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    SOOT SOOTSTAR ; fear and power
    a power hungry and fear mongering leader whose only ally she truly trusts in is herself. Cold and distant, even some members of her own clan are rarely graced by her presence. A majority of her time is spent in the tunnels, the confines of her den, or perched atop Tallrock carefully surveying the activities of her clan. Deluded and enraged even further by the death of her mate, all would be wise to tread with caution.
    SOOT; after her father, Soot Claw. STAR; Given to her by StarClan, an honor they certainly regret bestowing.
    — female; she/her ; heterosexual
    — prisoner of WindClan, her magnumopus, her failure
    — created 11.17.2021 / 46 moons / ages every 1st of the month — penned by ava; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    Sootstar acquits herself with a firm posture, one befitting of a strong leader. Her stature is built even smaller than the average WindClan cat, but it is made up for by her agility and finesse; her movements across the moors are fluid and nimble, like a gust of wind itself, solidifying her status as one of the best hunters in the clan. Her coat is an elegant contrast of dark grey along her shoulders and tail, breaking into lighter hues on her chest, and it is accented by tufts on her ears and hind. Her green eyes, set against her face's delicate features, make for a lasting impression.

    Due to her role as a tunneler, Sootstar almost always has clumps of dirt clinging to her wispy fur. Even when fully groomed grains of sand and earth can often be found inside her ears.
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    Born underneath an unusual lunar event, if StarClan's existence had been known at Sootstar's birth perhaps the marsh group would have interpreted her arrival as a bad omen. Soot would grow possess many good traits a leader should have, she held confidence in her own decisions and appears wildly motivated, though as some could guess, for all the wrong reasons. Power was always something she had sought since the day she had been picked up for battle training, and the moment an opportunity seized itself to lead her own clan she took it. Many flocked to her side, for outwardly the blue she-cat appears to be capable of being a strong and courageous leader.

    To some, she is that strong and courageous leader they can rely on to keep them safe. Unfortunately for many, they meet the side of Sootstar they do not want to face. Sootstar fears challenge to her authority and the way she leads her clan, many who stand up to her without being cautious are met with brutal punishments. These range to anything from being shunned, maimed, and exiled from the clan, in dire situations it would not be out of character for Sootstar to attempt an execution on one who calls for her reign over WindClan to cease. Sootstar may be confident in her cause and in herself, but she is wildly insecure and paranoid with her grip on leadership within her clan that drives her to make decisions a rational feline never would think of.

    Upon the moment she laid eyes on them, Sootstar believed in StarClan, but her worship and insane desires to please them erupted when they blessed her with nine lives. In present day, StarClan’s wrath has became blatant even to her. Sootstar finds their judgement of her to be unfair and unjust, believing her brutalities to be a needed measure to keep cats in line and to punish traitors. She is at war with them and believes they are out to ruin her.

    Prim and proper, though notably twitchy. Rarely witnessed with a smile on her face and her eyes, though captivating, carry an unusual dullness. Is unlikely to engage in casual conversation and is more likely to make passingby comments.
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    Incredibly paranoid, Sootstar’s trust is difficult to truly have even for cats who fit the perfect criteria (loyal, clan-born, etc.). One must truly go above and beyond with their devotion, or play a better manipulation game than she can to earn her ultimate comfort. Cats of an alleigance to another clan could never possibly have a sliver of her trust.
    SOUNDS LIKE: honestly idfk.
    SMELLS LIKE: peat and damp soil.
    speech is #615466

    SOOT CLAW xx PEBBLE BREEZE sibling to Bluepool & Mintshade | mentoring Bluepaw , Mate to Weaselclaw | Parent to Sootspots, Cloudedsky, Moorpaw, Addervenom, Harrierstripe, Bluepoaw, Cottonpaw
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: ‘tis a life surrounded by traitors and enemies
    NOTABLE ENEMIES: Blazestar, Cicadastar and Chilledstar
  • Code:
    [slide=INFO][fleft][bimg][/bimg][/fleft]» [s]Soot[/s] ․ [b]Sootstar[/b]
    » Dark Forest Resident †
    » She/her ․ Mate to [abbr=Played by Marquette][s]Weaselclaw[/s][/abbr]
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes. A black, smoky aura seems follow her.
    » [COLOR=#8b1113][outline=#000][b]"Speech"[/b][/color][/outline] ․ [i]thoughts[/i] ․ [u]attack[/u]
    [slide=BATTLE][fleft][bimg][/bimg][/fleft]» A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in [abbr=Darting strikes, fake-out strikes, nipping at limbs]quick, short moves[/abbr].
    » Fights to [b]kill[/b] and [b]maim[/b]
    » Fatal attack of choice is an [abbr=Small attacker dives under the limbs of their opponent to brutally rake their stomach.]underbelly dive.[/abbr] 
    » May powerplay [abbr=Bites, scratches, shoving, etc.][b]minor harm[/b][/abbr]. Can powerplay [b]healing[/b][/slide]
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  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing

[slide=INFO][fleft][bimg][/bimg][/fleft]» [s]Soot[/s] ․ [b]Sootstar[/b]
» WindClan Leader
» She/her ․ Mate to [abbr=Played by Marquette][s]Weaselclaw[/s][/abbr]
» Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
» [COLOR=#615466][outline=#000][b]"Speech"[/b][/color][/outline] ․ [i]thoughts[/i] ․ [u]attack[/u]
[slide=BATTLE][fleft][bimg][/bimg][/fleft]» A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
» Excels in [abbr=Darting strikes, fake-out strikes, nipping at limbs]quick, short moves[/abbr].
» Fights to [b]kill[/b] and [b]maim[/b]
» Fatal attack of choice is an [abbr=Small attacker dives under the limbs of their opponent to brutally rake their stomach.]underbelly dive.[/abbr] 
» May powerplay [abbr=Bites, scratches, shoving, etc.][b]minor harm[/b][/abbr]. Can powerplay [b]healing[/b][/slide]
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