camp POINT IT HOME [✦] reunion

ShadowClan returns to their home, leaving behind the cramped confines of stone tunnels for their once bear-infested camp. It's not how they left it - of course, it's not. Bears laid their claws on their dens, trampled through their barriers without a problem. Still, despite the mess they return to, Eeriepaw holds hope.

Paws scrape at the rubble before him, a sleeping ground worse for wear. It is here his mind has been stuck since the shadow's claws grated against the tunnel's floor - it is here he left Friend behind.

Perhaps he should be doing something more productive than this - moving ruins carefully out of the way, clearing out branches, something better than haphazardly pushing fallen bits of the apprentice den out of the way. Eeriepaw doesn't focus on this, he only focuses on his bird skull, left stranded, left to the risk of shattering.

He can only hope it's in one piece as his claws hit something solid. A familiar shape to his paws: one that widens his gaze almost impossibly further. He's found it. Spindled limbs move faster, a race to free his treasured trinket from soil and brush. And soon, soon, he pulls the bird skull out from rubble, frees his Friend from danger. "Ah!"

Relief washes over him - a worry for the trinket's safety is no more. Nearly: the tom moves to inspect the bird skull, to make sure it had truly been spared from the bears' strike. And oh, a crack. One that traces along the side of corvid skull, one that allows for sorrow to creep back in. Still, it could be worse. Friend's demise could've been made. Eeriepaw could've never found it, could've never seen it again.

But could this be fixed? Could Friend be brought to a previous state, one a young Eeriekit once found it in?

"Cobwebs," he hums quietly. They help patch up his clanmates wounds, helped with the wounds that once sat at his ankles. Maybe he can put some on the bird skull too - if not to make himself feel better about the treasure's new scar, "We need cobwebs."

// takes place a little bit after shadowclan's return to camp!​

"Cobwebs." The medicine cat's voice rises up in a trill, repeating Eeriepaw's words while not actually absorbing them; rather, it reminded him he meant to go fetch more for Starlingheart and he had forgotten as he often did most things. His forgetful nature was not born of malice or negligence but at times he found his gaze drawn elsewhere, his thoughts whisked away to things far more interesting than what lay before him; whimsically ruminating on oddities and ideas that never went much further than his mind. Black paws crept him closer, leaning around the shade of a cat with eyes wide and curiously intent on what it was clasped within darkened paws. Cobwebs. Ah. "Are you injured? Are you-oh."
His gaze flickers lavender, comfrey, blue tinted faint violet in macabre delight. A bird skull, a gift from the sky. Though he knew them messengers for the stars it did not mean their flesh was holy, birds died as any cat did; though Starlingheart and now he spoke to the glimmering lights of the afterlife he knew them both to be as tempory on this world as anything else residing here. That was how things were, you lived, breathed, died. Cyclical and all encompassing.
Magpiepaw took no offense to dead birds, they filled bellies and their feathers lined his nest - like cats there were more to replace the fallen in time. While kittens mewled in the nursery the birds broke from they smooth shelled pebbles and chirped within nests high in the trees. Blinking himself back into the moment, the current, he pulls his thoughts together briskly with a hum, "Cobwebs are for wounds that mend themselves. The dead do not heal. You should consider mud, clay...pack it in to seal it. It's not alive, unlike us the dirt will not fester."
can we leave it behind? The request for cobwebs equally drew Sabletuft's attention. It didn't sound demanding or urgent, curiously enough. His gait is stiff as his paws made way to the dark-furred apprentice. His sights rake over what he can see; Eeriepaw hunched over debris from the collapsed den, and the dry remains of prey.

Sabletuft's eyes narrow into a disappointed squint. Cobwebs. Was the younger tom trying to joke? He and his Clanmates had gone face-to-face with the beasts that tore their home apart, knowing the fight could very well be their last, and Eeriepaw was worrying over the bones of a dead bird.

Teeth grit to bite back any harsh remark brewing on his tongue. "I wasn't aware wasting time was on the list of things to do." Was his more milder response instead. — tags

His interest in helping repair this cracked calcium fragment was interupted by sighing and shuffling about as if forced to be here. Sabletuft arrives and speaks, much to his chargin it is useless drivel that served no more purpose than the very trinket they examined.
"Wasting time." Magpiepaw repeats with a chirp, voice high, "If every breath you take is meant to be with purpose then you burden us with your senseless chatter. Why do you not instead go spend your time elsewhere if it is such a waste otherwise."
The apprentice's crooked tail flicks dismissively, he will not humor the humorless further. With that Sabletuft is ignored, his head turned fully and he raises a paw to lightly touch the side of Eeriepaw's as they both continue to examine the bird skull. "If only his words spun into spider silk, we would have cobweb for days."
Blue-violet eyes slowly blinked, considering, "If we can not find mud, then perhaps Maggotpaw might have something...she oft collects strange things and is content with trades. We can go beetle hunting for her."

Lightless eyes shift from inspecting the marring wounds of his Friend towards the face of Magpiepaw.

Cobwebs. The medicine apprentice would have cobwebs. Or, would at least know where to find them, where to find where spiders spin their best webs these days. Eeriepaw could gather them himself if such information was shared with him - maybe even gather a couple of arachnids to observe in the process.

He asks of injuries, Magpiepaw. Of Eeriepaw's own. The older apprentice blinks at this, moving to push the corvid skull forward instead.

And, perhaps he should've thought about it more before coming to the solution of healing in the way of a medicine cat. Of course, Friend is a different being to him and Magpiepaw. The skull's injuries shall not be healed in the same way that the medicine apprentice's tail had, that Spectermask's shoulder had. The healer seems to know of different methods though, and Eeriepaw glances at the mound of soil he'd cast to the side, before inspecting his trinket further.

"It won't harm its spirit?" he slowly asks, pulling the crow fragment closer to him. Would Friend be the same - would Friend hold the same meaning, the same power - if its wounds were packed in and sealed with mud?

It's made it this far in the rubble of the camp, protected from extensive damage. It could be worse, he reminds himself. He doesn't want to know what could happen then.

Another voice cuts into his thinking, a harsher remark than Magpiepaw's informative commentary. The spindly tom shifts to look at Sabletuft, a frown threatening to pull at his face. Wasting time, the lead warrior chides him for. This isn't wasting time, but what would the older warrior know anyway?

"This is important," he informs the black and white tom, tail lashing behind him as Magpiepaw opts to speak up, to fill in words Eeriepaw has little room to say. Still, he nods in agreement - he's sure Starlingheart and Magpiepaw would be pleased to have so many cobwebs if that were the case.

Another solution is brought forward, and he nods his head in consideration. Beetle hunting didn't sound so bad - another chance to observe the bugs that thrive in the marshlands.

maggotpaw & 09 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

Eavesdropping is not unusual for the girl - at least, not when magpiepaw is present, violently blue gaze following midnight frame wherever it goes. Though maggotpaw knows little of eeriepaw and cares even less, the molly does not take kindly to sabletufts words - adults are truly the worst, she thinks. But magpiepaw speaks first, and oh, how she want's to laugh as the boy tears into the older tom. She settles instead on a sharp grin that is out of place on once-blank face, standing and scratching with an unsettling amount of sharp cracks from her bones and joints, for her name has been spoken and thus she is summoned.

She forcibly shoves past the older warrior without care - should he make a deal of it, well the girl has no issues feigning ignorance. "Mud should work well enough - just wont be as shiny," she says, one paw reaching out to hover just above the skull - and honestly, she considers for a moment taking it for herself. It's certainly a nice skull, and she's never been above such pastimes btu she supposes they'd notice, they'd know. "Like one of starlinghearts poultices, but for the dead," she adds, remembering her own treatment after the thunderpath face off. At least mud stopped smelling once it dried - the herbs had not.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: —
    tw/cw: —
  • a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volatile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account


"i'm on it, kiddo."

the leader had been watching and listening but the mention of needing mud brings them to their paws. they feel bad for the poor boy, he probably blames himself for not being able to grab friend before he was herded the camp by the rabid threat. they only take in a breath, being willing to do anything to help eeriepaw. they do as they say, and grab a pawful of mud. usually, they wouldn't even touch the stuff, more prideful in keeping clean despite living in shadowclan territory, but they will always make an exception for eeriepaw.

they return back to the tom, gently giving him a nudge on his shoulder, offering the mud, plopping it on the ground. they're quick to lick it from their paw, wincing at the taste of the earth, before looking over at friend's current state. they look over at both magpiepaw, and maggotpaw, offering a tip of their head in thanks. being so willing to help eeriepaw, and not cast him off, would always get those within their clan in their good graces.

"sabletuft. raising one's spirits is never a waste of time. it would do you well to learn that. a sad and distracted apprentice is not one who can fully do their job. warriors, too. it won't kill you to just make others smile sometimes."

they weren't the nicest or most social cat, but even they understood the gravity of one's mood on their ability to be a warrior.
can we leave it behind? Magpiepaw's defense to Eeriepaw is only met with a scoff. Of course the star-addled child would excuse it. He's not surprised, but he found the situation no use to him either. He had come to ensure Eeriepaw wasn't harmed, and such reassurance had been made though he might have preferred that actually being the case. No matter, they aren't worth his attention anymore and he turned away, set to continue his collection for repairs.

Chilledstar's advice, which he doesn't consider much of at all, is unanswered. Hardly acknowledged with a simple flick of his tail. They could spoil the remaining sunlight with their foolish antics, he could distribute the work of rebuilding what the bears had done by himself. If that was what had to occur, then so be it. He was used to working alone at this point. — tags

"A spirit is much more durable than that." Spirits had already had the most horrendous thing befall them, a soul was much hardier than flesh - he nods sagely and flicks his crooked tail in greeting to Maggotpaw's arrivial; she seems to appear when her name is uttered almost akin to a curse though he hardly minds the surprise company. A nod is given in agreement that though mud may suffice it would surely lose the light luminesence of bone shine in the process; but a small price to be paid for a sturdy repair job.

Being lectured on niceties from Chilledstar of all cats should be a big indicator to Sabletuft that he ought to watch his tongue before he lose it, but the black and white apprentice does not say as much out loud, instead he hums content to himself at the leader's gentle reprimand.
Magpiepaw locks his blue-violet gaze on Chilledstar as the other warrior departs to burden someone else with his irritating presence, he taps a claw on the side of the bird skull that he is still lightly examining in Eeriepaw's grasp.
"The crack upon friend is a divide, an omen, that you should consider a cat such as he to be a risk you must traverse with caution." The cryptic warning escapes him before he can catch himself, offering the leader what he deemed to be an appropriate lesson and sign though it was extremely unlikely this was anything but Magpiepaw just being...well, Magpiepaw.