pafp POSEIDON QUIVERS BEFORE HIM || apprentice shenanigans


die young or get old trying
Oct 4, 2022

The burnt sycamore cuts an imposing silhouette. It's charred bark is nearly the same color as the near-black sky, making it appear to be an absence of stars rather than something that is just as tethered to the ground as Loam is. She and some other apprentices (Loam mouths that word to herself: app-ren-tice, app-ren-tice, app-ren-tice, and tells herself firmly that she won't fumble it) have been told to come here and wait for a mentor (Loam doesn't practice that word) to come and give them training. It had sounded exciting when Loam had first heard the news, but now she and her lot are stuck waiting.

"I-eee-uh don't see wh-wah-why I should change m-mmmmm-my name just because s-suh-some weirdo on a r-rrrrr-rock said so," Loam announces to the other apprentices, apropos to nothing, "Wh-what's that guy's problem an-ny-nyway?"

As she speaks, Loam paces an angry line into the mud. "Loampaw, th-thu-that's a stupid name! I-ee-uh could come uh-up with--" But that is as far as Loam gets before she stumbles and falls unceremoniously into a shallow divot in the ground.

A moments silence, two. Loam stands slowly, the line of her previous thought abandoned in favor of one she favors much more. The divot is hardly anything noteworthy-- shallow enough that Loam could escape with a step. Just deep enough that if Loam were to lay down, her back would be exposed. Mud clings to the whole of her front, chin to chest, but Loam hardly notices. She had been so bored before, but now she smiles. Hopefully this mentor will take a long time to show up.

"We're widening th-th-thuh-th-this hole! And then making eh-it deeper!" Loam practically shouts and then, without waiting for a response, gets to work.

@MINKPAW @brookpaw.

tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​
minkpaw has been an apprentice for nearly two moons, and still, he cannot describe it as particularly... exciting. the name change doesn't really irk him like it does loampaw; rather, it's the drudgery of doing all of the fucking chores around this stars-forsaken place. minkpaw, go change the queens' bedding. minkpaw, go pick ticks off of the elders with stinky mouse bile. minkpaw, go toss the crowfood out of the pile. if he so much as hears his own name being called by some random ass warrior, minkpaw will lose his shit. all of it, every last bit! gone into oblivion!

and, lo and behold, a random ass warrior approaches him with that dreaded tone in their voice. the tone that means that minkpaw is going to have to do something boring. minkpaw, go to the burnt sycamore for a training session. we'll be there shortly.

oh. a training session. minkpaw wrinkles his nose and twitches his ears. then, he nods. okay. this might be fun. training sessions usually help him burn off all of his excess energy, at least.

it would've been fun, if those random ass warriors hadn't decided to move at the pace of a geriatric slug. minkpaw huffs, one hind leg rapping against the ground in an impatient manner. "where, where are th-they? i, i'm guh-gunna die of, die of old age buh-be-ffff-fuh-fore.... thhh-they guh-get here!"

loampaw mirrors his complaints, in a similarly disrupted delivery. asking why she had to change her name to loampaw instead of loam, and calling pitchstar a weirdo. minkpaw snickers at that. "yeah, yeah! he'sss, he'sss a huge ffff-fuh-fuckin' weir-do!" he giggles more, crossing and uncrossing his forepaws. at least his company isn't miserable, like his mentor's company is.

loampaw stumbles over her paws in the middle of her ranting, falling right into a divot in the muddy ground. minkpaw couldn't control the cackle that bursts from his lungs. "uh-are, are, are you... uh-o-kay?" forces the apprentice through the peals, his eyes squinting and brow twitching. the black she-cat is silent for a moment, before she rises to her paws and declares that they will make the divot bigger. minkpaw grins, all teeth and gums. "uh, okay!" he doesn't question the activity before he joins loampaw in scrabbling at the mud, flinging it everywhere without a care as to where it might land or who it might hit.
  • Haha
Forestpaw lounges nearby, her stomach resting against the cool ground as unseeing eyes gaze straight ahead in boredom. Her ears twitch as two of her companions chat. She has to strain extra hard to understand them without sight, their fumbling words tripping her up. But ultimately, she's able to hear what they're saying, and even holds back a snicker as she hears Loampaw's thump against the ground.

"Why?" She suddenly asks when she decides they're going to dig a hole to be even bigger. She'd been silent up till now, ignoring the complaints about name changes and leaders. Whatever, if they didn't want to change their name, they could always leave. No one made them stay here. She, personally, had been thrilled to change her name so she could be put on the path of a true warrior. It's not her fault that others aren't nearly as motivated as she is to be great.

The hypocrisy of her thoughts goes unnoticed by the torbie as she lazily flops onto her side with a yawn. The picture of motivation, clearly.

Loam looks up at Minkpaw from the hole, eyes narrowed.

"My mom s-suh-says you aren't supposed t-tuh-t-t-to-to say things l-luh-like that," Loam takes on the tone that every child whose ever uttered those words takes, and then casts a nervous glance around and whispers, "Fuck! That w-wuh-word!"

She half expects her mother to materialize right then and there to scold her. Nothing happens. Loam's ears twitch, and then her face brightens. Her mom doesn't need to know. Besides, if someone who uses those sorts of words is willing to help Loam dig her hole, then those words couldn't be all that bad. The logic is as flawless as always, and Loam quietly smiles with how clever she is.

Then there is Forestpaw, with such a simple question. Loam has the perfect answer.

"Why the f-fuh-fuck not?" She grins, and then something conspiratorial overtakes her voice, "I-eee-uh w-wuh-weh-will t-te-- uh, say the r-rrrrr-eal reason if you promise n-nuh-not t-tuh-to--" Loam makes a vague sort of grabbing gesture, as if she could catch a word from the air, "uh, if yuh-you promise you w-wuh-wont say nothin' about it!"

tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​
"who's a fucking weirdo?"

their words echo behind the apprentices, as they lift a brow. they'd barely been listening or paying attention to be completely honest. they wanted to take a nap but now there were way too many paw steps, too much commotion.

"seems like you guys are up to no good... but ah, what do i know? i won't tell anyone."

giving a brief bump of their muzzle to their brother they laid down, propping their cheek against their paw with a tilt of their head as they gently closed their eyes. if these apprentices wanted to have fun... so be it. they all needed one day off... stars knew once the snow came they wouldn't have one. andnas unfair as it seemed, it was just how their lives were. new leaf may give them a break but for now... they would get one before there simply wasn't time for any at all. chilledgaze wasn't gonna stop them.
╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Granitepaw had never been interested in kitten antics, games involving his denmates. As soon as he could walk and talk and listen to the words coming out of their mouths, he'd found himself wholly uninterested in the company of his Clanmates. Briarstar's ill-bred lot had all been stuck-up and annoying, with the exception of Starlingpaw, and the rest of his denmates were just mousebrained in his opinion.

The hypocrisy is lost on him, as always, but he blames his denmates for his lack of interest. Had they been smarter, stronger, more interesting, well... perhaps Granitepaw would have more friends.

His look of disgust mars the handsome features of his face. Chilledgaze, as ever, is disinterested in what the apprentices are doing, but his own eyes are narrowed in anger. Digging holes where they aren't needed, messing up the earth for no reason.

"Maybe you should spend your time doing something useful," he says to Loampaw and Minkpaw. Two truly unforgivably annoying cats who still both acted like children, rather than future ShadowClan warriors. "Instead of making a mess."

- ,,

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There was a hole in the middle of the marsh and she was mad she wasn't invited to come dig it. She was amazing at digging holes, probably one of the best there was! Maybe they didn't tell her so they could get a headstart without looking bad? Yeah-yeah-yeah! That was it! Had to be!
"You guys are doing a GREAT JOB! Do you want some professional hole digging advice from an expert? It's me! I'm the expert! You should dig better! That's my advice!" She plodded over on heavy steps, curly tangle of a tail dragging along behind her with bits and pieces of debris and burrs stuck in it. She was supposed to be grooming cause her pelt was getting matted in places but it wasn't HER fault she had longfur! She hated having longfur! It was so messy all the time and stuff got stuck in it and UGH-UGH! She wished she had sleek fur like her clanmates!
Chilledgaze approaches and they seem unimpressed with the antics but otherwise didn't care. What a cool deputy! Or rather, "We got such a CHILL deputy, don't we?" She giggled, dirty paws over her mouth as she laughed at her own joke whether anyone else did or not.
And then Granitepaw was there and oh GOOD! He brought the stick that was shoved up his butt with him! Fantastic! At least Forestpaw was just hanging out there even if she didn't seem too interested. Forestpaw was too cool for this but Forestpaw wasn't a grouch about it! Good-good-good!

She wiggled in place, shaking her hind end and tail up in the air as she sang at the gray and bossy tom, her voice pitched into a deeper reverb, "Oooooh, I'm Granitepaw and I'm so serrriouusss and coooooool and OOOOH! You better do as I say cause I'm mister important! Watch out or I'll do nothing about it!"
Poppypaw laughed, her voice rising up in a shrill pitch of a wheeze as she rolled about in amusement by the hole Minkpaw and Loampaw were well invested in.

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