pafp PODEROSO / helpful paw


FIGHT SO DIRTY BUT YOU LOVE SO SWEET — Beepaw had been free that afternoon and chose to help around the nursery to make sure that it was well enough for the queens and kittens that slept there, the last thing that she wanted was for them to get bitten and nipped by the harsh cold that leaf-bare had brought with it. She had offered to help Apricotflower after seeing the queen struggle with a small hole in the den itself, Bee bringing the necessary material in her jaws and would tilt her white chin upwards to the molly in greeting. The bicolored molly had tried to bring some nesting material with her as well but there was only so much she could carry without making several trips and with both of her ears pricked forward, she places it down looking to the queen with a minuscule trace of something that could be considered a smile. It makes her think about what she did normally out of camp which consisted of hunting and training, her eyes focusing onto the molly that sat across from her as Bee begins to see what she can do for the small opening in the nursery.

She had grown quite a bit and she was still a bit smaller than her littermates but she's certain that she'll catch up to them, Beepaw parts her jaws deciding that she would talk to Apricotflower while they focused on this task together "Hey Apricotflower... Do you ever get bored of being stuck in the nursery all day?" Her helm tilts to the side as the innocent question slips from her maw, Bee clears her throat briefly as her ears flick back hoping that she hadn't possibly offended the queen with her inquiry "I mean... What made you decide that you wanted to stay here instead of being out there?" Her feathery tail flicking to the entrance and Beepaw shuffles her mismatched paws knowing that she could never imagine herself staying in the nursery when there was so much else to do outside of it and camp, she would hate to be stuck here but perhaps Apricotflower had different feelings towards her duty.

/ please wait for @apricotflower & this is my final prompt :], Bee's helping Apricot fix up the nursery a bit while stirring some conversation

  • beekit_chibi.png
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ shorthaired black smoke molly w/low white and mismatched eyes
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 7 moons old; ages the 10th every month
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sexuality unknown/too young
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ currently being mentored by smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ daughter of cicadastar and smokestar
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ sister of cicadapaw & starlightpaw
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ peaceful powerplay allowed
Luckily for Beepaw's confidence, Apricotflower considers herself difficult to offend; unless, of course, you were Snakeblink. She entertains the little smoke's questions with a patient purr and warm eyes, a thoughtful hum loosing into the air as she supervises the apprentice's work.

"Not at all, snowdrop. Lemme think for a moment." She meows, golden eyes crinkling at the corners with mirth. For a moment she doesn't elaborate, instead rearing up to thread a new frond of reed into the patchwork of their den. Nicked paws meet the soft ground of camp once more, allowing Beepaw to take up the work while she thought. It's not a difficult answer to come by, but her tail flicks.

"I was a real bad warrior. Don't tell anyone - especially your dad - but the first piece of prey I ever caught practically tripped over me in the snow!" Despite her fur rumbling with a purr golden eyes drift further away, remembering the sting of cold under her paws and the familiar arches of pine branches above her head. She lapses into silence for a moment. "That was a long time ago, but I never really got better at it. I think Cicadastar was happy to let me stay here when Robinpaw and her littermates were apprenticed."

Her eyes turn slightly teasing, a good natured noise accompanying a meow of, "What makes you ask, Beepaw? Looking for a change in path?"


shellkit is glad beepaw is here. her curl - furred kin was as busy as smokestar himself it seemed, and family was.. good to be around. the extent of her family is still hazed in confusion — mother was a term she couldn’t quite relate to, as desperate as she longed for it. hazecloud was mom, she thought first ; still thinks, hopes, despite the cut glances thrown her litters way. hazecloud couldn’t be her mom, because smokestar was her uncle.. and her mom had left her out in the cold, hadn’t she? that’s what she was told, anyway. a harrowing story, a reason for her breathlessness, a reed - trembling fragility born from early neglect. she thinks of the babies, the three she nestles next to at night, left out in the cold like she supposedly had been. it makes her nauseous, just a little. hazecloud could never.

being a mom was hard, it had to be. that was probably why hers had left her — it was probably an accident. who would leave kits out on purpose? hazecloud wouldn’t. if shellkit had been hazecloud’s kit from the beginning, she would’ve been fine. she wouldn’t have been sick. it took a certain kind of cat, and shellkit’s was gone, so who was to say that hazecloud wasnt her mother? she would pretend, quietly, and imagine that the clan does too — ignores pebblekit’s rage, a bitter hatred towards the one that had abandoned them, while shellkit sheds her anger in favor of lodging herself into her fosters fur like a tangled burr. she imagines the warriors forgetting, blessedly ; thinks that they would, if she did not resemble smokestar in the face, the build.

river royalty, inherited at the brink of death ; she wonders if beepaw feels this same, sinking disconnect. cicadapaw still eyes her with something like frustration, something bitter and gruff, but beepaw was.. nice. a bridge to her blood kin, as much as it sends the girls head reeling. her cousin, family that wasn’t lichentail or hazecloud or the little babies curling alongside her at night. she’d come to visit apricotflower, and shellkit had invited herself alongside them, swarming the newest nursery visitor as kits often did their conversation was weird, but the queen mentions a change in path, and shellkit whips her head up from the patch of moss she’d been kneading, ” yeah! then you could, um.. stay over with us every night! it doesn’t dawn on her yet that she would be long gone by the time beepaw would be able to take a mate — she’d be an apprentice, or even a warrior of her own.

shellkit clicks her tongue then, as if in much more serious a thought than her kit brain could handle, before leaning close to conspiratorially whisper, “ babies are kind of boring, though. and loud. “ she glances to apricotflower for affirmation, raising her brows — she would know.

  • i.

  • shol.png

    delicate lilac - striped molly with sugarplum eyes.
    she is pallid ; platinum splotched with ribbons of shell - touched cream, wisped ends like memories of a distant shore. feather breath and elderdown fur conceals a body worn fragile by tumultuous youth, too thin in some places and round with baby fat in others. her face is short - muzzled, framed half mast by eyes coined warm, sugared amber ---------- ° ❀ ⋆
    currently exhibiting symptoms of whitecough. this includes a running nose, wheezing, sluggishness, and labored breathing. please keep contagion in mind.

⋆ ✧    ·   ⋆ ✧    ·   ✧ ⋆     ·   ✧ ⋆

The lack of swell of angered estuaries was a huge relief as the sun continued its rapid rise and fall through the chilling winter. It did not choose a repetition of drowning escape and discomfort of displacement, didn't force them into a swathe of reeds and trees that exposed them to WindClan's devious claws again. Every night they remained safely secure on their island-like cove, she could be thankful. It did not grant StarClan enough of her good grace to forgive the flurry-named loss... but it was a start.

The soft murmuring of voices near a sedge-lined den is always enough to steal away her attention- a bad habit, or maybe a good one; one she shared with Snakeblink after a quiet confessional amongst the river's bubbling eavesdropping. They had made a promise then, to make sure every downy kitten fur was accounted for and thriving, so that spring would welcome them with warm winds and prey aplenty to chase after in hale, hearty leaps and bounds. She hadn't expected then, that she might get a head-start on parenting in the form of three stream-foam blessings...

Maybe it had softened Smokestar's anger. Or maybe it had been the stillness of a snuffed flame and the raincloud gazes that had greeted him that did it.

A feather-beat hymn of excited interjection suggests that Hazecloud is sleeping soundly, having bored Shellkit with her comfortable snoozing ages ago. At least there is Apricotflower... and the doting, rosy paws of plenty of clan-mates to watch after the phlegm-voiced girl in her mischief. Drawing closer in nervous contemplation, the title of motherhood still sits more like a heavy wreath of carnation woven with purple hyacinth and smelling of lavender and regret.

It did not come naturally to her like it did her fog-crested daylily... and for every mistake she made, every milestone she missed... she felt more and more out of her depth. Beepaw had asked after the motivations of one who'd practiced this... and while Apricotflower attributes it to lack of skill as a warrior, Lichentail flounders to find that suitable enough. She was actually good at being a queen too... and that was not a skill you just stumbled into blindly.

"They'll be big enough to play with soon," a lilting promise to a ignorant complaint- one that came from inexperience and kitten-selfish motivation. Shellkit was a good big sister... as patient as one could expect a hardly weaned girl to be, gentle... and for all her deviltry, she wasn't cruel of spirit.

"Apricotflower is being modest," she explains, glancing towards Smokestar's daughter with a half-hearted smile. "Being a parent isn't as easy as she'd lead you to believe... she has a talent for it. Her help and experience has been valuable, even if maybe it isn't in the form of hunting."

Venturing a guess, though she doubted the freckled girl would vie for parenthood anytime soon, she implores further, "By the time you make the decision to have your own kits someday- if you do-, she'll likely still be here to help care for them. It's nice to have someone there you can trust... who knows what they're doing."