starclan poppies & peonies // heathermoon

She opens her eyes and sees the familiarity in the unfamiliar. Starry fields extend far beyond her reach, trees stretching high and somewhere yet unseen, a babbling brook. The perfect place for the Clans to unite, where each lost cat can still experience the thrills of life. Cottonpaw anticipates Shrikethorn again, hoping her elder sister would be more keen to tell her about the fog (has anyone explored it yet? If they have, what have they seen, if anything at all?) Instead, no feline greets her immediately. It takes a moment, but Cottonpaw notices that her mentor does not linger alongside her, either. It's a dream all to her own. She takes comfort in knowing StarClan still trusts her, despite everything - but worry tremors in her heart for she does not know what more they could tell her, at least without Wolfsong present.

A few long beats, and the glittering tall grass parts. She sees Heathermoon and recognizes him instantly - even with stars in his pelt and eyes somehow knowing more than they ever did in life, she recognizes him. Her heart skips a beat in her excitement and she races towards him. If he does not sidestep her, Cottonpaw attempts to tackle him, nearly squealing in excitement. "Heathermoon! I've missed you so much," she breathes, tail twitching. The concept of this being a necessary meeting is forgotten to the she-cat as she instead tries to lean into gossip. "Have you seen all that's been happening? The fire, Sunstar?"

@heathermoon !!

The starscape is much like he imagined as a boy, yet in so many ways different, too. His mother had spoken of a serene breeze that always carried the scent of rabbit, and tall stalks of wheat and grass to roll in and nap in the warmth of scattered sunlight. Untouched by the ill fate of disease or fire, unfortunately unlike that of his waking home.

An odd-eyed gaze fell on his friend warmly, and his paws kick up to match her speed as he met her, brushing his starry muzzle to hers briefly before he is thrown, laughing as the soft shine-speckles grass hugs them. "Evidently!" He swung his foreleg over to pull her down next to him. "I saw all of it, WindClan is truly being put to the test these days. The flames, Sunstar's leg, poor Bearflight..." Heathermoon took in a long inhale.

"There was always one thing Sootstar got right, WindClan always prevails." Bearflight was kept safely, happily in StarClan these days. Untouched by the pain of licking flames and smoke-coated lungs. Back to the shining-eyed youth the Clan had come to adore.

"It's nice up here, though, I don't just get to see WindClan. RiverClan's just got..." Heathermoon's ears perked up, pivoting to a sound unheard by Cottonpaw. After a moment the tabby visibly deflated with a roll of his eyes. "Right, duty calls. C'mon, up we go!" He began to rise with a languid stretch to his limbs, helping the molly up to stand beside him. "I've a message for you, after all. But we can have more fun the next half moon meeting. Okay, ahem-"

Heathermoon puffed out his chest, squaring his paws in line with one another.

"Beware the darkness a forgotten enemy brings... whoosh!" Then he dramatically kicked up star-dusted grasses. "Well, that's all they gave me. You've gotta go now, I'll see you again soon! And um... I miss you, and all. OH and don't forget to kick Granitepelt's hide when you see him again? That bee-brained flea ruined my coat." His ears pin back, another unheard sound.

"Okay! Okay, bye Cottonpaw. Love you." The tom pressed his nose to hers with a smile before fading back into the stars.​
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