camp POSITIVELY CHEERY |☀| bug watching...? [intro]

WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
feel free to derail the bug thing is just,, a starter

Honestly, he was really expecting the life of an apprentice to be more exciting than this. He was supposed to be out doing... well, he didn't know. Hunting. Fighting. Exploring. Learning something cool. Defending the Clan from stars-knew-what. You know, adult stuff. Yet here he was, sitting in camp. Lightpaw felt as though he should be doing something, but since that 'something' carried the possibility of being chores, he elected to keep his mouth shut for the time being.

At some point, he had stopped watching the cats coming and going in the camp. Something else had caught his eye. Something decidedly much better. It was a beetle, and a big, fat one at that. It didn't seem to care when the creamy apprentice approached, stooping down to stare at its glossy black exterior. In some angles, it even changed color in the sun. Wow, cool.

For a while he watched the insect, slowly crawling its way across the ground with its young entourage trailing behind even slower. Where was it going? Did it have an idea? Could bugs even think? Lightpaw pondered the beetle without much else to do. Why didn't it just fly away? Wouldn't it get there faster? Did it have a little bug family somewhere?

Planting a white paw in front of it, the beetle stopped for a moment, as if confused by the sudden barricade. When it attempted to go around him, he blocked its way again. For a second time, it paused. This time it elected to climb on his paw, and he sucked in a breath of interest, lifting it up to his snout to watch it sit, antennae waving about.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
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A pale puffball with a patchwork face gazes wistfully at Lightpaw from the outside of the nursery. Enormous blue eyes, clear as rainfall, follow the beetle as it makes its migration from the earth up the apprentice's golden paw. Part of her wants to approach him and ask him about the bug, or ... or maybe his training! She isn't particularly excited for the day she's forced away from Little Wolf's side and into the apprentice's den, but she can't help but be curious about what lies in store for her.

She doesn't want to fight, or see her Clanmates get hurt, and yet -- yet, being an apprentice, she could finally be useful to her Clan! She could finally make a difference, make ThunderClan and SkyClan both proud!

Morningkit takes a deep breath and it sparks a wisp of courage. She pads toward Lightpaw, but keeps herself a respectful distance away. He's older than her, and she finds herself avoiding his gaze, should it come her way. She can't bring herself to say anything, but oh, she wants to! He doesn't crush the beetle, like Figpaw in SkyClan would have. He only observes it. There's something achingly gentle in the gesture that she cannot explain.

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a tiny, ink spattered face is screwed up ever so slightly in concentration, long blades of dying grasses sat between mottled paws that tried to weave them together like she had seen others do the other day and it was alot harder than it looked. crescentkit wasn't learning to weave to create things that may be helpful down the road but more for the sake of being able to interlace pretty accessories into one's fur cause starclan knows some of these cats need a little help in the looks department.

the sound of her sister moving is enough to pull her out of focus, head tilting up to watch in vague curiousity as morningkit steps away fron the nursery and over towards lightpaw who happened to be quite enraptured wtih a beetle moving around upon his paw. the young tortie point felt a sense of disgust wash over her frame, she couldn't stand the sight of bugs they were so gross and had way too many legs!! what's worse is some of them fly!!

crescentkit, staying out by the nursery, decides to shout after her sister. "you better not touch that gross bug!!" it's not like she can really stop her from doing just that but if morningkit comes even two whisker-lengths near her after coming into contact with it without cleaning those paws she will scream.
[ penned by cobi ]
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WE HAVE YET TO CRASH ✧°.☀ ————————————
At some point the beetle had begun to move again, his neutral expression taking on a small frown as it fumbled its way over his fur and worked at clambering up his arm. Rather than immediately deter it, however, Lightpaw became aware of a set of eyes on him, ear swiveling before his head did. Green eyes searched and landed on Morningkit, blinking at her and then looking down at the beetle again. It had made some progress, and it was tickling him.

Before he had a chance to utter anything, the shrill voice of a second kit cut him off. For a moment the apprentice grimaced, but the sheer disgust on that little mottled face quickly morphed it into a small grin, and he had to choke back a snort. "What's wrong, you don't like bugs? I think he's pretty cool." It was getting too far up his arm for comfort.

With the beetle on the leg he had lifted from the ground, Lightpaw closed the gap between him and Morningkit in a hobble, holding it out for her to get a better look. "Bugs aren't scary. They're just dumb, see?" The tom stiffened, if only for a moment. Oh, that tickled. Too far up. "But hey, can you get it off? It's hard to reach at this point." He didn't really want to fling the poor thing. Plus, the other one seemed to want nothing to do with it, which was kind of funny.

[penned by its_oliverr - ]
As the responsible warrior she is, naturally she's going to swoop in when she sees potentially dastardly apprentices holding out potentially dubious things to her cousins. Eyes narrowed and prepared to rip into him (with her WARRIOR authority) for showing them something gross, he sees that she's showing Morningkit a dumb little beetle, oh. Not so bad. Does Morningkit like beetles? She doesn't seem like she would. Would that be stereotyping? Suspiciously, her gaze drags between her and Lightpaw. She would totally kick his ass the moment she says any discomfort on Morningkit's face.

And then, Wolfwind's face goes blank. Contemplative, stone-faced, a philosopher enveloping themselves in their mind palace as the inner mack-mag-machinations of her mind work like clockwork. Spinning, spinning, the gears are turning. Her voice cold, her expression serious as it's ever been, Wolfwind tells the apprentice. "Eat it."
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