i'm on my way
Dec 2, 2023

Eelkit was graced with few moments to herself outside of Riverclan's nursery. Being a child within the clan had its perks and at the same time, it could potentially be the downfall for a child of her size. Many dangers awaited her each time she emerged from the nursery; predators and the swiftly moving river included. Bright eyes would blink as they adjusted to the bright sun outside then den, momentarily blinded. This morning, she had one specific goal in mind. Unfortunately for anyone other than her, she was going to be seeking out an older clanmate to be the source of her morning entertainment. "Good Morning! Did you go out on patrol today? What did you do? Did you catch anything? Fight anyone?!" Her cheerful tone would accompany her fit of hysterics, as she bounded over to the first warrior or apprentice she spotted returning to camp. While still early in the day, Eelkit had yet to learn about the ways of clan life. The most she could learn at once would be from her clanmates when they were willing to teach her.
Foxtail has been awake since the crack of dawn, but surprisingly the young warrior felt quite refreshed. He pads into camp with a plump water vole nestled in his jaws, with his olive green eyes set on the fresh-kill pile. Unfortunately for him, Foxtail wasn't paying too much attentions to his surroundings, and didn't notice the young kit leaving the safety of the nursery. "Good morning!" The young, energetic voice catches him by surprise, his fur bristling as he jumps in alarm— the water vole flying out of his maw. "Oh, it's just you, Eelkit!" Foxtail mews as he tries to get his heartbeat to relax... only Foxtail would get startled by a kitten. To his relief, it seemed that Eelkit paid little to no mind to the warrior's reaction, and the young warrior couldn't get another word in before she began to ramble.

"I just returned from a hunting party!" Foxtail purrs at the young kit, admiring their interest in the ways of clan-life. He remembers being just as eager to get out of camp and start his training as an apprentice. It will come before Eelkit even knows it! "I caught this water vole during the patrol!" He picks up the prey he dropped, before tossing it into the fresh-kill pile nearby. "It looks pretty good, doesn't it?" Probably not as good as fish, but with the river being frozen over fish are no longer on the menu. Foxtail was quite relieved nothing impactful happened during the patrol, while he might be a warrior and a strong fighter, that did not mean the young warrior enjoyed the battlefield. He shakes his head, referring to Eelkit's final question and a way to shove those thoughts away. "Thankfully not today."

  • 74203346_wyqQOkxcDfS3IQ1.png

    credit to raphaelion for the artwork <3
  • Foxtail
    experience: trained
    backstory: tbd
    biography: [HYPERLINK]
    credit to nopeita for the pixel <3
    cisgender male [he / him]
    eyes: green
    pelt: cinnamon/chocolate tabby
    fur length: long
    parents: dawnflower and redfur (riverclan npcs)
    14 moons


An early morning's patrol had beckoned Gillsight out of the warmth of his nest, this leaf-bare day — a dawn-broken hunt to be held in preparation for the impending season of hunger. After shifting his focus to catching land prey rather than the fish he's more apt to capture, snow-capped paws follow behind Foxtail's reemergence into camp, a mouse between his jaws as he turns toward the fresh-kill pile in the morning's silence.

It is the squeak of a kit that startles him, that causes him to pause in his stride. Sunny gaze looks toward the voice, the greeting Foxtail answers to.

" O-Oh! " Gillsight blinks, looking at the charcoal-dusted kitten, " Y-You're up early, aren't you, E-Eelkit? " Or perhaps they've returned late? The warrior shifts to look toward the nursery, half-expecting a gaggle of kits to burst out of the willow-woven structure to greet the returning patrol with an abundance of questions, just like Eelkit.

Gillsight is almost certain Foxtail's catch is a little more interesting than what he caught, so while the younger warrior shows off the water vole, the dark-furred tom turns to place his mouse upon the kill-pile, returning just in time to hear the tailend of the patchworked tom's answer.

" Ah - H-hopefully not for a long while, " he adds with a nod, though unease begins to stir within him. Leaf-bare is a tough season, one highly battle-prone, if the prior cold season was any comparison, his scars — his name — any confirmation. StarClan only knows what's to come, but he hopes this leaf-bare is easier than the last. ​
  • 74597204_0HYUF6qWs7f9nEh.png
    ── Warrior of RiverClan

    ── ??? x ???
    ── AMAB; He/Him
    ── A scarred, black and white tom with yellow eyes.
    ── Mentored by Clearsight
    ── "Speech"; Attack
Warrior life had escaped him for many moons now. Ravensong's schedule operated on his own herb-gathering patrols that were left entirely to his own will. Thus, the dark-furred medicine cat had not been out early, but he was resting in front of the medicine cat den with his paws tucked under him. The peace was soon disturbed by Eelkit pestering the older members of the Clan. Ravensong opened one eye to see Foxtail and Gillsight gathered around the kit.

"It will not be long before you could join them." Ravensong remarked with a twitch of his whiskers. He remained silent on the topic of battle during leafbare. The others were right--a fight would not do them any good in this weather.

  • IMG_0250.png
    RAVENSONG of RIVERCLAN LH BLACK POLYDACTYL MALE (CARRYING CINNAMON, DILUTE) a tall, slender creature with pitch-black feathery fur, large ears, and a sharply angled skull held up in an aloof manner. smells of dried herb, speaks with a low and rumbly accent and walks with an elegant slinking gait.

    born in twolegplace and orphaned at a young age, he joined riverclan at its inception and began training as a drypaw warrior known for a bitter temperment until beesong made him his medicine cat apprentice. after his mentor's untimely death, he had been named ravensong at the moonstone, young heart revitalized with anger and guilt. he is a somber and thorough medicine cat that guards every word spoken in the confines of his den.

    secretly loves "the stars but not so much what inhabits them"
    openly suffers from chronic migraines
    single, but "it's complicated"


"Well I think we should take advantage of the cold." Nettlepaw points out from where he sat nearby, grooming ice from his thick, creamy hued fur. He had been on the hunting patrol with Foxtail, but unlike the warrior, Nettlepaw had caught nothing. It was a bitter reminder of his daily struggles, and leaf-bare made it especially difficult to catch anything. Blind eyes find the kit through sound alone, as tufted ears rest pricked upon the feline's striped head. Ravensong points out that Eelkit will be an apprentice soon, and Nettlepaw recalls when he had been the same. In any case, the apprentice's focus returns to the thought of battle. Both Gillsight and Foxtail seem disinterested in picking any fights, but the prickly apprentice disagrees.

"I think RiverClan should take back sunning-rocks. We probably wouldn't even need to fight. We could just move the scent lines back over, because ThunderClan is probably just as hesitant to spill blood in the cold as the rest of the clans are." The apprentice points out. "They probably wouldn't retaliate until new-leaf." Which meant... more prey for RiverClan when the river froze. And of course, the sunny rocks would be a warm delight on the season's coldest days.
Moonpaw was not yet used to Ravensong's schedule, not having to wake up as early as she was used to or having to wait to hear if she would be going out with a hunting patrol or a border patrol. Instead she could sleep in if she wanted - she usually didn't, so used to being up so early - and though she enjoyed not having to deal with ThunderClan or WindClan borders as often she used to, she did miss seeing the look on WindClan and ThunderClan's faces when the RiverClanner's were obviously not struggling with many things those who couldn't swim would struggle with.

Though she did enjoy being able to be in camp more and see the new kits that had just joined their ranks, and she knew that her friends would tell her everything about what happened at the borders whether she was there to see it or not.

She listened to the small bits of conversation happening now that were started by Eelkit, eyes flicking over to Nettlepaw as he mentioned taking back sunningrocks. It was an interesting idea - one that she used to want to do the second she had first become an apprentice - but she wasn't sure if it was even possible, let alone if it'd be a good idea. "I don't know, if WindClan keeps going the direction they are I feel like there could be a fight this leafbare, so even if it is safe to take back Sunningrocks we should probably wait, just in case it turns out it's not." She didn't really know much of anything to treat battle wounds yet, and she didn't really want to learn when herb supply would be low and hard - if not impossible - to restock. WindClan fought dirty, and she didn't want to know how ThunderClan fought. They might not want to fight in leafbare but she was sure it would be harder than simply just crossing the river and moving the scent markers.

  • MOONPAW formerly Ratpaw || NPC x NPC || sister to Rowanpaw || apprentice to Salmonshade.
    -- She/Her || 7 moons old, ages every 17th
    -- smaller than average, small rounded ears. SH white masking cinnamon torbie with orange eyes.
    -- soft-spoken, often found humming, tries to comfort others by smiling