sensitive topics please forgive me - o; one-shot


my eyes wide shut
Nov 11, 2023
ooc: feel free to have your character react. crashingtide may make a return, but for now...he's missing/possibly dead. i just cannot be active, but maybe one day i will bring him back. who knows what the fates have in store for him.

ic: Crashingtide felt worthless as a warrior. He hadn't been a part of the battle. He had, in a sense, been a coward. He was a failure in his own eyes. The brown tabby knew that others had no interest in him nor did he make an attempt to make himself more likable, he supposed. His attitude was that of a grumpy elder. However, he was a young warrior still and yet...he couldn't even be helpful in battle. Most days now he thought about this as he walked away from camp and towards his spot near the river. Whether the tide was harsh or slow that day, the brown tabby feline made the trip. It was the only place his mind felt clear enough to think. It was the only place where it wasn't crowded. Everywhere else, it felt like cats were shoulder to shoulder. He felt like he could barely breathe most days. The warrior barely knew any faces, except for a select few. Every day, it felt like he was a stranger in the clan. His apprentice was well known for his...abrasive attitude. Crashingtide on the other hand hid in the shadows, barely able to be heard.

His spot was comforting most days, but felt different. He felt as if he was being watched by something. The warriors mismatched eyes scanned around, looking for signs of another. It felt eerie and dark. The large feline rose to his paws and began his trek over the stones that were there, allowing his paws to be lead towards the possible danger. The tabby's fur stood straight up, bristling from the fear and anticipation. His body was trying to tell him to run, but his mind was leading him towards the danger. He had to fend off the threat if it was there. That he knew for certain. Just as he went to scent the air, claws hit his face and sent him flying to the ground. As he got to his paws, the feline saw the amber pelt that he longed never to see. A fox.

The warrior let out a hiss and unsheathed his claws, his tail lashing behind him as he took steps away from the todd. He felt the blood from the wound trailing down his cheek. If he didn't do something, this fox would get to any kits, queens, or apprentices. He wouldn't have that. With a jolt, the creature grabbed at Crashingtide's neck. It dug its fangs into him, shaking him. His vision was fading, but Crashingtide had to hold on for the sake of the clan. The large warrior lashed out and scratched its leg, making the fox let go. "Come, fox. Follow me." He exclaims, struggling to breath, as he lashes out with his paw towards the larger creature once more. As it hit, the fox let out a yelp and then a sound unlike any he had heard before. With a push of his hind legs, the brown tabby let the fox away from the territory. Blood trailed behind him, his fate unknown from the trail left behind. The trail saying please forgive me.