private Please be true (Scorchstreak)

Panic had given way to shame and grief; the combination of these had been too much for Badgermoon to bear, and the tomcat had - without truly realizing it - decided to take a different approach. Perhaps his feelings for Curlewnose were incidental, a passing crush: surely that was the case. And if that were so, it meant he hadn't done anything wrong by rejecting the tunneler, and - moreover - that these feelings would pass, in time. They'd pass even quicker if I found someone else to ogle, I bet. the thought crossed his mind as he strolled through the cool evening air. The light from the nearly-full moon made the black patches on his coat look sleek and shiny, and made the white patches glow as if suffused with an inner light. His eyes, round and yellow like the moon itself, shone out from his face, currently folded in an expression which suggested that he was troubled. And, indeed, he was, engaged in some important consideration. Namely, trying to figure out who in WindClan was a suitable target for a little fling. Who would be the best candidate for getting those rich amber eyes and soft blue-white coat out of his head? A little fling is good for the spirit, and it'll help me get over all of ... that. Yes, yes. How silly of me, to think that I had any feelings deeper than that for him. And he - I...

Badgermoon shook his head as if trying to shoo a bug. It'll fix me. It'll all be fine.

Scorchstreak has never been one to chase after love. No, love can find her itself, and when it does, it will be true. And until then, until her heart and soul are won over by someone who truly adores her, she is free to have as much fun as she likes. Of course, it’s lead to certain… obstacles, in the past, but she wouldn’t trade raising her son for anything in the world. There are many nights that the calico regrets what she did to him; but the fury at his betrayal had been too much.

From across the way, a glossy black and white pelt—lit by the brightness of the moon, looking nearly ethereal—catches her eye. She leaves the comfort of her tunnel with a flick of her tail, shaking the excess dirt from her pelt as she approaches the tom. "Badgermoon," she greets the deputy, a smile catching on her muzzle. She respects the tom, thinks he’s a reliable deputy despite his kindness. He’s proven he can take care of both himself and the clan; his kindness is not weakness. "What are you doing out so late?" Perhaps he’s like her, and can’t find rest until he’s completed a list of tasks that he’s set for himself? Either way, he looks as though he could use some company, and she’s perfectly willing to provide it to him.
He wasn't expecting someone to speak to him, not really; had not expected anyone else to be out in the quiet of the night. Despite this, Scorchstreak was a welcome sight, and Badgermoon slowed to a stop, a small smile automatically appearing on his face. "Hello, Scorchstreak." he meowed a soft greeting, white-tipped ears perking as she asked what he was doing. His grin shifted into something half-sheepish, half-contemplative as he responded, "Truth be told, it's been a difficult day. I was just out walking to clear my head." this was true, of course - he wasn't in the business of lying to his Clanmates, especially not ones he was fond of - but it wasn't the whole story. Unbidden, the brokenhearted expression on Curlewnose's face flashed into his mind and he felt his chest tighten with guilt. Casting around wildly for a way out, boldness flowed to his lips as he added, "And if I'm honest, I was looking for something...or distract me from everything." this was also true, though he hadn't intended to share it with the calico tunneler. Nevertheless, he certainly didn't not notice the strength in her limbs, the ferocity of her golden gaze, or the rich, earthy scent of the tunnels clinging to her. Perhaps they could be my distraction. was it terrible of him to think such a thing?

"And yourself - what are you doing out and about? Is everything alright?"
Badgermoon’s quiet greeting in return, paired with a smile, though the smile fades into something… embarrassed when she asks what he’s doing. Normally, she might find such a reaction concerning, might wonder if the tom is sneaking off somewhere he shouldn’t be. But it’s Badgermoon, and he’s never shied away from fighting for WindClan.

The calico flicks an ear, taking a slow step closer. "I’m sorry to hear that. If you’d like to talk about it, I’m willing to lend an ear." The black and white tom is a good warrior, so she is perfectly willing to hear him out if he needs someone to listen. Very few cats have ever lent a kind ear to hear out her woes, but providing even the barest of comforts for a clanmate who’s having a rough day comes easily. She supposes it’s something to do with compassion, but Scorchstreak has never considered herself a compassionate cat. It’s never too late to try, though, is it?

The other WindClanner mentions that he’s searching for a distraction, and it’s all too obvious the way her intrigued gaze flickers over his form. "I spent the day cleaning up a few tunnels, and I was feeling restless earlier…" She shakes herself off, hoping to dislodge any dirt that’s settled itself across her pelt. "Perhaps I’m searching for a distraction as well," she supplies. He’s a handsome tom, and if the way he’s speaking means anything, he isn’t unavailable.