he didn't call them by name, did he forget? “Well- Ripple isn't, he's hurt real bad but he's getting better. Lotus has been quiet since then but I think she's still adjusting” There's a pause as he continues his inquiry. Something ugly twists in their gut at the mention of Serpentspine, so he knew him by name yet didn't call their littermates by theirs? Shriketalon wasn't sure if envy was a thing that was possible for them to feel on behalf of others yet they did.

“Serpent's good too, still part of the clan. He's been quiet since I joined so we haven't spoken much but he's still alive and healthy” that's all they could really say on the matter. Their head cocks to the right as they look at him curiously “why do you ask?” A father can just ask about his children but that was so unlike Jagged.


"i suppose you're right. it is not soft. it is utterly foolish. you do not survive as long as i do in these forests by sacrificing yourself for others. now, this isn't to say you should be so rude as to not care about others... but perhaps remember to save yourself first."

he huffs, before raising a brow at the words that he promptly cut off. what was it that shrike was about to say? had chilled really given her that stupid malarkey about using differing pronouns than the ones they were born with? it was interesting to jagged because if he had met anyone that were not kits of his own, he gladly would respect their gender identity. but these were his kits. his kits were just as he made them. not something they thought they were. he made them. he gave them life. them thinking anything else makes him want to take it away, just as he did to chilled. he only hopes shrike has enough sense to want to keep her life. he could always make another daughter.

"truly you think she didn't know of you? of course i told her. I gloated all the time about how lovely you all are. lotus, ripple, shrike, and rook. all of you mean the world to me. of course I spoke of you."

no, he didn't. he knows this. but he never really liked to tell chilled about his life. he certainly didn't expect his litter to go off and find her and serpent. threw a bit if a wrench in whatever plan he had for some grand reveal but... hmm... maybe this would work out anyways. after all, the one obstacle he had was dead. and shrike has always been easy to manipulate. maybe that's why she was his favorite.

"do tell ripple i said to get well soon, alright? no need for my son to be down and out. he's strong. he will live. I know it."

his tail lashes in thought as he tilts his head slightly off to the side.

"because he's my son. chilled wouldn't let me even talk to him. at least your mother let me talk to all of you but chilled... oh chilled was a thorn in my damned side. surely their fate could have been different, had they just given my son to me. maybe you'd even get the chance to be a good big sister to him."

he can't manipulate his son to do his bidding from here. he can't get into that clan. but he knows someone who can.

"you know, shrike. you could do your old man a favor. it's so nice to see you, but I wish to see all my kits. ripple, rook, lotus, and serpent. all of them. stars know if I will survive out here. I do not have the same protection as you clan cats do. but while I still have time, I want to see them all. will you have them meet me here, my dear?"

Tail lashes once again, at this point Shriketalon can’t quell it’s temper and they don’t think they would even if they could, barely contained irritation wraps tightly like a coil. Their father was getting dangerously close to releasing it like a trap, they knew better than to allow that to happen though. Above all else this was their father, they knew better than to snap and growl at him. What kind of child- daughter- would they be if they did that? “Yeah, I’ll remember that, thank you” they say instead, diligent in keeping within his good faith. What else could they do? Forsake him? The man that had taught them how to hunt, how to fight, how to help keep their family afloat when he’d leave for moons at a time. The man who they were emulating right up to the point they crossed the threshold into the leaders den to talk with Chilledstar privately for the first time? No, they were too entangled in their eye, if they betrayed their father then they’d be betraying themself.

They dwell on that conversation in the leaders den regardless, their fathers voice a distant ripple in their mind as they consider what their sibling said. The mutual growling and gnashing that they gave one another. "…why have we never met, huh? he never even told me about you! he left me and went to you. over and over and over!" they can still hear the venom in their snarl. Their siblings' words served as the sun to part the storm that was Jagged’s honeyed words and false sincerity that clouded their judgement. He was lying… He was lying to them, he never spoke of them to them at all. If he could lie about that so blazenly right in front of them then what else would he lie about? Did they actually mean the world to him? Probably not but they had known that for a while hadn’t they?

The mention of Ripplestream brings their head up, not realising that they had been staring at their own paws up until that point. “Of course, I can do that. I’m sure he’d be happy to hear that” they force a smile, knowing damn well that they weren’t going to tell them any of that. Would Ripplestream even want to hear from him? They never bothered to talk about their father with their littermates, always assuming that they were on the same page. Maybe they were the only child to have that blind devotion for so long, stars how could they be so stupid?

That forced smile drops as Jagged prattles on, letting his jaws get a little too loose and believing he can speak about whatever he pleased. To bring up their mother in the same breath where he… he says what they needed to hear. Unable to run from the fact that he had killed Chilledstar, this was what they came out here for. They got what they wanted, so why do they feel so numb hearing it? They can do nothing but stare at him as they let that coil slowly unwind, unsheathing claws with such a casualty that it was unnoticeable unless you were looking out for it. There was something by that phrasing, a thorn in his damned side. Is that really how he viewed his eldest? One that he must have thought dead for moons but one that he knew had just died? The worms wouldn’t even have claimed them yet, body still fresh in the ground and he’d be so damned mouse-brained and fox-hearted to say this?

“If they wanted to see you they’d seek you out themself, father. Like how I did, they’re all big cats they don’t need a guiding paw.” A chipper demeanour is cast aside, their words are blunt and spat out. Is that all they were to him? Shriketalon viewed their father as their world and they were just a means to an end to try and see his other children? No. Probably not even their littermates, just Serpentspine. That revelation was the final taught string that snapped, a violent thrum in their heart as they lunged without a second thought. Claws finding purchase through black fur and sunk within flesh across his left cheek, it was a surface level wound, enough to scar if not treated properly but they both knew that it wasn’t the worst they could do. They retreat that paw quickly, staring at him with wide eyes and recoil like they had been burnt. “Father-Jagged- I. I’m. Sorry but I’m not doing that.”

  • Angry
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sure. they're grown cats that can make their own decisions but without him, none of them would exist. he deserves something for that, and asking for their undying loyalty seems like but a small feat. his claws dig against the soft ground, his ears flicking back and forth as he huffs. if he could have seen them from a much younger age, he could have manipulated them so much longer ago. it's rather annoying that the resolve seems to be breaking within his daughter. too much like chilled. too stubborn. ripple would have been much easier to push over. now he was truly a favorite. a bit whiny but eh. can't win them all, can he?

and he means that more than anything when claws hit him right across the face. enough to leave a scar but not enough to do much of anything else. his face aches and this feels all too familiar. jagged. she says, instead of father. his gaze is stuck to the ground for a long pause, before his lips curl upwards in a smile, wickedly cold, as he barks out a laugh right then and there. he spins to face his least favorite child– maybe perhaps his least favorite alive child– in this very moment, bunching his muscles and moving quickly, aiming to slam her to the ground, claws barely scratching at her shoulders if he was successful.

"chilled taught you entirely too much. she was just as disrespectful as you are. you forget yourself. you forget your place. without me, you would have died. without me, your mother would have died. i am your father, and you will respect me as such."

the mask slips, and he aims to tear at shrike's ear, in an attempt to warn her. he takes a moment to flick the blood of his claws, sheathing his paw and pressing it right against her throat.

"i brought you into this world. surely you wouldn't want to leave it so soon, hm?"

he watches before hopping off of her, shaking his pelt off and the mask fastening itself back up.

"don't worry. I'll be around. and when i am, I expect to see my other kits. even if i have to find your lovely little clan myself, hm? love you, kiddo. see you later."

he aims to leave. whether or not he makes it is entirely up to shrike.

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Reactions: shriketalon

They weren’t entirely sure what they expected from this outcome, the bravado they carried to push adrenaline to a point of no return faded fast. Now they were in the sobering reality that they had just struck their father, the air surrounding the pair turns volatile and hisses as gravity works against them. Their surroundings spin as Jagged catches them in this off guard state, able to slam them to the ground with ease. Their breath is laboured, a dull ache blooms where their skull connects to the earth below. Shriketalon hisses, brain racing from one thought to another. The main goal is survival, to get out of here alive and not let their littermates lose another family member so soon but another part of them seethes. A rabid animal of anger and reckless abandonment wants nothing more than to spill his blood. It won’t do anything, won’t bring back any lost family members nor will it salvage any deep rooted issues that blossomed within his guidance.

I am your father and you will respect me as such. They used to idolise him, worshipping the ground he walked on in the way that a child who desperately sought approval would. Everything from the way he spoke, the way he walked, the most minute detail they tried to replicate in some warped sense of honour. It didn’t get them far, sprawled on the dirt with a looming threat over them. Any retort dies in their throat as he tears at their ear, biting down on their choked back yelp of pain. Shriketalon didn’t want to give Jagged the satisfaction of their upset cries.

“You already failed to kill one child, Jagged It’s a bluff, they both knew it. He had been convinced that he killed Chilledstar and technically yes he did. Yet it’s all they can think to do, the black and white cat was a stubborn one, they wouldn’t die pleading. Hazel eyes burn into their fathers own as a sheathed paw presses against their throat, if anything was going to happen then he would have to look them in the eye. He doesn’t though, he leaves. Has the audacity to shake his pelt and try to resume some role that was torn alongside their ear.

Rage boils within them, does his face not sting from their claws? Does his heart not beat rapidly like theirs from this? Was this just some kind of game? What settles their decision for their reckless behaviour wasn’t the threats, it was the audacity to claim he loves them. Paws trembling with anger, they scramble back up. immediately taking the first opportunity they get to try and bowl him over it’s a split second reaction really. Trying to replace the image of their father with that of Jagged, another rogue who was a threat to the clan, a threat to them. “Don’t show your face around my siblings” the snarl is low and unsteady, shaking with the rage that they boil with. to punctuate a point an unsheathed claw aims to try and tear his ear to mirror the damage he caused them. If the only way to get their point across was to destroy his appearance then they would keep trying to rip up as much as they could.