border Pointing north | borders tour


A promise is a promise: as soon as the torrent of questions from the former ripple cats dries up, Snakeblink marshals his ragtag group of trainees out of the camp for a tour of their new territory’s boundaries. Although it is clearly delineated by the river from which the clan takes its name, he knows there is always a period of acclimation for loners used to free roaming. He was never one to stray far from his kin, but he remembers how stifling it felt at first to be separated from the marshes of his early kithood by nothing but invisible brambles and other clans’ claims.

”In time you will come to know this territory as well as the back of your paw, but I imagine the concept of borders may be a tad nebulous at the moment,” he hums, glancing back at the cats he’s guiding. ”A good rule of paw to remember is that Riverclan territory ends with the water: the river is ours to use as we see fit, but a single step on the other shore is a step on another’s clan territory.”

He started this impromptu patrol at their border with the twolegplace and proceeded upstream in the optics of eventually looping back around to camp. He also elected not to mention the problem of Sunningrock for now; since it’s not their territory at the moment, his initial explanation stands.

The rumble of the waterfalls crashing into the river below thrums in the air, and the stone arch of the twoleg bridge rises in sight. Out of habit he leans down to brush his cheek against the bridge as they reach it, applying the river scent anew where it had started growing faint. Their long absence means border patrols will need to be zealous for the near future.

”Along with the twolegplace, this bridge is our only land border: our territory ends where it ends.” He points each direction in turn: ”Thunderclan territory is over there, and Windclan’s starts on this side. Straight ahead is the path to Fourtrees, which is neutral ground.” Another glance back, tilting his head patiently. ”Any questions?” Curious as they are, he assumes they will have some.

——————————————————————————————————— so god damn lonely
  • Set right after THIS thread! Snake has taken all the former Ripple Colony cats on a tour of the borders, but anyone else is welcome to have tagged along :]
  • Snakeblink • he / him. 46 ☾, riverclan warrior
    — a sleek, skinny tabby with long ears and a scar over his right eye.
    — gay, not actually evil, penned by @Kangoo

Carppaw wasn't truly sure how she felt about the colony cats. Sure, they had helped ensure their survival but- couldn't have Riverclan done that by themselves? Why did these silly colony cats have to be allowed into the clan? Carppaw inhaled softly, then exhaled, her paws following Snakeblink's path. Blue eyes lifted and searched around them, as if on constant and weary lookout for anything and everything.

The instruction wasn't for Carppaw, but the refresher never hurt, she thought to herself. Her quiet nature ever since the rogue battle was curious enough. Surely, cats have to have noticed, yes? Duck Call hadn't returned. Wordlessly, Carppaw stepped to the reeds near the bridge, rubbing her head against them as Snakeblink touched the bridge. She returned to his side, turning her vision towards the colony cats.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean
  • Sad
Reactions: Snakeblink

The Ripple Colony had still been under investigation when she had left for the mountains. The attack on the big, flat-tailed creatures had happened well before her return and from the sound of it, those that were welcomed into RiverClan had no time to acclimate before the rogues made their move to invade.

Hazecloud was rather curious on what they had learned so far, what they had retained if they had been taught anything else before Snakeblink had been put in charge. Her eyes glanced over each attended newcomer warmly before looking out across the bridge. This had been where Lichentail and Petalnose defended the fight against WindClan. The fight that would later earn them their promotions to Lead Warrior. The fight that would sew the seeds for Hyacinthbreath's exile.

She blinked away the memory of Periwinklebreeze asking if she was well.

"You never utilized borders?" The molly turned back toward the Colony cats as she realized Snakeblink's words from the beginning. Her knowledge on their lives had been sorely limited, not much shared on her return once they had accepted their lives as RiverClanners.