border Point Your Cameras // ShadowClan Patrol

Scorchedmoon almost didn’t believe his ears when he was told that he would be leading a patrol himself. He was super stoked! Despite how stressful things have been lately, at least now he didn’t have to worry about taking both his apprentices out anymore. The biggest breath of fresh air, even if they still didn’t exactly get along. But hopefully both of them know better when they’re in front of a clan like WindClan. They might be different now, but it’s still good to be cautious, as friendly as he wants to be.

Speaking of WindClan, it doesn’t take long for the patrol to arrive at the boarder. Just like Smogmaw strongly suggested, his eyes are all around him in a look out for any prey they can take back. It’s not at the forefront of his mind right now though, expecting WindClan to give them a visit shortly. When they’re gone is when they can hunt. Instead, his attention is on his apprentices. “What kind of smells are you picking up on, Swallowpaw?” Scorchedmoon asks the younger one. “And Snowpaw, you know what to do! Get to scenting,” he says in a cheerful tone. ​

// OOC : @Swallowpaw. @Snowpaw. @BATCHASER @mapletail @Laurelpaw. @Bonepaw.

[ ༻❄༺ ] Snowpaw keeps a few lengths in distance from Scorchedmoon and Swallowpaw, her head held slightly high while the tip of her stubby tail switched and a cold look pierce her yellow gaze. As much as she was happy for her mentor to be the one to lead a patrol, she did not understand why that thing had to tag a long as well. Snowpaw still insisted to keep their training seperate, especially since Swallowpaw had less experience than the older apprentice, even if the little selfish creature was allowed to go out.

However, what distracted the apprentice was this being the first time to be upon the border of the moorland and she couldn't help but take a deep breath, noting all the colors that freckled the ground before them, and the smell so strong that she had wrinkled her nose slightly, and then she wondered if she could try and convince on of the moor dwellers if they would give her a flower, her blonde barbary furred friend in mind at the thought of gifting her one of them...

Yet her thoughts would be broken as Scorchedmoon instructed the she-cat on what to do, a curt nod in her mentors direction before she began to help out marking the border that they shared with the windclanners, gaze fixated across the horizon in hopes to spot a nearby patrol from the other clan.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 8 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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swallowpaw 06 moons polygender any pronouns shadowclan apprentice

Swallowpaw doesn't think they'll ever really like snowpaw - no, he's far to annoying for their taste. Still, seeing scorchedmoon cry because of their bickering had been jarring - and while swall is far from the most emotionally in tune, even they had faltered at such a sight, rethinking their self proclaimed rivalry. A truce had been called, and so the two-toned child settles for mere disgruntlement that their very first patrol is to be a shared experience (oh, the horror!)

Still, even lacking company can hardly keep the pep out of her step as they make their way to the border - chubby figure all but bouncing in her excitement. She'd tried hard to be on her best behavior, really she had - no more creepy crawlies tucked into her dentmates nests, no sneaking off on grand adventures only to return bloodied and beaten like sin' had (and really, she wondered how stupid her brother must be, to not wait just a few more days). All of that is thrown out the window today, as she scampers about - every rock, plant, and tree a new wonder for her to investigate and explore. She's nearly vibrating out of her skin in excitement, and it's really only her mentors warning that keeps her from tumbling straight onto the thunderpath itself.

Head whips around, mismatched eyes wide as she grins, sharp-toothed and far to wide. " Smells like total fox-dung - absolutely awful, honestly - why's it like that? And flowers too, kinda' makes me hafta' sneeze - hey, are monsters really that big? And scary? Do they really eat twolegs? And cats, and - well, everything," one after another, the questions tumble out from her lips as she rocks on her paws - curiosity burning in her gaze.

actions & " speech, " & 'thoughts/quotes'

T E L L - M E - N O T H I N G - L A S T S ( - L I K E - I - D O N ' T - K N O W ?- )

༄༄ Their paws track through flowers, kicking up pollen and dandelion seeds as they stride up to the blacktop path that separates WindClan from their marsh-dwelling neighbors. There is no sign of monster activity, which they are thankful for. They hate standing at the edge of the path when the great beasts roar past, more deadly than the wolves that had passed through the moorland only weeks before.

They do not bother quizzing Pinkpaw on anything to do with ShadowClan. The younger calico knows well enough by now how their neighboring clan functions, and should know to keep her distance. Instead, Scorchstreak turns to Pinkpaw and asks, "If one of them were to cross the border right now, what would you do to them?" They do not know the cats across the border—they can name only one of them, a warrior who shares a similar name to their own—but they cannot imagine the ShadowClanners doing anything of the sort right now. Scorchedmoon seems to be asking something of the apprentices at his side, but the tunneler does not particularly care what their conversation consists of. They are not friends with ShadowClan—stars, they are hardly friendly.

// apprentice tag @PINKPAW
AS HE RAISED HIS FIST BEFORE HE SPOKE — In a stark contrast to her own sister, Rattleheart actually found herself glad whenever she drew near the Shadowclan border. Even if it had been quite some time since their two clans had been allied, they were still probably the only other clan that ranked highly in her mind aside from Windclan - mainly due to their upfront attitude. Despite being a clan regarded for their shadiness, the lead warrior found that she never really had to wonder what the high ranks of Shadowclan were thinking, or try to puzzle out what exactly it was they wanted. Chilledstar, while certainly not warm, had never been purposefully obtuse to any of them, and she wasn't sure Smogmaw even knew how not to speak his mind.

Frankly, having that much clarity when dealing with a threat like Granitepelt and the remaining loyalists was a special kind of boon.

That was why she wore a calm grin on her muzzle as she approached the long stretch of the thunderpath, expression only faltering because of the usual smell that accompanied the black river of tar. Rattleheart allowed her paws to linger near the edge of it, a sigh leaving her before she turned back to Downypaw. "Mark things as usual, alright? I don't think we'll get any trouble from this group. Aside from... maybe having our ears talked off..." She trailed off a little as she eyed Swallowpaw from afar, not quite hearing the apprentices words but certainly seeing the way her muzzle popped open and closed almost comically. "Hello Shadowclan! I hope your newleaf has been well so far?" Her call echoed out over the thunderpath, thankfully uninterrupted by the roar of any passing monsters. There was genuine friendliness in her hoarse rasp, having not wanted to see anything befall Shadowclan since Windclan had caused the other clan such trouble.

  • // apprentice tag @downypaw !
  • 75034712_8183RsjuzqJmQXv.png
    longhaired black and white tom with pale green eyes
    50 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    afab; uses he/she/they pronouns
    homosexual homoromantic; mated to venomstrike
    sibling to scorchstreak, lizardbounce, and rabbitclaw
    currently mentoring downypaw
    somewhat difficult to befriend; wary but kind
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
    all opinions are ic
*+:。.。 Bonepaw felt...small as he walked behind his patrol. His first patrol. Leaving camp had been like entering a portal into a whole new universe - suppose it had been, as everything outside his camp was pure mystery save for the smells intertwined in the pelts of his free-to-roam clanmates. He'd expected that the world outside his limited-spaced camp would be massive, but this was...there was no proper way to put it into words for the tom. It was just big. Wide, endless fields of marshland, decorated with ponds and all sorts of ever-changing plants. There was a unique skittering of hidden paws that wouldn't have dared burrow close to the camp for Bonepaw's ears to have picked up before that had his gaze and ears shifting back and forth. One day, he would get to learn how to track them down. For now, he was glad he didn't have to. Feeling not a little overwhelmed already from just the sights alone, he couldn't imagine how he'd avoid getting distracted during a hunt.

But he couldn't say he was particularly happy.
Feeling overwhelmed was one thing, but feeling overwhelmed on your own was a whole other. No one he was close to had been selected for this patrol - not even his mentor. Bonepaw felt like a stranger, straggling behind Scorchmoon as he taught his new apprentice and ordered his older one. He followed Scorchmoon's instructions to Swallowpaw anyway, taking a breath of new air. It was a lot. Different kinds of plants, the sharp burn from the thunderpath, and the awful smell of dust and dead grass from Windclan's side of the border. The same scent that permeated Bloodpaw's collapsed form.
Bile and anger rose in the tom's throat. Why'd he have to be taken here of all places? Fur itching and claws aching to tear at something, Bonepaw very nearly hissed - no, yelled at Swallowpaw to - shut up! Just shut UP you miserable little toad!. But he carefully bit his tongue. Don't think about it. Don't think about it.
But he was. And he did. what could I have done coupled with the breathlessness squeezing his lungs and the lonesomeness of walking three steps behind cats he'd grown up watching but never quite connecting with and-

His eyes flashed upon @Laurelpaw.'s blue pelt.
Suddenly, a cold calm overtook the boy. Adding a quickness to his steps, Bonepaw would pad up to walk alongside the other boy. He'd heard about the rumors - about Laurelpaw's kidnapping. He'd seen the way the tom never quite stopped looking uncomfortable in his own skin while amongst his clanmates. And, more importantly, he knew the guy had a hair-thin trigger.
Bonepaw's claws unsheathed and sheathed again.

"Hey, Laurelpaw" Bonepaw whispered for only his denmate's ears to catch. He nods to the frightening-looking tortoiseshell molly and her black and white, more nervous-seeming, companion - both reeking of the land that almost took his sister. "You should introduce us to your clanmates" his dull green eyes glow, hooded beneath his fringe of fur as he lazily glances up at the older tom. He searches those orange depths, waiting - longing - for a reaction.

    Shadowclan — apprentice
    DMAB— He/Him — Unsure
    6 moons — Ages 1 moon every month real-time
    Son to Ferndance x Needledrift
    Littermates with Bloodpaw, Shadepaw, Snowypaw
    Half-brother to Gigglekit, Morelkit, Branchkit
    Apprenticed to Nightwhisper

    Physically easy | mentally hard
    Attack in bold #738171
    injuries: None currently
Bluefrost trails behind the pair of tunneling lead warriors and their apprentices, her green gaze fixated on the ShadowClan border across the Thunderpath. They instruct their apprentices separately to mark the border. Scorchstreak asks Pinkpaw what she would do to them if they trespassed, and the gray she-cat turns to listen to her friend’s response with interest. Would she be capable of unsheathing her claws against the shadow-cloaked warriors who lurked within the marshes? It’s hard to imagine Pinkpaw engaging in battle with other cats, but—well—she had, hadn’t she? She’d fought her herself, during the rebellion…

Thoughts cease as she catches a bright-colored apprentice’s words. “They are certainly ones to talk about bad smells,” she murmurs to no one in particular. And then her gaze finds a blue-pelted cat—achingly familiar—and her jaw tightens.

It’s one of the kits Sootstar stole. She remembers them, but not their made-up WindClan names, given to erase their ShadowClan heritage. She wonders how the overgrown kit feels now—does he think of his moorland home with fondness, or with fear? She studies him blatantly, wondering if he remembers the cats across the Thunderpath.

  • ooc:
  • 69334192_7vVwuq2U19bWMTh.png
  • Bluekit . Bluepaw . Bluefrost, she/her w/ feminine terms.
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — 14 moons old, ages realistically on the 14th.
    — mentored by Sootstar ; mentoring n/a ; previously mentored n/a.
    — windclan warrior. sootstar x weaselclaw, gen 2.
    — penned by Marquette.

    lh blue and white she-cat with emerald eyes. aloof, dignified, poised, haughty, composed, distant.


Laurelpaw stood at an in-between age with the other apprentices on patrol. He was younger than Snowpaw, but this wasn't his first patrol as it was for Bonepaw and Swallowpaw. So, as it stood, he wasn't familiar enough with patrols to feel fully comfortable and yet the concept wasn't novice enough to fully engross his mind. He wandered behind Scorchedmoon as the tom questioned his more noisy and less noisy apprentices. Laurelpaw couldn't exactly recalll if he heard Snowpaw complaining about the new addition to the apprentice den, but if Snowpaw had, Laurelpaw wouldn't have rebuked the sentiment.

As they approached the border Laurelpaw's lungs filled with the moorland air. He was so close to it, he could see it. Usually he ran in the tall grass in daydreams and ideal thought, it was the same now, but at least he could actually see it. He absently did the patrol things, marking and what not, but his eyes kept falling back to the Windclan cats on the other side of the path. He recognized two of them, the calico and bi-colour cat, he couldn't recall their names but he could remember them. With Sunstar they brought him and Halfpaw back to the marsh. They are strangers to him in a way, and in others, they had been his family and his clan for enough time that he felt a imprint left on himself.

His thoughts and daydreams are ripped away from him in a second, by the most unpleasant noise. Bonepaw is far too close for comfort and whispering in his ear. With a lash of his tail and jump Laurelpaw inserts the lost space back in-between the two and then it registers what the fool was jabbering about. His ears fall flat to his skull and he can feel his face becoming hot under his fur. This little brat couldn't keep his mouth shut, could he? "Don't you have something better to do?" he hisses at the younger apprentice.

There were two things. One, Laurelpaw shouldn't be being harassed by the bonehead, he was older and in turn should be scary to the younger apprentice. The second thing was that his yearning for the moors was for him only, and maybe Halfpaw, but she wasn't here. Either way, Bonepaw was stepping out of line. "And if you don't then maybe I'll have to help you learn to mind your own business, huh?" Would Laurelpaw come to blows over something so small and stupid, yes. Yes, he absolutely would.
