sensitive topics pop that pretty question // sick

sootspritespark | 37 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #ffff99
What is supposed to be a normal morning ends up being anything but. The already chubby molly has only been gaining weight these past few days, her small and round figure growing ever larger, even as battle wounds continue to heal - untouched by herbs, no, she'd rather leave such silliness to her less fortunate clanmates - and her appetite seems to lower, her appearance within skyclan varying from day to day as she leaves her nest less and less. Never enough to become a burden, no, not until now at least.

A simple hunting patrol is quick to go awry - one minute she's darting forwards, skittering up a tree and even leaping back down in hot pursuit of a squirrel, golden eyes locked tight upon her fluffy tailed target, and the next she's keeled over, ruminants of kibble splattered across the ground. The chase has sent her already weary and churning stomach dizzied, and she can no longer hold down her breakfast. She only blinks for a moment, covering up the unpleasant sight with leaf litter and debris, before glancing about - her prey seems to have slipped away in the chaos, but there's nothing to be done.

Where murmurs of concern rise up from those around her, the curly furred molly only beams as though it is nothing - and really, it isn't. Not to the daylight warrior. "Oh that-? It's fine, jus' some morning sickness, it's pretty normal actually. The little buggers won't let me hold down hardly anything these days," its said so matter-of-factly it's enough to have anyone doing a double take - is this news they should've already known? Was an announcement missed?

The self-satisfied gleam in sootspritesparks eyes leaves little question that there hasn't yet been - no, she's decided to spill the beans only now, in the most dramatic manner possible. She'd worked hard to achieve this, to get what she's so desperately wanted her whole life - she wants everyone else to feel just as awed by her success, to revel in it. In her miracle. "Hmmm... afraid it looks like I might not be able to patrol much longer though, if it keeps up like this" she says absently, contentedly humming away. Well - that's sootspritespark for you; as upbeat and as casual as can be, even after dropping such a startling revelation.

// tw: vomit :sick:

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anger makes you stupid . stupid gets you killed .
The obsidian-smoked brute blinked, watching Sootspritespark, concern muddled beneath a deadpan optic. He had been one of the unlucky few, barely managing to hunt anything that wasn’t old or unfortunate as him, his body still unstable from the loss of an eye.

Padding towards the pregnant she-cat, clear by the swell of her stomach, Duskpool jerked his head towards camp. “Think it’s time we head back, mhm? Better let Dawnglare ( as much as he found the medicine cat unnerving, Duskpool didn’t mind the oddball as much, but being trapped for sunrises with the peculiar feline would get on anyone’s fraying nerves ) look at ya. Might have somethin’ to help with the nausea.” He commented, ignoring the twinge of surprise while making himself present other than a looming shadow, molten copper watching the group with a calculative hue.
thought speech
A sound of heaving, followed by the sound of what he assumed to be whatever Sootspritespark had previously eaten completely distracts him from a bird that flutters away with an alarming screech. His jaw clenches in light frustration, but concern showers him more than anything else over the obsidian woman. Was she sick? Glacial eyes widen slightly, his expression lax and maw slacked. With the bird already forgotten, Auburnflame trots over to stand by Duskpool and her with a new wave of worry that clouds his usual open sky irises. His plumed tail twitches, watching her cover up the spillage with a watchful eye. She speaks of 'morning sickness' and 'buggers' with a mischievous gleam in golden sunlit eyes. She was...expecting? Instantly the hairs along his wintry spine lifted in alarm, blinking gaze in shock. A scene of Orangeblossom's kitting soon fills his psyche, the pain of giving birth and the terrible grunts that escaped her. He never knew how to handle pregnancy, nor did he want to know that feeling. It frightened him to no end, and he'd never known how to act properly with an expecting mother. "Uh—uhm." A brisk, husk of a voice breaks his thoughts then. The warrior turns to Duskpool, his ever gruff tone a good ice-breaker to calm his nerves. "Uh—yeah, Sootspritespark! We need to get you to Dawnglare immediately, you—you shouldn't be hunting. What if—can they get hurt in there? Are you in any pain? Do you need me—" Stars, shut up! He pleads to his buzzing thoughts, earning an audible clasp of gnashed teeth to make himself silent. His cheeks flushed in embarrassment, clearly overreacting in the face of motherhood that he had no knowledge over.


Fantastream's whiskers twitch in amusement as she listens to the cats around her. Admittedly, she had been worried about her clanmate when she had expelled the contents of her stomach on the forest floor but once she had spoken it had quickly become clear to her, and the rest of the patrol, what ailed her. It was not sickness like the molly had feared, though if it was she would be much better off than the others surely. She had something that the forest cats did not, an invaluable resource in the shape of twoleg medicine. Dawnglare does his best, she's certain, but the herbs her housefolk had were simply more potent.

She blinks at the dark furred molly, taking in her words before a bright smile breaks out across her face. "Well I'll be! Congrats on yer little buggers" she says with a wink "You must be excited" or at least thats what she can discern from the gleam in the other she-cats eyes. The other cats in their patrol suggest they head in and for a moment she feels a twinge of disappointment "I ain't quite done huntin' so I'll met you guys there if that's alright?" if they wanted to go ahead they could but if Sootspritespark had made it out here alright she's certain she can make it home just fine. Besides, someone needed to get prey to feed all the hungry mouths back in the clan.


Twitchbolt often worried, among other things, that he had fallen inexplicably out of the loop. For once, it seemed, everyone else was struck with that same bewilderment, as bile and a reveal both spilled from Sootspritespark's maw. Immediately his face contorted into a clear expression of shock, nose wrinkling as pupils, drowned in green-and-amber expanse, flitted from face to face. It was Auburnflame who seemed to share his sentiment strongest of all, Duskpool as... unreadable as ever, and Fantastream determined to carry on the hunting patrol on her lonesome. His eyelid twitched, uncertainty clear upon his face.

Getting her to see Dawnglare sounded like the best bet. What else was there to do? He couldn't... couldn't reasonably ask someone who had just thrown up to suck it up and keep going. And- the dagger-glares if he did! He could picture them, even in their unlikely happenstance...

"Uh- Fantastream, I'll stick with you. I don't think- we should leave anyone on their- on their own," he said, teeth chattering a little. Although it wasn't an epidemic anymore, cats were still going missing... it seemed just stupid to let anyone prance off by themselves. Wide eyes darted then to Duskpool, Auburnflame and Sootspritespark, lingering upon the latter most of all. "Will you be alright on the- on the way back?"
penned by pin ✧
sootspritespark | 37 months | demi-girl | she/they | physically medium | mentally hard | attack in bold #ffff99
Watching the chaos unfold before her very eyes is quite satisfying, though the concern that shows itself alongside the shock is quite touching. She simply laughs it off though, shaking her head and sending dark curls bouncing. "I'm fine - really, there's no need to see dawnglare, I'm sure your medicine cat can't do more for me than my twolegs can," besides, the tom rather freaks her out just a bit, so if she can avoid such a visit she will. "I am - it's a very exciting time," she agrees, nodding. The patrol wants to split apart, and she can't find a reason to deny such a thought. A heavy sigh slips past her lips as she does her best to refrain from rolling her eyes - Alright alright, we'll go back for now then... happy hunting,"

// && outs <3