POLYHEDRONS | laurelpaw

There was something cruel that she could not fully explain about being chosen as Laurelpaw's mentor, the irony in that, in gaining a cat without a mother for an apprentice, the cinnamon tabby had lost a child of her own within the same moon. Halfshade's child could not be the replacement for Snowypaw, whose laughter would only be known to Pikesplash's ears now. All the same, she felt a protectiveness for the other that could only be described as maternal, the idea that she would happily trade places with the little one if it meant their life would be saved. It was a selflessness she hadn't expected from herself, but one kept miraculously under wraps as she wrestled through her emotions like a child experiencing grief for the first time. Quietly traipsing through the marshlands, Ferndance eventually forced the pair to a stop close to the burnt sycamore, emerald eyes tracing over the spider-like tendrils of soot-black branches. Moonlight happily shone through the gaps, coating the area in a greyish hue that Ferndance was certain matched the colour of Laurelpaw's coat. She tilted her head halfway towards the other, eyes heavier than the soft smile upon her maw.

"Night training," she announced quietly, her tail swaying left and right as if carried by a gentle breeze. "It's night training time. Does that sound better? Or cooler, even?" Her ears twisted in either direction before settling to an attentive point. "ShadowClan likes to be sneaky, so we move about in the darkness. No other clan stays awake at night... which is weird. Isn't that weird? I find it weird... prey doesn't stop running just because the sun has." Aside from her voice and the distant frog song, the sycamore was silent. She didn't doubt that rodents would be scurrying about the roots once they'd hidden themselves but, for now, exposition was needed. Reclining on her haunches, the lanky she-cat mewed, "I know we've been doing the basics daytime things, just while I get to know you. How much do you know about night hunting and fighting?" 'What have you been taught before now?'


The blue tom treaded alongside his new mentor, his eyes watching carefully as she led him through darkened trees. He was trying to read the warrior, she was certainly odd, compared to the other warriors he was often interacting with. She spoke every word that came to her mind it seemed, a rather disconcerting habit when Laurelpaw is so used to knowing that words are being chosen for a reason. His father was particular with his words, his old mentor had been the same way. Their words were always said with intention behind them, Ferndance seemed to speak to fill the void of silence.

His attentiveness also had to do with the casting shadows the moonlight brought. He wasn't scared of the night, but he didn't like the dark. He recalled a time when he had snuck out of the WindClan nursery to look at the stars and moon, they were comforting. The covered sky above the two of them did not feel comforting.

Finally his mentor started to explain why they were out there, night training, it was incredible that he couldn't have put that together himself. He listened patiently to the cinnamon warrior, nodding affirmation at how much cooler it was than daytime training, although he wasn't sure he really cared for one more than the other, he would say what his mentor wanted to hear. The she asked him questions about his previous mentor "We didn't to a lot of it. Instead of going out late at night he would bring me out early in the morning while it was still dark and just do everything normally in the dark for a bit." he was beginning to understand more why Chilledstar had given him a new mentor, his old one might have been a little worn out.
