private pockets full of stones [sunstride]

The day has been long, and exhaustion tugs at the calico's shoulders. Her body urges her to sleep, but she knows that her day is not over yet. She's been meaning to stop Sunstride for a moment, but hadn't found the tom alone until now, standing just outside of the building they've taken shelter in. "Sunstride," she greets the tom with a practiced dip of her red-patched head. He is still her deputy—though she would consider him the head of their group of exiles, now. He's twice the leader that Sootstar had shown herself to be, anyhow. It's strange, still, to think of Sunstride in such a way. Only days ago, she had not trusted the tom with her daughter's training. Now, she trusts him with the safety of the entire clan, or at least what remains of it. She and Rattleheart had led two kits through the tunnels to help him, and now Scorchstreak would abandon the identity she's worn for over a year now, the scarred pelt of a WindClanner, to follow the amber-striped tom who'd stood up to Sootstar's tyranny. "I was hoping to check in with you. It's all been... a bit much, hasn't it?" She flicks her tail for emphasis, gesturing to the setting around them. The horseplace, in all its relative safety, could never live up to the home that they've fled. But Scorchstreak is grateful to him, for what he's done. Stars know she never could have done the same, too concerned for the safety of her kits and her siblings.

Thoughts of her kits draw a frown across her expression; one of Sunstride's own had nearly been lost, hadn't she? Rivepaw had been so injured as to require one of her fathers to carry her to safety. Still she lies unmoving, wounds crossing her body that no apprentice so young should have to bear. She clears her throat, golden eyes shifting to the stars above. "Is Rivepaw doing any better today?" She cannot help but ask—she can only hope that this all will not cost Sunstride his daughter.