private POINT OF CONTENTION ✧ council meeting

Blazestar is behind Howlfire, Johnnyflame, and Slate—he does not make it to camp until nearly an hour after they have. His paws are leaden—it’s as though he’s traveled through every mire in ShadowClan, mud welling up to his belly and ribcage. He’d known for so long that Moonpaw had held her vendetta cleanly between her teeth, but to see it bared so openly, so resentfully… It’s a pain worse than any death he’s suffered yet.

But he knows—he knows he cannot fault Moonpaw for her hatred. She is protecting herself the best way she knows how. She has severed her ties to her SkyClan kin and has dedicated herself to the warrior code built on her sister’s grave. Blazestar knows if he searched those frost-blue eyes for long enough, he’d find the girl she’d been… but he will never get that opportunity now, and he must do as she has. He must let her go.

I’m sure Slate and Johnnyflame have filled you in on what occurred.” His tone is cool as he addresses Orangeblossom and his lead warriors. Sheltered now in the sanctity of his den, Blazestar feels some of his confidence returning—but there is still shame singing his pelt, there is still grief sticking to his claws like mud. “I will not risk a war with ThunderClan. I will not have Howlingstar think we do not respect the warrior code.” He peers past them, out into camp. “This is the second time a kittypet joiner has trespassed onto their territory. Are the cats I allow into this Clan making a mockery of our honor?” He does not know. He truly does not.

// @orangeblossom @SILVERSMOKE @SLATE @Johnnyflame @TWITCHBOLT

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

The inherent out-of-place-ness he felt among lead warriors despite now sharing their rank, stood with identical status to some much older and wider and long-lived than he... it hadn't dissipated, today. In fact, upon hearing from Slate and Johnnyflame that he was being called to partake in a discussion, one of serious nature regarding another incident of trespassing, he'd been slammed by what felt like a monster's weight of nervousness. Now sat within the leaser's den, he trembled and twitched a little more than he normally would, but he kept his eyes on Blazestar as the leader entered, though notably... a little deflated.

He could only imagine it was embarrassing- a second Skyclanner, wrangled over the border of the same Clan. Not even the dignity of it being a different one. Skin shivered at the thought. Twitchbolt glanced to the other council members, grasping in his heart for his trembling voice. It was there somewhere, somewhere. "The- the- the- vast mmm-majority of the daylight warriors and ex-kittypets are- are just as honourable as- as any forest-born warrior." The words were part assurance for Blazestar that there wasn't anything inherently wrong with kitty pets learning to be warriors- but additionally, Twitchbolt himself held that belief firmly, despite the wavering of his tone. He owed a worthwhile life to the daylight warriors who had worked to save him from the Shelter.

Pupils drowned in green dropped to the ground, where paws fidgeted atop the dirt. To think of a mistake, foolish as it was, sparking a war... it was hauntingly, sickeningly, terrifyingly possible. And SkyClan couldn't look weak, couldn't look unable. Every Clan thought that of them anyway. "It- it might end up being a matter of... of being... being unable to give new joiners the, the... freedom that the other warriors have, until... until the warriors around them are sure they'll never put SkyClan's safety in- in- in- peril. I know they shadow warriors, and... and already don't... lead patrols and stuff, but... we might have to start guarding them a bit." They just... couldn't risk it. Risk war with anyone, but especially ThunderClan, who had proven to be a valuable ally in the past. He couldn't imagine they would be an easy enemy, off of that basis.
penned by pin ✧
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Johnny had done what was asked of him, returning to camp alongside Slate to escort Yukio back while simultaneously alerting the other high positions to the problem at hand. He kept things short nd to the point in order to try and keep his feelings out of it, but it was clear the tabby was still agitated from the entire thing, brows furrowed in frustrated thought as he waited for Blazestar to return. Turth be told, he felt torn about much of it. On one paw, Thunderclan had sved them from a nasty meeting with Windclan, denying them access and coming to warn the pine forest warriors. Not to mention that aside from one border patrol that got a little rowdy, they hadn't really had much issue with the other forest clan- not since he'd first joined at least. Many of their cats were civil and friendly enough during border patrols or monthly gatherings, and maybe that's what made it all the more frustrating that such good seeming cats could harbor such... bullies.

Makes me want to teach 'em a lesson of my own, he thought to himself with a subconcious flex of his knuckles, recalling Badgerstrikes taunting words of 'teaching a lesson' to Yukio as they waved their claws around their face. He was honestly surprised he hadn't jumped straight across the border right then and there, but he supposed the knowledge that they weren't really enemies that were going to the queen had helped keep his self-control in check.

When Blazestar finally returned to camp, Johnny and the others followed him inside. It was the first time the lead had ever been inside the leaders den before, and he tried not to let it show despite the quick, curious glances he sent his surroundings as they all settled in. Then, it was business as usual.

The toms words brought a small prickling of uneasiness over him if he was honest. So many cats already thought it was mistake to let kittypets into the clans- to the point where every clan except Skyclan rejected them on sight- and the idea that Blazestar might now start to think the same had a part of the bobtail wanting to bristle in defense of his kind.

He was the only Daylight Warrior there after all, the only one who could speak for them- but did he truly disagree? Yukio was in the wrong, and it was Skyclans responsibility to do something about this.

"Twitchbolts right. We just- we need a better vetting process, aye?" Johnnyflame replied, molten gaze meeting blue.

"I'll be the first to tell ya that not every cat that comes from twolegplace -kittypet or otherwise- is built to live the life we lead out here. Some of em are just too naive to understand, and others think it's just a game to pass some time." Not every cat, of course, but the fact still remained that ever feline that came to their border looking to join was essentially stepping into an entirely new world full of political battles and cultural shifts. And most of the time they were just sort of... throw into things. Which was fine for cats like Johnny who could think on the fly, but for the softer cats like Butterflytuft or Yukio- could you even begin to imagine how difficult things would be for cats like them?"But we accept every cat that comes through, no questions asked, and most of the time we don't even test them on anything if they look grown enough. What we should be doing is forcing every newcomer to undergo a moon-long 'apprenticeship' regardless of whether they're a kid or not- no leaving camp without a mentor, taking on apprentice chores; all of it."

It would be a fast and simple way to make sure no cat -kittypet or not- was out there in the territory screwing things up for the clan. They could send the ones that failed back to twoleg place, and accept the ones that actually embodied the spirit of a Skyclanner. Fewer slip-ups with the other clans, and more productivity for their own. Would it be weird to have adult apprentices in the group? Maybe. But Skyclan was unique in the sense that it took in far more joiners than any other clan, so it made sense that they should have some form of 'test' to make sure their newcomers could handle things.

It was something he'd thought since the day he'd joined. Sure, Thistle had taught him a lot, but it wasn't like that arrangement was something that was set up by the clan- he and Thistle had just been friends. But for the newcomers who weren't being brought in, all they got were a few brief explanations before they were sent off to figure things out. And Yukio? A cat like them definitely needed a hand to guide them. Had they been given one to begin with, maybe things wouldn't have turned out like this.

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A gruff voice — frustrated and exhausted — fills the air after the brown and cream patchwork lead warrior pitches in his piece, "Who wants to kit-sit a bunch of kittypets all day? I know I don't." Twitchbolt's suggestion of guarding the daylight warriors makes Slate's nose wrinkle with distaste. He would much rather have his own freedoms of going out patrolling and hunting whenever he wanted without having to worry about the newbies causing trouble.

Slate can't admit that he's completely settled into his position as a lead warrior, a cat who has authority and a voice in important decisions, but this situation is forcing him out of his comfort zone of distanced judgment. Yukio had quite literally crossed the line today, and if a patrol hadn't been with them, they may have gotten themselves hurt. The former rogue had a thin patience for daylight warriors and former kittypets as it was. If they kept pissing ThunderClan off, then that would be another clan that SkyClan couldn't ally themselves with! "The fact of the matter is, there are far too many kittypets joinin' the clan for us to keep track of. And yeah, maybe some of 'em are quicker learners than others and abide by the rules, but the few who are careless enough to waltz over the borders for rocks are going to land SkyClan into trouble." The Maine Coon rumbles, giving a twitch of a shredded ear.

Moons ago, he swore that he hadn't a damn to give about SkyClan, that he was only here for his brother and nobody else. Now, Slate had a home to protect — SkyClan crumbling under itself and falling apart meant that he would be forced onto the streets again, a place that he'd rather not return to.

Johnnyflame's suggestion is almost just as bad as Twitchbolt's, in Slate's opinion. There were probably at least a dozen kits nearly ready to be apprenticed at the next meeting and his solution was to add more stress and responsibility onto the backs of mentors? "We have actual apprentices—actual children—to train as it is." Slate makes a quick rebuttal toward the scarred collar-donning tom.

Amber eyes turn now to sweep over the other members of the council, and eventually onto Blazestar. "The way I see it, addin' new faces to the ranks—lettin' in just any mousebrain who shows up—ain't worth the trouble we're goin' through in order to save their skins. Unless they can outright prove that they can hunt 'n fight and contribute to the clan, they should be turned away." That probably wasn't the solution that Blazestar wanted to hear; he had a bleeding heart, one that took pity on kittypets considering his own background. However, his soft mentality was going to make the clan overrun with incompetent daylight warriors who were no better than troublesome kits. SkyClan had a bulky population as it was; they couldn't afford to waste their energy and resources on mousebrained house cats.
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Orangeblossom, who has indeed been caught up by the time Blazestar returns to camp, seems grumpier than usual as she follows the leader into the den with the rest of his council. How mortifying for SkyClan as a whole, to need to rescue another fully grown adult from ThunderClan. How mortifying for Blazestar and Howlfire in particular to hear that horrible little Moonpaw say those things; but Johnnyflame and Slate had also told her what Howlfire had fired back, and a warm flash of pride had made one side of her maw curl in a smirk. Good for her.

Back in the present, she's surprised that Twitchbolt speaks up first. While his promotion hasn't been contentious in the same way Johnnyflame's had for some (read: Silversmoke and Slate), Orangeblossom hadn't been entirely supportive of the idea. He's full of tact, which he definitely didn't pick up from Daisyflight, but she doesn't it have any either and decides, once he's done, that she won't be employing any:

"No, I think Yukio is just an idiot." She meows, voice flat. "The majority of the cats we let in to SkyClan have some semblance of sense or respect with borders- but there's always someone who has to ruin it." Her nose wrinkles. Much like Twitchbolt, she holds the view that most cats are honourable and responsible, but maybe SkyClan needs to start taking responsibility for those who are not. She hadn't known Cheddar all that well, and despite their shared time in the nursery does not know Yukio, but her opinion of the cream-furred tom is not particularly stellar. He's a coward, prone to wandering, and clearly not cut out for SkyClan if he's going to put their careful neutrality with another Clan at risk over what had it been, a rock? StarClan forbid.

"I'm not letting some flea-brained cat with no respect for one of the Clans' most important rules let us get dragged into war because they're too stupid to care about one of the most important parts of Clan politics. Let them face consequences, or at least think about the threat of them." The thoughtful tone to her voice is unusually hostile. "Maybe it's time we start confining those who do not on pain of punishment or exile and making that clear to new joiners that Clan life isn't a game. Yukio is a queen, why was he all the way at ThunderClan's border anyway?"

Seeming to calm somewhat, she blinks placidly at Johnnyflame and Slate as the two suggest a better vetting process. She doesn't agree with the dark-furred brute's implications that kittypets are the problem, but he's been nicer about it than usual so she doesn't bother to reprimand him on it. "I tell joiners directly that we expect loyalty, but clearly some have fallen through the cracks. I don't think this is a kittypet issue. I agree that we need to have a better vetting process, but I don't want to turn away kittypets who do show promise."


Silversmoke, the naturally fluffy feline, had his fur puffed up to almost three times its size by the time he stormed into the Leader's Den. His tail fast enough to whip up a storm and his teeth flashing in the darkness of the den, the Lead Warrior looked ready to strike at anyone who even looked at him the wrong way. Hearing that someone, a SkyClanner no less, had threatened the already tentative peace with ThunderClan over a rock was so incredulous that the spotted tabby couldn't help but wonder if someone had been playing a trick on him at first. It hadn't been too long since he'd almost got into a conflict with the other forest-dwellers in defence of creatures as asinine as that, to have ThunderClan be proven right was almost as irritating as hearing the defence of kittypets from half of the council. His ears twitched as he listened to each individual member and, unsurprisingly, he found himself leaning closer to closer to Slate as the Maine Coon made his points.

He turned sharply to Orangeblossom once the Deputy had finished speaking. "Idiot or not, Daylight Warriors have still proven to be a problem time and time again for SkyClan. Twice they were unable to help in the battles against WindClan, they have threatened Slate with violence, they insist on insulting others with silly little trinkets and more than once we have had kittypets come for a 'fun day out' and just leave whenever they feel like it! They have no respect for us as a clan, cats have died for having a paw in two homes at once yet these... twoleg lovers are treated like true warriors for that exact same thing." Auburn's story plays at the back of his mind, telling of a father that was a hero in spite of his kittypet origins. It wasn't the kittypet's he'd ever had a problem with, he tried to tell himself past the disgusted bile rising in his throat, it was the Daylight Warriors, unfaithful, unserious, problematic and now... promoted. Snake-like eyes shoot towards Blazestar and Silversmoke found himself unable to stare directly at the leader, even as he felt the injustices dealt towards him by the ragdoll dart to the forefront of his mind like nagging mosquitos.

He doesn't respect me... so what does it matter? Silversmoke didn't know if referencing the point's daughter was anyway to earn some of that lost prestige back, with hindsight, it almost seemed like an accident to bring it up. A heat-of-the-moment frustrated comment, said by someone who'd never been particularly well-versed in conversation. Unhappy noises escape the back of the Lead Warrior's throat as he clawed at the earth of Blazestar's den, feeling the precipes of an argument. He could've fueled the flames further had he admitted how disgusted he was by the nature of Johhny's joining, how patronage had got him in when he'd never been granted such opportunities, but, that was a conversation for a later date. "They are being enabled by SkyClan to do what they please," he admitted coldly, feeling his stomach coil and writhe as how synonymous 'SkyClan' and 'Blazestar' were. It'd always been that way, the leader was the clan, flaw after flaw had been revealed in such logic that, even now, he hated the way his brain intertwined the two like inseparable vines. Blazestar wouldn't live forever, he needed to separate them before it was too late.

"Test them if they want to be warriors so badly. Every clanborn apprentice has to complete an assessment to ensure they are ready to become a warrior. Do the same for these Daylight Warriors, new and current, set them the same standards as the rest of the warriors and stop mollycoddling them because they're using the clan's soft attitudes to threaten and insult Lead Warriors. As for loners and rogues... they are selfish creatures, but competent. They should have different tests, tests of loyalty and not skill." 'Perhaps the Daylight Warriors should have both,' he resisted adding on: there was no loyalty to be found in one who lay with both angels and demons.

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Blazestar looks to the cat who speaks first. He’s pleasantly surprised to see Twitchbolt emboldened so, and what he says is ultimately what the Ragdoll truly believes. Johnnyflame voices his thoughts—not every cat from Twolegplace is built to live the life we lead out here. He gives them both a nod. “Perhaps it takes a special kind of cat to have kittypet blood and still live an honorable life in the forest.” He sighs. Bobbie, Sheepcurl, Johnnyflame, and so many other cats who’d started their lives with their housefolk had proven to be courageous and loyal SkyClan cats. He flicks an ear to acknowledge Twitchbolt’s suggestion, which mirrors Johnnyflame’s—kittypet joiners should undergo strict training regimens.

Slate is quick to verbalize his displeasure, but the hulking dark warrior gives voice to some of Blazestar’s doubts. “It’s true that some of the cats in our ranks do not contribute the way they should.” Thoughtfully, he turns his gaze to Orangeblossom, who sits and listens to the discussion with her trademark stern expression.

We have done our best to impart the importance of the warrior code and contributing to SkyClan to the cats who join our ranks, but perhaps we have not done enough.” His voice is tired now as he reflects on all the pelts that have joined and then disappeared from their warrior’s den. Kittypets who’d discovered this life is too brutal—loners who’d discovered they don’t have enough loyalty to offer their Clan after all. “How do we determine who does and doesn’t show promise?

Silversmoke’s voice is full of resentment when he speaks. Blazestar looks at him sharply. “Daylight warriors saved our Clanmates from the shelter,” he reminds him. “They hunt and patrol just like the rest of our warriors. And Yukio is not a daylight warrior. He was a pregnant queen taken in with the expectation he’d act as a SkyClan queen, nursing our kits and preparing them for Clan life.” He forces his neck fur to lie flat. “Yukio does not respect his role in the Clan, and we’ve seen other joiners do the same—but that is not our daylight warriors’ fault.

The silver tabby’s cutting words about Morningpaw cause Blazestar to visibly flinch. “You don’t need to tell me that. I know.” He sighs. “But I agree. I agree with most of what you have all said here, and I thank you for sharing your thoughts.” He stares moodily at nothing for a moment. “It is time change has come to SkyClan. I will admit that the blame for this rests on my shoulders, and I will take responsibility for that. It was Rain’s philosophy before me to let cats from all walks of life join the colony.” He blinks at the memory of the previous leader’s kindness. “But the forest was different then. There were no borders, and there was no warrior code to respect and honor. There was no StarClan.

He rises to his paws, beginning to pace slowly before his council. Dark blue eyes go troubled with thought. “We must decide how we are going to proceed with allowing cats to join our ranks,” he rasps. “And we must agree on a training and assessing process. No more will cats join and refuse to adopt our ways. No more will I—will we—be made a fool of at borders and Gatherings.” His tail tip twitches, and he turns back to the warriors assembled before him. “What do you propose?

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun


He couldn't help but bristle a bit at Slates words. Wasn't worth the trouble? "So every cat comin' in has to already know exactly what they're doin' out here- potential and willingness to learn mean nothing?" he huffed in response. If that were the case, Johnny wouldn't even be sitting there. He'd come to the clan without any clue on how to catch live prey or run through the trees. He would have been all but useless outside of guarding borders- certainly not up to the standards that Slate would have expected of a newcomer looking to join.

Silversmoke was no better -worse, in fact, for his inclusion of all kittypets in his response. Johnny didn't bother to cover his hiss of annoyance, molten eyes flashing open defiance at the larger tom.

"You sayin' I'm not a real Warrior?" he replied, chin tilting upward in challenge.

Johnny was there every day, patrolling their borders, hunting prey for their cats, putting his life on the line before he ever had to be asked to. He was the one that led the raid on the shelter. He was the one that helped Deersong drive the fox off Thistleback. He was the one that helped bare Blazestars weight on the return from the border skirmish with Windclan- bloody and bruised himself.

He'd be damned if he was going to sit there and be told that all Kittypets were unworthy, that they were just trouble with no value.

Blazestar was quick to interject as well, reminding Silversmoke of all the good Johnny and his kind had done for the clan. It was enough to sooth the bobtail just a bit, and he forced his attention to the leader instead.

"As much as I may not want to right now, Silversmokes right about testing our newcomers. We have a bigger intake than the other clans and we need a way to weed out the ones that aren't built for it." he replied.

"Tests of loyalty for the rogues is a good idea. They'll probably already know the basics of survival, but we need to know they're willing to put their pride aside to help their clanmates. I say we make 'em do apprentice work- the stuff they'd think would be 'beneath them'. Have em crack ticks on the elders, make nests for the queens, go on herb runs for Dawnglare. That kind of stuff."

  • orangeblossom.png
    orangeblossom. tags.
    — she/her, skyclan deputy.
    — mentor to eveningpaw.
    — attack in #e08550. uses trees as an integral part of her fighting style.
    — mean enough to note that her thoughts don't reflect my opinions as a writer.
    — penned by mercibun; @ me in any official tabbytales discord for plots. :]
    — fullbody by merc!<3

How do we determine who does and doesn't show promise? The question stumps her for a moment, and the sunkissed deputy deflates somewhat. She falls quiet as Blazestar starts to pace, a sharp and welcomed reminder shot back in response to Silversmoke's tirade that daylight warriors saved SkyClan from the shelter. Johnnyflame was on their council for that explicit reason, was he so quick to forget that? By the end of the silver-furred tomcat is finished, her eyes are tired from periodically flicking towards the ceiling of the den but she feels significantly calmer in comparison, less bristly and on edge. What potential Auburnflame saw in him, she'd never know, and he'd never be her deputy with such a miserable outlook on one of SkyClan's strengths.

"... How we find them is often an indicator, I think, especially with adults." She hums, words slow and careful, thinking as she speaks. She's very choosy with her language now, muzzle twisted in a frown. This is not a kittypet problem. Every cat in here except Silversmoke, and Slate to an extent, seems to understand that fact. "Are they trespassing? If they are, do they get defensive when confronted on this fact? Do they know about the Clans? I think there needs to be more communication, more questions asked. We might be offering sanctuary when they don't even need it."

"Colony days were very different." She echoes her agreement, gentler than she has been so far in this discussion. Rain's form is blurrier now with time stretching memory thin, but she remembers the kind yellow eyes from her youth and a curled tail. Orangeblossom's gaze drifts for a moment, faraway and nostalgic. "But since Clans are more structured, I think that helps us here."

"Assuming their hunting and fighting skills are up to scratch... two moons for adults and the remainder of an apprenticeship for an adolescent. If they aren't ready, their apprenticeship extends until they pass a standard warrior assessment. Like we did with Sparrowpaw." And maybe should have done with Butterflytuft. Her ears twitch forward, and she shuffles white paws. A nod to Johnnyflame, and his idea. "Duties inclusive. But, I think a part of all assessments should be on Clan culture. To show that the cat does know the Code, and that way if they disrespect it we can be assured it's not because of a miscommunication. SkyClan-raised cats will breeze through it, but it will help us determine who can be trusted with responsibility and who should leave."


Johnny's glare burns like his namesake into the silver tabby, he felt it like a bug crawling up his spine, demanding an answer lest the discomfort never cease. His eyes narrowed as he cast his broad head to his peer, moons of holding his tongue threatening to be for naught. Maybe he had proven himself, but it was only in Thistleback's absence that such a thing had been possible - that one was a truth he accepted, one that scorched his good faith. Thistleback may have been a monster, but he was a SkyClanner first. "I'm saying your good deeds should not be overshadowed by how many deeds you've done in service of evil, snakehunter. How you can proclaim to be a loyal SkyClan warrior after you dote on the side that has killed and stolen our own is beyond my understanding." There was always room for moral wiggle room until said exceptions sought to destroy the very essence of one's home. Twolegs, with their metal jaws and cruelty that no cat could match, had long since been an acceptable partner in the bicoloured eyes of the maine coon. Blazestar spoke again and the spotted tom's attention withered from the chimera with a promise that their conversation wasn't over. By now, noticeable divots had been made in the floor below, his usually black claws caked with various shades of brown from how much he'd dug.

Ears flattened against his skull at the reminder the Ragdoll offered, his jaws so tight that they threatened to crack like dried earth. It was easy to tell himself that, had Blazestar given him the chance, then he'd have been able to do what the Daylight Warriors had done without sacrificing Daisyflight and Grizzlyridge to do so - the reach was far easier to believe than accepting that there were some things he simply couldn't do. "I... shouldn't have said he was a Daylight Warrior, but his behavior has been similar to the other half-warriors I've seen - Cheddar, Sweetybee, Snorlaxmoon, Tigger - how many can you say truly respect SkyClan? Yukio's name is just like theirs, it carries no meaning except to whatever Twoleg it came from, to keep it was... well, mine was an easy mistake to make." Silversmoke's ears flattened and, within a blink, his gaze found Slate's own. Behind the uneasy neutrality was almost a plead, a gesture of his head that urged the black cat to defend him, for both former Rogues knew Silversmoke's words were truth. Slate, who had refused tradition up to this point, at least had a name that the other cats would recognise and respect - StarClan, his jowls tingled having to call the tom a lesser evil.

Pride returned as the Lead Warrior lifted his skull: maybe his opinions weren't respected, but at least some of his ideas were. Rain's philosophy had been the sole reason the tom had been given a place in the forest after his injuries but, back then, all he'd had to worry about was his eye. Now, there were other clans threatening his home, loved ones to ensure the safety of and kittens that would be threatened by any inadequacy from his clanmates. Silversmoke offered a melancholy nod of understanding, then angled his head to listen to the rest of the proposals. "Not every cat needs to be a great Warrior, they just need to be a dedicated one. Kittypet, rogue, it doesn't matter to me, but when half of the clan has muddled loyalties, then I have a problem. Lessons on clan culture will make it very clear that the clan comes before the cat, if they don't like it, then they can leave, or we can send them back to where they came from." 'Send them back to their Twoleg masters' he'd have said, had it not been for the very thin ice he felt himself treading on.

"I agree with Orangeblossom's other ideas too but... border patrols are a tricky one. Is it better to show them the borders early to avoid any mistakes, or to hide them away until they can be trusted to respect them?" Cheddar didn't know them, Yukio had known them, and the outcome had been the same: SkyClanner had been made to look like mousebrains. Maw twisting in its uncertainty, he cast his gaze to higher authorities in the den.

// very late but wanted to get a final post in to wrap things up!

It doesn't come as a surprise for the collar-wearing Johnnyflame to jump in and speak up for the other kittypets. Was he even using his head? "Potential and willingness just means more work for us in training them. Isn't training our apprentices already enough of a workload? It would make more sense to let in cats who already know what they're doing." Maybe Johnnyflame wanted to spend all day training these incompetent kibble-eaters, but Slate didn't. He, along with everybody else, had better things to do.

What purpose did daylight warriors serve if they didn't know how to hunt or fight or otherwise contribute to the clan? Were they just there to provide morale and tell stories about their domesticated lives until the sun went down? That, in Slate's opinion, was not enough.

At least Orangeblossom talks some sense, clearly and concisely speaking her mind on the subject of foolish kittypets without hesitation. Amber hues glow passively, fixed onto the scarred deputy who radiated confidence and an unwavering passion for keeping her clan safe. It's sometimes unbelievable how far they've come, from being two smitten young adults prancing about the borders at night to now being esteemed council members for a clan leader. Slate certainly never could have imagined being in this position—he wonders if Orangeblossom feels any semblance of that as well.

The ever-sharp-tongued Silversmoke parts ashen jaws next to spill an icy tirade. Usually Slate cannot help but roll his eyes and bristle with grating irritation at the other lead warrior's words, but in this instance, he actually finds himself agreeing with what he says! Daylight warriors have the luxury of escaping the harsh realities of the outside world, high-tailing back to their masters when night fell and getting their fill of kibble and comfort. Slate never found the life of a kittypet fair, even when he was a rogue living on the streets. He can't force himself to keep any sour sentiments toward former kittypets who have left the "easy life" behind, but a cat who actively lived with a paw in two worlds... Slate couldn't fathom it.

"As for loners and rogues... they are selfish creatures, but competent." Silversmoke speaks. As much as the truth is ugly and unpleasant to hear, Slate wouldn't sit here and deny it. He knew that he would only look out for himself and revert to survival mode if it ever came down to it, if he were truly desperate enough. The mentality of an independent soul was hard to break, and as much as Blazestar and the rest of his clan would expect him to sacrifice himself for them... he can't say with confidence that he would. He wouldn't know until the time came. Has Silversmoke abandoned the selfish lifestyle of a rogue?

Blazestar is quick to defend the honor of his daylight warriors, which is to be expected. Slate knows full well that he and many other cats wouldn't have been sitting here today had it not been for the bravery of the daylight warriors, but that does not mean that they are exempt from criticism. His respect isn't given lightly, and just because a small group of daylight warriors were useful once didn't mean that he automatically granted it to everybody else.

The silver tabby tom's stare bores into him, if only for a moment, though Slate feels as if he cannot speak on muddled loyalties. His loyalties are not flimsy in the sense that he still wants to live in the city and sift through rubbish all day, but he feels a tug-of-war between loyalty to SkyClan and loyalty to himself. How can he fully put his trust in someone, in a whole community, after what happened to him? Slate would continue to serve this clan to the best of his ability, yes, but the moment something awry or someone betrayed his trust... There was no telling how he would react.

Still, he acknowledges Silversmoke's gaze, steady stare unwavering and strong. He agrees with pretty much everything spoken by the other lead warrior, though he offers his own input to the problem concerning borders, "It'd be best to introduce them to the borders as much as possible, but not let them go unsupervised until they can be trusted. We can make it very clear that if they go 'n pull a stunt like Yukio did, there'll be consequences." It wouldn't do anyone good if any new recruits were hidden away, as they would only learn by patrolling the borders themselves. However, it would make sense if they were always accompanied by a warrior while out on a border patrol. Hell, if they hadn't been nearby to save Yukio's skin, the queen would have probably been shredded into pieces.

Twitchbolt was rather content in having even been listened to; these cats that he'd always known as more than him, as important, hearing his ideas- considering them. Johnnyflame spoke kindly- and, at Slate's snort that he didn't want to be guarding newcomers like kittens, Twitchbolt shrugged. It certainly wasn't the best case scenario. It was clear Silversmoke held some reservations- having existed in the same space as the tom for a fair while now, Twitchbolt had already known that- and as Johnnyflame defended the honour of his rank, Twitchbolt too held his tongue. He was not as set to reserve his respect, as Slate had done. "I- I owe the daylight warriors my life here. I- I- I think their unique knowledge is- is really important," Olivine eyes slipped to Silversmoke. There wasn't anger in his voice- he respected the tom, but... clearly they weren't going to agree, there.

He avoided any other gazes rather quickly, as the conversation lulled for him again. "I- think- I think we have the right idea, yeah." When had his throat dried out? Beneath his paws, he kneaded the ground, the dirt feeling like it was tilting. "We- we need to make it the most clear to them- especially- especially regarding the other Clans, that this isn't a holiday or a game or... yeah. It's our life, and we... and we let them in to help us. They- they need to be aware how serious it is. Most are, but... we- we- we have to be hard on all of them, for those who- who aren't." Slate was right- Silversmoke, too. They needed to be dedicated, and needed to be supervised until they were sure they were.

As the current issue drew to a close, however... Twitchbolt couldn't calm himself. He fidgeted, shivered, spasmed- for something had been eating at his mind. Doubt had ruled him- when was best to bring it up? What was the right thing to do? He'd just settled on honesty- and he supposed there was no better time to bring it up than right now. "Um- um- just, just, one thing..." His face crumpled in a twitch, and he spat a curse under his breath before his attention rose up to Blazestar. "Speaking of... of... other Clans, and borders. I was... approached," the word was thick with apprehension, and he swallowed, "By-by Sunstride. One of, uh- Sootstar's council."

His tail-tip flicked, as if swatting away an insect. In too deep, now. "He knew... Sharpeye. Could- could describe him perfectly. Asked me what his name was, and..." Fending off the panic with what shreds of will he held, his teeth clattered together. "I assured him he was no Skyclanner. But- but why would a Windclanner know Sharpeye? Is he- causing trouble for us, getting... getting revenge?" His tone was almost pleading for an answer, but he knew- he knew Blazestar wouldn't have one.
penned by pin ✧
Some of the tension leaves Blazestar’s shoulders, and the Ragdoll’s eyes brighten as his council reaches the same conclusion, though their paths to get there had not been the same. “I will announce it to the Clan, then,” he says, giving each of them a long look. “We must all be committed to this for the good of our Clan. None of our personal biases must affect us going forward. SkyClan will become stronger for this.” It is his hope, anyway, that Yukio and Cheddar’s blunders will not be repeated.

He is prepared to end the meeting when Twitchbolt speaks up, hesitant. “Sootstar’s council?” Blazestar’s expression darkens, but he listens—and the set of his jaw grows tighter and tighter as he listens to Twitchbolt speak until he fears it might shatter the bone. “Sharpeye. Perhaps he’s running with the rogues Sootstar sent away from her own Clan now, causing problems for us elsewhere.” His anger begins to stir in his belly. “You must all hear this from me now. Sharpeye is not a sane cat. When he went to fight for RiverClan of his own accord, he sought my daughter out and attempted to brand her shoulder in the shape of a star flower.” His hackles threaten to bristle at the memory of Howlingstar’s face. “Sharpeye almost caused us issues then with ThunderClan, and there is no telling what he plans to do on the moor. If that traitor steps within a millimeter of our border, I want him chased off with tooth and claw. That is an order. I will not mince words with a cat that dangerous.

He exhales, his fury blowing in a hot gust before his face. “Do I make myself clear?” Some of the cats present may not have agreed with his decision not to aid RiverClan in their territory dispute, but even they surely could not deny Sharpeye is not worth saving anymore.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun

A conclusion had been made: no longer would SkyClan be treated like a nursery for adult cats. The tension left his shoulders as he cast one final glance towards Slate (a thank you, in its own way) and then to Twitchbolt (certainly not a thank you, but less visceral than any stares he'd offered Johnnyflame so far). Another topic was brought up that made the spotted tabby do a double take towards the latter Lead, brows furrowed in accusation - what in StarClan's name was a WindClanner doing near the border? They were separated by countless trees and territories neither clan had a right to. As if met by static, his fur slowly began to rise again and, by the time it'd become clear that it was about the self-exiled Sharpeye, his odd eyes blinked incredulously. Silversmoke was convinced the rogue would've gotten himself killed in the Twolegplace by now, to hear he was alive and near WindClan no less was... odd. Before he got a chance to speculate, the Ragdoll leader chimed in, telling a tale that the tabby had never heard before.

He would not mourn for the attempted maiming of a ThunderClanner, the clan riddled with code-breaking hypocrites, but even he could see that the exile had been trying to send a message to Blazestar using his own kin. A message that he was done with SkyClan, that he was a traitor. Ears flick madly at the reveal, his nostrils flaring in self-aimed frustration. A long time had passed since the Lead Warrior had seen the other, not ending him felt like an oversight that could cost his clan dearly. The large tom tilted his head momentarily, Blazestar's tone like the bite of teeth made of ice. 'Is that where the lack of respect started? By agreeing with that cur?' A whole world of old interactions felt as if it had been put into perspective, Slate and Johnnyflame had never protested neutrality, had they? Swallowing a lump in his throat, Silversmoke steeled himself against the accusatory question - Sharpeye had taken things far further than Silversmoke ever could. No amount of yearning or disagreement could ever drive the tabby away from his home. "If he wants to hurt WindClanners then I won't stop him, but it'll be in his own name, not SkyClan's. Should he intrude on our territory, I will kill him." the Lead Warrior assured.