"PLEASE DON'T CALL 9-1-1!"[joining]

t-rex kaboom

Dec 2, 2023
. ° ✦
"Aw shit, man."

This place was wholly unfamiliar to him. Wasn't he in deep? All thanks to that twoleg brat, the stubby one with the pokey fingers that kept jabbin' their little hands at him. Grabbing and tuggin' at his fur, trying to steal his prized bandanna from right 'round his neck. Least he'd gotten away from the thing by squeezing himself through a hole in the fence that was… er, somewhere.

The fence wasn't behind him anymore like he'd thought it was.

"Dang it." He sucked his teeth, taking a peek at his surroundings now. Tall trees. Dirt under his paws. Yes. This did appear to be a forest. He'd seen 'em on the box that he 'n his owner would often watch together. "S'pose this was past that fence the whole time," he surmised loudly to himself.

That was all well and good but now he needed to find his way back. His owner was probably looking for him. Except he squinted down at his paws, now covered in mud from the heavy rain earlier in the day. He tossed his head back with a loud groan. "I don' wanna take a bath!" He complained loudly, kicking a rock aside before wincing cause he forgot rocks were hard and hurt to kick.

He settled down into his rear and pressed his forepaws together, holding them in front of his mouth in a contemplating pose. "A'ight, I'll stay out here till nigh'time 'n then I'll head back." Couldn't be given a bath if his twoleg was asleep. A real mastermind in the works. Of course it could never cross his mind that there might be other animals in the forest.

  • OOC: — summary: he got chased through the fence by a child and decided he's gonna hang out till night 2 go back home so he's probably not too deep into the territory but he's definitely in it
    mud covered orange and white tabby with an american flag bandana. laidback kittypet that likes to collect shiny things and do stupid stuff. smells like hot sauce and weed.
When he makes his way back to camp, slipping between never - ending pine and nettle, the scent of lavender thick in his nose, does he see him.

A stranger. SkyClan sees plenty of those. It's a gamble, whether their neighbors have any knowledge of SkyClan's exitance or not. And then— it rarely goes past tales of forest - dwelling cats. If you were to ask him— he thinks it ought to remain that way. There would be less for you in twolegplace. Less hunger, less sickness, less cold. That was only his opinion though. Only the thoughts of a cloud, compared to that of a low - flying mosquito. Blood - suckers, they all were.

What a noisy one they are, talking to seemingly nobody but themselves. Pale paws carry themselves over to a ruddy complexion. Were they any cat at all, they would smell the steps of lavender before they see him at all. " You– you're going to be... " his teeth maneuver around stems. The scent of lavender is heady, flooding his senses. " ah, lonely. Sounds like you already are... " judging by the jibber - jabber...

And his eyes catch sight of the magnificent thing strewn around their neck... There is a huff of indignance, there, Dawnglare recalling his own trinkets he'd once had. Yes... had this life ever been worth it at all. It makes them look good, but of course, it would look a bit better on himself.

He would set his bundle of lavender down, if only to swiftly invade the strangers personal space. Compulsion, he supposes. Blue eyes narrow upon the fabric snug around his neck. " Do you have more of these? "

  • ooc: HIIII HII WELCOME :) had to throw my weirdo at him so sorry
  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 59 moons old as of 11.20.23. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads

Paws playing with the progressively drying mud on the ground built a tiny tower. Reaching over and sticking a twig atop with a dead recently fallen leaf as the flag, he smiled. A castle. His to lay siege to. And with a big dirty paw he smashed it, huffing and shaking his paw when his makeshift twig flagpole jabbed his pad.

Man. Sitting here waiting for night was a lot more boring than he was expecting. He wasn't sure what he was imagining was going to happen while he sat here all day but nothing certainly wasn't on his list. His nose, however unpracticed it was, still worked though and he jolted when some kinda scent got into it.

"Woah!" He jumped as Dawnglare seemed to poof into existence in front of him. "Hah, man ya scared me," he giggled a bit as a paw was pressed to his chest, trying to sooth his pounding heart. Squinting eyes examined the red cat, mostly trying to discern what that weird purple junk on his face was.

"Oh, naw, I ain't lonely at all. I'm just waitin' for it to get dark out so I can head on home. Y'see I don' want my owner to give me a bath," explained the kittypet, sitting on his haunches to wave his mud splattered forepaws and legs in Dawnglare's face. "I mean, I can swim 'n I don' mind water much at all but I already got a bath the other day 'n I really don' want another, ya know?"

Now, of course Rex had heard some story or other about wild cats and such. The ones that fight and kill to survive. Course, he also never paid much attention to them either. So it didn't really strike him at all to think that maybe this was one of them wild cats. And he didn't much mind that Dawnglare was now cutting into his personal bubble and asking about his bandanna.

Lips curling into a grin he shook his head, "Nope! I ain't got anymore, sorry. I'll tell ya what though, I'll let ya wear it while I wait for nigh'time if ya sit 'n talk with me." This unnamed stranger seemed nice enough and without a second to waste, Rex was already sliding his bandanna off over his head and trying to shimmy it onto the stranger talking to him.

  • ooc : — HIIII ty!!!! and dw rex already considers dawn his bestie :cool:

    — Big mud-crusted orange and white tabby with an American flag bandanna
    — 37 moons // Ages on the 1st of every month
    — AMAB // He,him
    — Talkative kittypet that speaks loudly and with expressive paws​

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The ragdoll is drifting around the territory, in search of prey. Leafbare has made itself known, creeping across the territories with a looming icy cold presence. Scent flying over on the breeze that stung his nose with the chill, it doesn't take much for him, ruining any pretense of his arrival to lumber over. The former kittypet is intent on finding something. Dawnglare receives nothing beyond the blank, vaguely confused stare. He's not sure he'll ever fully understand the language the medicine cat speaks. It seems the stranger is inviting, the sight of the material that only a kittypet would have has him cocking his head.

Nostalgic scent emanating from the stranger, he's able to attain the kittypet status that has once been his own. Suspicion is confirmed with the reference to owners. "Baths... really suck." One of the worst experiences of his previously luxurious life, can't recall anything quite like the wail inducing water the memory of the warm liquid gently tugging at his long fur sends a shudder down his spine. He thinks there's something that Silversmoke said to him when he had made his way to the territory he should say.. what was it? "Hi." a dazed smile spreads across his face. He settles on his haunches to flick his tail lazily. "What're... Uh." Thinking, he squints. "Here. What're you doing here?"
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"Oh, great StarClan," Twitchbolt sighed as wide eyes settled on the unfortunate display of SkyClan's power that was being presented. Dawnglare, odd fascination bright in his blue eyes- Dolly, mild as ever. Both of them hadn't a rolling pebble in their head that told them this was a trespasser.

Twitchbolt's fur fluffed up to brambles, an aggression skittering across his body that hadn't been there before. Maybe he would have entertained this a moon or so ago, but Leafbare wasn't the time to be letting strangers- even f they were clueless- stumble across their border and stay there. No, because- wind would be caught. Word would travel to lurking rogues that they were letting these things just slide, that they were crooning and making vague, feathery conversation- Stars, it would be a disaster.

"Um- no!" he said, surging to Dolly's side, offering the warrior a wild-eyed look of predestined panic. Everything bad that had ever happened had already occurred to Twitchbolt, and he was already worrying about it. Shivering from head to toe, his eyelids twitched separately one-two-three as he set his vision upon the intruder. "No, no. You can't be here, this is SkyClan's territory. If you're lost www-we'll escort you to the border, but you can't stay." This wasn't a joiner, someone hopeful, this was someone lost- lost who hardly knew where he was. Or who he was talking to.
penned by pin ✧
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Attention drawn away from the other red cat he'd been talking to, his gaze turned onto the two new cats that had shown up. With a friendly smile he chirped out chuckling, "Man, ya'll seem to be crawlin' from the woodworks." A comment made in good faith, not meant to offend of course. He'd feel mighty bad if any of them did take it as some kind of mean comment though.

Springing to his paws though, he was quick to walk a circle around Dolly. Admiring the fluffy coat of fur on him with a big dopey grin. "Ain't you just as pretty as a flower!" Reaching forward with a mud crusted paw thoughtlessly to try and touch Dolly's flowing fur.

"Oh, yeah! I'm here cause some stinkin' kid started chasin' me 'round. Kept tryin' to steal my bandanna-" he jabbed a paw back towards the article of cloth he'd temporarily entrusted to Skyclan's medicine cat. "'N I escaped by squeezin' under the fence, ya'll know the one, right? Well, y'see now I'm lost 'n don' know how to get back so I figured I'd wait here for nigh'time to make sure that kid is gone 'n that my owner is asleep then I'd try 'n find my way home."

He's quick to hop back though as the third one's fur puffs up in some kind of display of aggression or panic. He sure looked like a gumball off a tree though and that was enough to have Rex grimacing and making room between them. If he looked like one then who was to say he wasn't as sharp as one? The thought was forgotten though as the third unnamed cat started spewing about how he shouldn't be here.

"OH! Skyclan! Ya'll are them wild cats that kill right? 'Cept ya'll ain't tried killin' me yet sooo maybe not?" He trailed off talking to himself some before picking right back up. "Huh? Why can't I stay? Jus' till it gets dark out, I can even en'ertain ya'll till then! I've got stories I could tell. Or- or do ya'll need any help with anythin'? I'm real strong 'n can lift stuff!"

  • ooc : — ​

    — Big mud-crusted orange and white tabby with an American flag bandanna
    — 37 moons // Ages on the 1st of every month
    — AMAB // He,him
    — Talkative kittypet that speaks loudly and with expressive paws​


Ya'll are those wild cats that kill, right? Twitchbolt nearly choked. On something, on air... in his utter disbelief. Kill, right, well- that was a goood reputation to have, he supposed, but a kittypet thinking they just... went around killing, reasonless and unlawful, it was... baffling. Had this one never been a fox-length away from his den, before? Never once had he met a daylight warrior?

"We don't just- kill," Twitchbolt said, still utterly baffled, his words as frayed as a split hair. From his exasperated staring he imagined his eyes would sting and sting and sting until he was blinded.

"We- we hunt to survive. This is our home- and clumsy, untrained paws, they- they endanger our home." Twitchbolt sighed roughly, checking over his shoulder. This cat wasn't a threat, probably- was surely not playing this dumb just to get information. A part of him insisted he start on a foot of distrust, though. "We... we do have daylight warriors who live here in- in the daytime, 'n return at night. If you want to help, you have to live by our rules until you... until you return to your Twoleg nest. You can't just sss-stay and tell stories."

Another glance behind his shoulder. Then, a scrutinising look at the newcomer's face. "What's your name?" It came out a little more demanding than he'd intended it.
penned by pin ✧
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Cheeks puffed out with air as Rex's ears angled back by a fraction. The look on gumball-fur's face seemed annoyed, or maybe displeased? He grimaced, not knowing how to decipher the expression he was being faced with.

"Sorry?" Trying to be sincere really, but he wasn't sure what he was apologizing for. Still, the sentiment was… nice, right? It was polite and he meant well, at least. The awkwardness was forgotten though as he bounced forward on his heels once again, eyes blown wide with excitement. "Ya'll hunt? Like actually hunt? What for though?" He glanced around. Didn't seem to be much in the forest to hunt. That maybe he was the reason for that didn't seem to occur to him.

"If ya'll got cats that go to and from their owner's homes, why don' ya'll just get them to bring their food out here with 'em for ya'll to eat?" Seemed just as easy as shooting candy in a barrel. Pressing forward a few more steps he kept blabbering, "What kinda rules do ya'll got, this sounds cool as hell!" A pause, fluffy eyebrows furrowing as lips pursed. "I can tell stories though, right? Cause I got tons."

Chest puffing out, blue eyes sparkling and squinting into an exaggerated heroic expression, as if he thought he was about to do something spectacular as he once again settled onto his rear legs. Stretching his arms out wide he trilled out, "I am the one 'n only Tie-ran-soar-us Rex Kaboom 'n I'll join your Skyclan!" It was practically a howl as he clapped his paws together resulting in a thunderous SLAP! This was gonna kick ass!

  • ooc : — ​

    — Big mud-crusted orange and white tabby with an American flag bandanna
    — 37 moons // Ages on the 1st of every month
    — AMAB // He,him
    — Talkative kittypet that speaks loudly and with expressive paws​

Dawnglare watches him with unblinking eyes. An odd one, this kittypet. But for that reason alone does Dawnglare not treat him like a fool. He has more going for him than most: good taste, a full belly... An apology sits too strangely on his tongue, so he forgoes it entirely, opting instead to crane his neck at him. He has never known any force to keep cats from their homes at sunhigh. Such a decision seems arbitrary, and then, ah— there. The look he gives him is a pitying one.

It's strange, to once again make idle chatter about things he understood; with cats he understood. Amicable, to offer such a trade in exchange for his second skin. Dawnglare supposes this arrangement is agreeable enough.

It does not take too long, for the rest of SkyClan to come toiling behind. A moon - like face— Dolly, was it? Joins them in their lamenting over twoleg " baths " It happens often, then?" he asks, wearing a deep - set frown. " Once, they had tried it on me. They paid with their blood, " his voice lilts. The look he gives the stranger is an inviting one, as if wordlessly suggesting the solution was merely to draw blood. In which, well, it was.

Borders, Dawnglare does not bother preoccupying himself with such thoughts. One of Blazestar's underlings takes it upon himself to iterate. The medicine cat only sits idly by, tip of his tail brushing lavender stems strewn across the ground.

What for though? Dawnglare smiles a not - quite smile, eyes pushed to far in a way that could not possibly be truly happy, but what face could he make? Dark pupils flick toward Twitchbolt, and then land back on this stranger once again— or more particular, the thing around his neck. " Hubris, " he says, lips twitching.

Apparently, he does not care. Likely because he did not understand what he was getting into. No one did. Not even Blazestar, himself.

It is not his problem, he supposes. Neither was it, to explain SkyClans rules. Blazestar had plenty of pets to do it for him. Dawnglare hums. " Your name will have to change. " It is both fact, and a relief. His current name was quite terrible, after all.

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 60 moons old as of 12.05.23. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest.
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
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When the twitchy lead warrior hurriedly approaches, he's lazily flicking his tail about. "Oh.. Yeah. This is just for, uh. SkyClan cats." Unable to share in the concern, Dolly instead takes action with practically echoing what he's heard. The concerned face of Twitchbolt spurs his support. It must be hard to be so worried. He reaches his tail to try and pat the older in some attempt at comfort. He must not be doing the right thing in melting to the floor judging by his reaction, so he slowly finds his way to his paws alongside Twitchbolt. "You've... met two-legs before?" Dawnglare's mysterious question sparks his curiosity, what did he know?

He blinks slowly at the comment about his fur, can't help but preen with the compliment, it's nice when hard work is appreciated. "Thanks." However, a paw reaching out invokes something very unusual from the fluffy tom, a yowl of protest, violently jerking back. It's one of the sparing moments where urgency presses him to move beyond a sloth's pace. It's seemingly already too late, he blinks owl eyed at the patch of mud imparted of his always well taken care of coat. Staining it with the dirt and filth from StarClan knows where.

Intense blue eyes flick from the kittypet to Twitchbolt and Dawnglare, likely the fastest they've moved, as if pleading to defend his honor. "Now why would you do that! Don't do that!" Sharply shaking his head he's quickly ducking it to lick the grime off with distress. If there's one thing he's always worked hard on, it's trying to preserve the appearance of home, even if that time has long since passed.

He takes a few paces back as the concept of SkyClan is explained. The kittypet seems to have a mouth that runs a mile a minute, leaving him staring. "It's..." Dolly clears his throat. "it's hard work." It's only fair to profess the realities. "Uh, what's your name again?" He's not quite sure he catches it the first time.
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