plenty to do; plenty to see


Nov 13, 2022

Dovepaw had gone a bit silent as of late. His failing of his warrior assessment in such spectacular fashion and his still unresolved tension with Ravenpaw had made him vanish into the shadows. He had no ceremony, no name change, no anything. He was just an unremarkable—albeit, at this point, unusually large—apprentice. After what felt like eons of sulking, he had eventually eased back into bowing his head down and doing work. It was a bit soothing, in a way, to just go through the motions. It meant that you thought about less, and less emotions may have made one a touch empty, but it certainly helped rid Dovepaw of much of the angsty he had spent the past moon-and-change brewing with.

He still hated Ravenpaw—or at least Dovepaw told himself that he did. The very thought of that slimy worm of a medicine cat apprentice inspired hurt-fueled rage in his heart, something that had only been channelled through his increased hunting capabilities. Under a combination of pulsing anger and the guidance of Hyacinthbreath, Dovepaw had gotten much better at hunting. Which, in a sense, made him sad. He never liked hunting, as it involved killing something—and though he knew he should not care, that he was being a kit—he still did.

Dropping his kill onto the pile in camp, Dovepaw gazed about his surroundings with desolate-looking eyes before slinking over to a patch of shade and laying down with a huff.

A caterwauling battle cry seemingly erupted from the shadows as Otterkit took his chance. He had kept himself hidden in the sedge bushes, shoulders low and eyes focused while watching Dovepaw return to camp. He considered the brown tabby the strongest of the apprentices, no doubt due to the difference in size of the toms denmates. Now Otterkit had decided, this very moment was perfect to show Dovepaw that he, Otterkit, was no kit to reckon with!

His yowl followed with a sloppy pounce, resulting in him tumbling forward, heels over head. Without a hint of grace the kittens confident attack plummeted into a flailing mess. His rolling eventually stopped with the help of colliding into whatever made of the pile of prey, but Otterkit did not let that stop him. He wriggled out to try and pounce again, this time aiming to hop and cling onto the apprentices back.

"I got you! I got you, I got you! I won!"
( tags ) The tom had lost sight of Otterkit, that little rascal. He was began searching around camp, however the wind made it somewhat difficult to pinpoint his son. Everyone's scent was blown everywhere, so it was really a game of following trails of scents and hoping one of them was correct. Eventually his ears pick up on his son's voice not too far from him. Unfortunately, it is too late when he finds Otterkit. His son in the middle of what it seems to be playing? With Dovepaw. Dovepaw and Fernpaw had failed their assessments. No one really talked about it, yet he could see both apprentices were dismayed at their failure. He understood that feeling far too well. Pikesplash never considered himself a strong warrior. It was honestly shocking that he even became a warrior, considering he was not as tough as the rest of them and was a ball of nerves.

With a small amused huff, he pads over to hear Otterkit announce that he won. "Yes, you won. You're the strongest cat I know." Whether or not Otterkit was going to successful in his attempt at clinging on Dovepaw's back, he was going to say it regardless. This would be the first time he would talk to Dovepaw, which was a upsetting in its own right. They had seen each other in passing, but never really spoke with each other. Even when he took over Catfishpaw's apprenticeship, he didn't speak with Dovepaw. What he did know was from what he's heard and seen. From what it looks like, Dovepaw is going through something.

Sensing that a kit isn't exactly what Dovepaw wants at the moment, he takes a seat next to the apprentice. Hmmm.. What should I say? He looks over to his son. Confidence boost? To garner Dovepaw's attention he waves his paw in front of the apprentice. "Sorry about my son, he means well. He likes to challenge cats who he admires." Pikesplash is not lying, yet the knowledge that Otterkit sees Dovepaw who feels like a failure at the moment as strong could feel as a lie. After all, kits did whatever they wanted. The factor that Otterkit was just doing this for fun was also a possibility. However, Pike knew Otterkit well enough. It was amusing how the pair were not related biologically, yet the ways they show admiration were strange. Pike with staring at the object of his admirations, Otterkit with wanting to fight.
Padding a slight way behind Dovepaw, she admired from her small distance the fact he'd brought something home to eat. As uncertain as that poor boy was about his skills, the blue point wasn't sure she understood why he hadn't succeeded in his assessment. He was perfectly... normal. Thinking about the advice she'd last given him, she wondered if that answer only made him angrier.

'It was just a bad day.'

And what poor luck.. that it had to be that day.

The silence was broken quickly by the shrill cries of the local nuisance. Dropping the fish she'd had in her maw (a tempting smell to have walked all the way back without stealing a bite), she opted to go rescue Dovepaw from the trap he had accidentally walked into. Seeing the familiar shadow of Pikesplash hurry by in hopes of catching up to the pointed kit, the warrior couldn't help but shake her head in amusement.

That seemed like it might never change... the good-natured adoptive father running after his less-than-grateful son. Even in apprenticeship she didn't doubt this behavior would continue.

"Hopefully he spared you from some brutal scratches- those tiny claws are nothing to scoff at."