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entertain me
Mar 26, 2023
જ➶ Eyes of the murky depths stare quietly at the rushing waters. Their tail barely moves as they sit there poised, tense, strained. Even their breathing feels all too tight in their chest. But given the recent circumstances why wouldn't it be and here they are just watching and waiting. It feels like Starclan's benevolent eye has strayed from them and during a time where they did not need it too. Suddenly forcing them into cold claws, and man have they been digging in. They don't like waiting. They don't like sitting around and doing nothing but then again they supposed guarding the camp is...necessary. Especially after everything that has happened. Jaws move, quiver before they part and a body shifts. A fish flashes through the air and lands upon the ground. Popular. Their home has suddenly become much too popular within the sight of the others. It pisses them off. Two fights, two battles. They could spit. Maybe they should but it won't help anything. One ear flicks back to hear the fish flopping on land, the slowing of its movements. With a soft breath they continue their hunt, waiting ever so paitently before again they move and another fish finds its way on the bank.

With a grunt he moves, pressing a paw harshly on the fish before giving it a bite. Just to make it still. It has been a long and painful day, his wounds ache from a battle past and is one of the reasons he can not deal with the other. They shift their dark olive toned eyes back up to the surroundings before they grip the fish that they caught and head back into the undergrowth. The camp is quiet but hardly they speak as they drop the two large catches upon the pile. Not like they went that far though. Face devoid of much emotion they sigh before sitting down to lift a wet paw and drag a pink tongue between toes.

// set after thunderclan battle
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Green jewel eyes dart upward, ginger head lifting from her resting spot. This cursed headache won't leave her, just what she gets for being bashed against the very rocks they were defending. She's struck, again, with the realization that she'd be dead right now if Iciclepaw hadn't saved her from the shallows after that hit. A terrifying source of gratitude.

Blinking away the memories, she focuses instead on Wolfglade, his entrance into camp, the catches he drops onto the pile. Nice, plump fish that make relief settle in Ashpaw's chest, thinking of her little siblings. The rough leaf-bare, the frozen river only thawed just weeks ago, and now the loss of territory — in a time of so much loss, a catch like this is all the more comfort.

"Hi Wolfglade," she chirps. She scoots closer to where the warrior has settled, then resumes her grooming. Struggling to keep her words from slurring, she'll continue, "Really nice catch... hey, what're you up to today?"

Aching for something interesting, maybe some fun little gossip. Being camp-bound, stuck resting, doesn't mean she has to be bored all day.

—— " i found gold in the wreckage "

  • ooc text goes here

  • - 9 month old orange tabby with green eyes
    - apprenticed to lead warrior willowroot
    - crushing hard on iciclepaw
    - happy-go-lucky, mischievous, hardworking
    - very friendly, but defensive of riverclan!
    - got real fucked up as a kid so if she seems like she was fucked up as a kid, that's why
    - "speech"
    - she is on a JOURNEY

Thankfully, Fernpaw had managed to dodge any sort of egregious injury during the battle at Sunningrocks- and for once, for once, he truly felt as if he was contributing. Felt like he was doing something useful. It wasn't every hunting patrol that he was catching fish, but it was lots of them now. Most, he'd like to say- even if it was just a minnow. Sometimes, though, he came back without food but with an addition to his collection. A good rock, or a shell, or some... other fragment of something. Having to build his horde from the ground up meant he could not afford to be picky.

There was... a lot, today. Shells and flat stones, something... white and stone-like, all stuffed into a relatively small mouth, overhanging. The resulting clatter when he dropped it all, next to the calmly-seated Ashpaw and Wolfglade, was inevitable. Scrabbling from the shock of having lost his grip, Fernpaw set stunned, bulging eyes upon the pair with a wobbling bleat of "Sorry!"

Ears burning from embarrassment, Fernpaw swallowed down the curse word he almost spewed and started scooping his scattered assortment back into a manageable pile.
penned by pin
Crappiepaw feels guilty over their involvement in both the clan’s recent battles. They had hidden away like a coward when WindClan attacked, but when they had thrown themself across the river to face ThunderClan, they still had not been able to contribute. They are simply too weak, too useless to save their clan. But they had not been among the most heavily injured of their clanmates, at the very least.

Wolfglade’s movements catch their eye from across the camp, and they stifle a huff of bemusement when they spot Ashpaw approach the older RiverClanner. The calico stiffly meanders over to where the duo are sitting, green eyes wide. To the dark-furred feline, they mutter, "Hello. You should teach me to catch fish that big." It is merely a suggestion, a request, but the apprentice’s flat tone makes it sound a bit more like an order.

They flinch when Fernpaw slips and everything he is carrying falls to the ground. "Working on a collection?" They ask plainly, tipping their chin toward the pile of assorted stuff that the orange-striped apprentice dropped from his mouth. They have half a thought to snatch one of the prettier shells for a fancy addition to their own hoard of shiny trinkets—but they respect Fernpaw too much to steal any of his things.
[ dancing in the panic room ]
chamomilefur | 13 months | genderfluid | any pronouns | physically medium | mentally easy | attack in bold #ffff99
Chamomilefur had managed to escape both battles unscathed by sheer dumb luck - that being that he'd simply not been present during either. Both times he'd been off on a different patrol - far far away from the battlefront. He still feels a built guilty about that - he's never really enjoyed fighting but he still wishes he'd been there to protect his clanmates. Perhaps had his bulk been on their side at the time, things might've turned out different. A bittersweet smile tinges his face as he sits by the riverbank - listening to the cheerful clamor of his fellows. "Good hunting for sure," he says cheerfully, giving a pointed jerk of his head at the fish laid out beside Wolfglade. His own pile is more meager - though he's only just begun, so he's not to downhearted.