private Pool Float | Robinheart

Mar 8, 2024

Tigerheart pads along slower then she normally would, her head thrown over her shoulder to make sure Robinheart was okay. Her kits would be along any time now but she'd wanted to make sure she wasn't being babied completely and she got her fair share of fresh air, it'd be good for the kits too. She'd be so sad in her predicament unable to properly groom and unable to make it as easily to the river which had given her an idea. The water helped with weight, it could carry even the heaviest cat and she hopes it'd give her plump clanmate some extra freedom to move around and exercising without having to worry about bowling over. She approaches the shallows her paws dipping in, the usual thrill of excitement prickles her fur at the feeling of the river sloshing against her but she doesn't just run in and leap into the depths. Nah, today wasn't about her enjoyment. "The waters not too cold at all, c'mon Robinheart join me!"

She waits for her paws to meet the water before padding further in. "I'm sure the kits will love this" they were well still in her companion but she hopes they could still feel the eb and flow of the river and it'd call to them like it called to her and so many of their soon to be clanmates. She was excited to meet them and would await the day they'd be able to swim in the shallows themselves. "Let me know if you need my shoulder to lean on" she calls back, she'd splash right back to her in a run if she did.

  • @robinheart
  • XBxPudf.png
    Tigersplash She/He, Warrior of Riverclan, 18 moons
    A chocolate/cinnamon chimera she-cat with high white and amber eyes
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Kedamono@legmeatt on discord, feel free to dm for plots. ​

She moves slower these days, a swaying ambling speed impeded by the nearness of kitting. Robinheart still enjoys short walks with Brookstorm now and again, though at the offer to swim with Tigersplash she was quick to agree. The coolness of the river was sure to soothe aching hips and shoulders, cradling the expectant mother in slow moving current as she lets the pains of late pregnancy momentarily wash away. Robinheart admits to herself that she is excited for this quick getaway. Plus she gets to spend time with Tigersplash, a clan mate she is familiar with but hasn't gotten to know as well as she wants. Now is the perfect opportunity.

The patchwork molly leads the way and enters the slow moving waters first, claiming the water wasn't cold at all. Robinheart smiles at the encouragement and steps in, watching ripples form around speckled paws and feeling the coolness of the river. "It feels perfect," she purrs as she wades in deeper after her fellow RiverClanner. Tigersplash offers a shoulder for support if needed, but Robinheart flicks her tail in kind dismissal. Sure she may be wobbly with kits, but the riverbed provided plenty of pebbles and growth to find support on. Plus the waters were slow enough to not knock her off balance. "Thank you for this, Tigersplash. I can't wait to one day bring my kits out here to play in the shallows. You'll join us, won't you?" They could make a tradition of it if they wanted to.
( penned by kerms )